12 research outputs found

    Risk Communication in Assisted Reproduction in Latvia: From Private Experience to Ethical Issues

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    The aim of this paper is to analyze the process of risk communication in the context of assisted reproduction in Latvia. The paper is based on a qualitative methodology and two types of data: media analysis and 30 semi-structured interviews (11 patients, 4 egg donors, 15 experts). The study explores a broad definition of risk communication and explores three types of risks: health, psychosocial, and moral. We ask (1), who is involved in risk communication, (2), how risks are discussed using different channels of communication, and (3), what ethical problems arise during this process. In the process of analysis, we identified four types of information channels and two strategies of risk communication used by patients, as well as several ethical problems. In our view, the analysis of risk communication practices is significant to improve patient/physician relationship, as well as better meet patients' needs for comprehensive risk information

    Becoming and being a biobank donor: The role of relationships and ethics

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    Relational aspects, such as involvement of donorā€™s relatives or friends in the decision-making on participation in a research biobank, providing relativesā€™ health data to researchers, or sharing research findings with relatives should be considered when reflecting on ethical aspects of research biobanks. The aim of this paper is to explore what the role of donorā€™s relatives and friends is in the process of becoming and being a biobank donor and which ethical issues arise in this context. We performed qualitative analysis of 40 qualitative semi-structured interviews with biobank donors and researchers. The results show that relatedness to relatives or other types of close relationships played a significant role in the donorsā€™ motivation to be involved in a biobank, risk-benefit assessment, and decisions on sharing information on research and its results. Interviewees mentioned ethical issues in the context of sharing relativesā€™ health-related data for research purposes and returning research findings that may affect their relatives. We conclude that the question of what information on family members may be shared with a biobank by research participants without informed consent of those relatives, and when family members become research subjects, lacks a clear answer and detailed guidelines, especially in the context of the introduction of the European Unionā€™s (EU) General Data Protection Regulation. Researchers in Latvia and EU face ethical questions and dilemmas about returning research results and incidental findings to donorsā€™ relatives, and donors need more information on sharing research results with relatives in the informed consent process

    The European Schools system: State of Play, Challenges and Perspectives

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    This study examines the progress that the European Schools System has made during the past decade and overviews its state of affairs as of 2022. The educational dimension of the study focuses on questions related to teaching and learning, while the operational one concentrates on the administrative and managerial sides of the system. The study pinpoints the key challenges that the system currently faces and provides tailored recommendations on how to overcome them

    Relating power and sexuality: case of teenage pregnancy

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    Darba nosaukums - Varas un seksualitātes mijiedarbe: nepilngadÄ«go grÅ«tnieču gadÄ«jums. Darbā analizēts, kādos veidos diskursÄ«vā vara saistÄ«ta ar seksualitātes politiku un skatÄ«ts, kā varas attiecÄ«bas sabiedrÄ«bā ietekmē politiku, kas orientēta uz pusaudzēm grÅ«tniecēm. PētÄ«juma metode ā€“ mediju rakstu, komentāru un normatÄ«vo aktu diskursÄ«va analÄ«ze. Secinājumi. Diskursu pusaudžu grÅ«tniecÄ«bu veido seÅ”i diskursÄ«vie ietvari, kas katrs pozicionē to no atŔķirÄ«ga skata punkta. Katra ietvara saturs veido atŔķirÄ«gus rezultātus, kas izpaužas sociālajā praksē. Caur ietvariem tiek institucionalizētas un padarÄ«tas par leÄ£itÄ«mām varas attiecÄ«bas starp sievietēm un vÄ«rieÅ”iem, pusaudžiem un pieauguÅ”ajiem, profesionāļiem un lajiem. Atslēgas vārdi: vara, seksualitāte, pusaudžu grÅ«tniecÄ«ba.The title of paper ā€“ Relating power and sexuality: case of teenage pregnancy. The paper analysis the ways in which discursive power of sexuality policy and examine how the power relations in society affect the policy that focused on teenage pregnancy. Methods used in research ā€“ the analysis of discourse in mass media papers, comments, laws and regulations. Conclusions. Discourse consists of six teenage pregnancy discursive frames, each from a different position to the point. Each frame content results differently in terms of social practice. Through a framework is institutionalized and made the legitimacy of power relations between women and men, adolescents and adults, professionals and lay members. Key Words: power, sexuality, teenage pregnancy

    Metaphorization of the Present in Self-Help Books

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    Tagadnes metaforizācija nav tikusi plaŔāk apskatÄ«ta akadēmiskā lÄ«menÄ«, tāpēc Å”is darbs ir mēģinājums uzsākt izpēti Å”ajā laukā. PētÄ«juma mērÄ·is ir noteikt avota domēnus, kas izmantoti tagadnes metaforizÄ“Å”anai izvēlētajās paÅ”mācÄ«bas grāmatās: Ekharta Tolles ā€žTagadnes spēksā€, Jon Kabat-Zinn ā€žLai arÄ« kur tu dotos, tu atrodies Å”eit: apzinātÄ«bas meditācija ikdienāā€ un Deila KārnegÄ« ā€žKā izbeigt raizÄ“Å”anos un sākt dzÄ«votā€. Izpētes teorētiskajā daļā tiek piedāvāts metaforu iedalÄ«juma apraksts, kā arÄ« tiek apskatÄ«tas konceptuālo domēnu lomas metaforu veidoÅ”anā. Darba empÄ«riskajā daļā tiek piedāvāts izvēlētajās grāmatās izmantoto metaforu iedalÄ«jums atbilstoÅ”i to avota domēniem un ar to lietojumu panāktā efekta analÄ«ze. PētÄ«jumā atklājies, ka metaforu lietojumu Å”ajos darbos ietekmē katra autora individuālais rakstÄ«bas stils, kultÅ«ras paradigmas, atbalstÄ«tās reliÄ£ijas un filozofiskie darbi, kā arÄ« loÄ£iskais tagadnes koncepta pamatojums.Since academic discussion on the metaphorization of the now in self-help books is largely missing, the present research is an attempt to fill in the niche. The goal of this research, thus, is to determine source domains used to metaphorize the now in the selected self-help books, viz. ā€˜The Power of Nowā€™ by Eckhart Tolle, ā€˜Wherever You Go, There You Are: Mindfulness Meditation in Everyday Lifeā€™ by Jon Kabat-Zinn and ā€˜How to Stop Worrying and Start Livingā€™ by Dale Carnegie. The theoretical considerations offer the discussion on the types of metaphors and the roles of conceptual domains in the formation of metaphors. The empirical part offers the division of metaphors used in the books according to their source domains and presents the effect achieved by the use of metaphors for describing the now. The research has revealed that the use of metaphors is influenced by the individual style, cultural paradigms, favoured religious and philosophical writings and rationale behind the concept of the now

    To Ignore, to Control, or to Normalize? Living with Chronic ā€œInvisible Illnessā€ within the Framework of Youth and Productivity

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    Sociālā antropoloÄ£ijaSocioloÄ£ija, politoloÄ£ija un antropoloÄ£ijaSocial AnthropologySociology, Politics and AnthropologyMaÄ£istra darbā ā€œIgnorēt, kontrolēt vai normalizēt? SadzÄ«voÅ”ana ar hronisku ā€˜neredzamuā€™ slimÄ«bu jaunÄ«bas un produktivitātes dzÄ«ves kārtÄ«bāā€ tiek analizētas jaunu cilvēku darbspējas vecumā pieredzes ar hroniskiem neveselÄ«bas stāvokļiem mÅ«sdienu sabiedrÄ«bā ar tai nozÄ«mÄ«gām jaunÄ«bai piemÄ«toŔām vērtÄ«bām un attieksmēm kā enerÄ£iskums, produktivitāte un dinamiska sociālā un personÄ«gā dzÄ«ve. PētÄ«juma ietvaros apkopoti dati no intervijām ar informantiem, kuriem diagnosticētas hroniskas slimÄ«bas, kā 1.tipa cukura diabēts, reimatoÄ«dais artrÄ«ts, psoriātiskais artrÄ«ts, HaÅ”imoto tireoidÄ«ts un Greivsa slimÄ«ba. Darbā analizēts, kā informanti pielāgojas paÅ”u un sabiedrÄ«bas uzliktajai produktivitātes latiņai, kas sagaida, ka, par spÄ«ti grÅ«tÄ«bām, viņi paÅ”reizējā vecumā spēs veikt konkrētus pienākumus, kā arÄ« uzstādÄ«t un sasniegt karjeras un personÄ«gās dzÄ«ves mērÄ·us. Å ajā ceļā viņiem ir jāsaskaras ne vien ar praktiskiem ŔķērŔļiem, ko var izraisÄ«t neveselÄ«bas simptomi, bet arÄ« ar slimÄ«bai kultÅ«rā dotām nozÄ«mēm ā€“ informācija par slimÄ«bu, ko informanti gÅ«st no mediÄ·iem, apkārtējiem cilvēkiem, medijiem, jāsalāgo ar viņu dzÄ«vēm un identitāti. Sagaidāmās Ä«paŔības un attieksmes, kas saistās ar slimÄ«bas kontroli, kā apdomÄ«ba un mērenÄ«ba, kontrastē ar stereotipisko jaunÄ«bas tēlu. EmpÄ«riskais pētÄ«jums veikts, izmantojot kvalitatÄ«vu datu ieguves metodi - daļēji strukturētas intervijas. Darba pamatā esoŔās intervijas veiktas klātienē un attālināti ar cilvēkiem vecumā no 26 lÄ«dz 38 gadiem, kuri dzÄ«vo dažādās Eiropas valstÄ«s ā€“ Latvijā, Itālijā, Dānijā un Lielbritānijā. Intervijās iegÅ«tā informācija par informantu pieredzēm analizēta, izmantojot ArtÅ«ra Kleinmana (Arthur Kleinman) četrus slimÄ«bas nozÄ«mju laukus: simptoms kā nozÄ«me, kultÅ«rā dotā nozÄ«me, dzÄ«votā pasaule kā nozÄ«me un izskaidrojums un emocijas kā nozÄ«me (Kleinman 1988). NozÄ«mes nav strikti nodalāmas informantu domās vai piedzÄ«votajā, bet kalpo kā pētnieka analÄ«tiskais rÄ«ks. Darba tēze, kas tiek pamatota darba gaitā, aplÅ«kojot slimÄ«bas pieredzi Å”ajos četros laukos, ir: jaunÄ«bas un produktivitātes dzÄ«ves kārtÄ«bā netiek akceptēta slimnieka loma, tādēļ hroniskas slimÄ«bas ā€œredzamÄ«baā€ tiek visu iespēju robežās pielāgota atbilstoÅ”i savām un citu gaidām.Masterā€™s thesis ā€˜To Ignore, to Control, or to Normalize? Living with Chronic ā€œInvisible Illnessā€ within the Framework of Youth and Productivityā€ offers an analysis of young peopleā€™s experiences with chronic health conditions at the age of active employment. The experiences are analysed on the background of todayā€™s societal framework with such values and attitudes imposed on young people as heightened activity, productivity and dynamic social and private life. The empirical data have been gathered from interviews with informants diagnosed with chronic conditions such as type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, Hashimoto thyroiditis and Graves' disease. The study reveals ways and approaches of how the informants adapt to their own expectations and the expectations of the society regarding performing specific duties and achieving career and personal goals despite their health conditions. To do this, they must face not only practical obstacles connected with their condition, but also cultural meanings given to their specific illness and the state of being chronically ill in general; they have to assess information provided by health care professionals, take into account opinions of their family and social circles as well as process information that can be found in different kinds of media. The expected characteristics and attitudes related to disease control, such as prudence and moderation, contrast with the stereotypical image of strong and dynamic youth. The empirical part of the research was conducted by using a qualitative method of semi-structured interviews. The interviews have been conducted on-site and remotely with people aged 26 to 38 who live in different European countries: Latvia, Italy, Denmark and the United Kingdom. The information from the interviews was analysed by using Arthur Kleinman's four illness meanings: symptom as meaning, cultural significance as meaning, life world as meaning and an explanation and emotion as meaning (Kleinman 1988). While the meanings are not strictly separated in real life, they serve as an analytical tool for the researcher. Thus, the thesis, which is based on the analysis of young peopleā€™s chronic illness experiences according to these four fields is as follows: The framework of youth and productivity does not accept the sick role; therefore, the ā€œvisibilityā€ of chronic conditions is by all means being adjusted to the expectations set by oneself and the others

    The functions of fine art in totalitarianism

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    Bakalaura darbā ir aplÅ«kotas tēlotājmākslas funkcijas totalitārismā. PētÄ«juma mērÄ·is ir saprast: kāda ir totalitārā valsts pārvaldes modeļa un tēlotājmākslas savstarpējā mijiedarbe un kādas ir tēlotājmākslas funkcijas totalitārismā. Galvenie jēdzieni: tēlotājmāksla, funkcijas un totalitārisms. Darbā izmantotās metodes: literatÅ«ras analÄ«ze, attēlu analÄ«ze un konsultācijas ar māksliniekiem. Galvenie secinājumi: svarÄ«gākās mākslas funkcijas totalitārismā bija komunikatÄ«vās. DekoratÄ«vā, iemūžināŔanas un dokumentējoŔā funkcija tēlotājmākslai totalitārismā nav tik nozÄ«mÄ«gas. Mākslas funkcijas tika realizētas caur konkrētiem tēliem: vadoni, jauno cilvēku, un ienaidnieku. Rezultātā totalitārais režīms mainÄ«ja mākslu un tās saturu. Jaunā māksla bija instruments, kura popularizēja sabiedrÄ«bā jaunās vērtÄ«bas un veicināja ticÄ«bu sistēmai.There are viewed the functions of fine arts in the bachelor paper. The aim of the research is to comprehend: what kind of interaction is between the model of administration of totalitarian government and fine arts, and what functions fine arts has in totalitarian regime. General notions are: fine arts, functions and totalitarian regime. Methods used in the research: the analysis of literature, the analysis of pictures and consultations with artists. The main conclusions: the major functions in totalitarian regime were communicative. Decorative, immortalizing and documentary functions of fine arts are not so significant in totalitarian regime. The functions of art were realized through specific images: a leader, a ā€œyoungā€ man and an enemy. As a result totalitarian regime changed art and its content. New art was a tool, which popularised new values in society

    Fertility in traditional and contemporary culture in Latvia.

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    Elektroniskā versija nesatur pielikumusPromocijas darba mērÄ·is: identificēt, raksturot un salÄ«dzināt auglÄ«bas kā zināŔanu objekta veidoÅ”anu tradicionālajā un mÅ«sdienu kultÅ«rā. Darba teorētisko ietvaru veido MiÅ”ela Fuko un Žana Fransuā Liotāra idejas. AuglÄ«ba skatÄ«ta kā diskursÄ«va un sastāv no dažādiem izteikumiem, kas pārsniedz vienas patiesÄ«bas robežas. Darba metodoloÄ£ija veidota, izmantojot M. Fuko ā€œzināŔanu arheoloÄ£ijasā€ pieeju, analizējot tradicionālo un mÅ«sdienu kultÅ«ru raksturojoÅ”os avotus. AuglÄ«bai pieŔķirtās sociālās nozÄ«mes to veido kā daudzveidÄ«gu un sarežģītu zināŔanu objektu, kas mainās dažādos kultÅ«rvēsturiskos kontekstos. Ja tradicionālā kultÅ«rā dominējoÅ”ie auglÄ«bas skaidrojumi saistÄ«ti ar mÄ«tiskajiem priekÅ”statiem un rituālu, tad mÅ«sdienās dominējoÅ”ais ir auglÄ«bas biomedicÄ«nas skaidrojums, kurÅ” auglÄ«bu ļauj lokalizēt cilvēka Ä·ermenÄ« un skaidrot kā individuālu. Atslēgvārdi: zināŔanu objekts, auglÄ«ba, auglÄ«bas pārvaldÄ«ba, tradicionālā un mÅ«sdienu kultÅ«ra.The aim of the thesis is to identify, characterize and compare the development of fertility as a knowledge object in traditional and contemporary culture. Theoretical framework is based on the combination of Michel Foucault and Jean-FranƧois Liotard's ideas. Fertility is perceived as discursive, and consists of different statements that go beyond the idea of the one truth. The methodological approach based on M. Foucault "knowledge archaeology". The meanings assigned to fertility, have formed it as a complex object of knowledge that varies in different cultural and historical contexts. In traditional culture dominant explanations of fertility are related to mythical notion and ritual, in the contemporary culture dominant explanation of the fertility is based on biomedicine, that allows fertility to be localized in the human body and explained as individual. Keywords: knowledge object, fertility, fertility management, tradition and contemporary culture

    Risk Communication in Assisted Reproduction in Latvia: From Private Experience to Ethical Issues

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    The aim of this paper is to analyze the process of risk communication in the context of assisted reproduction in Latvia. The paper is based on a qualitative methodology and two types of data: media analysis and 30 semi-structured interviews (11 patients, 4 egg donors, 15 experts). The study explores a broad definition of risk communication and explores three types of risks: health, psychosocial, and moral. We ask (1), who is involved in risk communication, (2), how risks are discussed using different channels of communication, and (3), what ethical problems arise during this process. In the process of analysis, we identified four types of information channels and two strategies of risk communication used by patients, as well as several ethical problems. In our view, the analysis of risk communication practices is significant to improve patient/physician relationship, as well as better meet patients' needs for comprehensive risk information

    Spectral Line Reflectance and Fluorescence Imaging Device for Skin Diagnostics

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    The multi-spectral-line imaging concept, which was recently implemented for the snapshot mapping of three main skin chromophores—melanin, oxy-hemoglobin, and deoxy-hemoglobin, is further explored for the snapshot capturing of four spectral line images at wavelengths of 450, 523, 638, and 850 nm, with the consecutive acquiring of a 405 nm excited fluorescence image. A corresponding laser-based prototype device was designed and assembled. Processing of the mentioned five images enables obtaining distribution maps of four skin chromophores within the malformation and comparing their mean fluorescence intensity with that of the surrounding healthy skin. This set of information is helpful for dermatologists, cosmetologists, oncologists, and other healthcare professionals to quantify the diagnosis of skin malformations (including cancers) and to follow up the recovery process after therapy. This paper describes the design of the developed proof-of-concept prototype device and initial test results