
The quality and some minerals contents were followed in the green mass and hay from different localities on Divčibare. Samples were taken from three different altitudes, up to 250 m, from 250 m to 550 m and over 550 m above sea level. Twelve samples of early bloom plants were taken (four samples of green mass from the same altitude), and after mowing, samples of hay were also taken from the same meadow. The samples were prepared from ashes by use of atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS) macro- and microelements content was determined, while the phosphorus content was determined by application of standard methods. Average calcium content in the plants valued 5.85 g/kg, phosphorus 2.41 g/kg, magnesium 2.47 g/kg, sodium 0.93 g/kg and potassium 10.35 g/kg in dry substance. In the samples of hay, macro elements content was 6.65, 1.56, 1.54, 0.78 and 10.76 g/kg respectively. Average iron content in the samples of plants from Divčibare region amounted to 171.87 mg/kg, copper 5.12 mg/kg, zinc 21.67 mg/kg, manganese 63.97 mg/kg and selenium 17.17 μg/kg in dry substance. The average amount of iron 92.47 mg/kg, 4.75 mg/kg copper, 19.65 mg/kg zinc, 113.29 mg/kg manganese and 26.00 μg/kg selenium were found in the hay from the same localities.Vrsta i sadržaj nekih minerala praćen je u zelenoj masi i sijenu s različitih lokacija na Divčibarama. Uzorci su uzimani s različitih nadmorskih visina: do 250 m, od 250 do 550 m i iznad 550 m. Uzeti su uzorci dvanaest rano procvalih biljaka (po četiri uzorka zelene mase s jedne nadmorske visine), a nakon košnje uzorci sijena su uzeti s iste livade. Uzorci su pripremljeni iz pepela korištenjem metode atomske spektrofotometrijske absorpcije (ASA), dok je sadržaj fosfora utvrđen primjenom standardnih metoda. Prosječan sadržaj kalcija u zelenoj masi iznosio je 5.85 g/kg, fosfora 2.41 g/kg, magnezija 2.47 g/kg, natrija 0.93 g/kg i kalija 10.35 g/kg suhe tvari. Odnosni iznosi makro elemenata u uzorcima sijena iznosili su: 6.65, 1.56, 1.54, 0.78 i 10.76 g/kg. Prosječan sadržaj željeza u uzorcima zelene mase s područja Divčibara iznosio je: 171.87 mg/kg, bakra 5.12 mg/kg, cinka 21.67 mg/kg, mangana 63.97 mg/kg i selena 17.17 μg/kg suhe tvari. Prosječan sadržaj tih elemenata u uzorcima sijena s istog područja iznosio je za željezo 92.47 mg/kg, bakar 4.75 mg/kg, cink 19.65 mg/kg, mangan 113.29 mg/kg, te selen 26.00 μg /kg

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