7 research outputs found

    A Comparative Study of Antioxidative Activity of Saliva in Children and Young Teenagers with and without Gingivitis

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    Objectives: The aim of this study was to compare the values of total antioxidant capacity (TAC), catalase (CAT) and glutathione peroxidase (GPX) in the saliva of children and young teenagers with and without gingivitis. Materials and Methods: A total of 120 children and young teenagers of the mean age of 12.2 participated in the research. Gingival condition was assessed using the Lƶe and Silness Gingival Index. The subjects were divided into groups of those without gingivitis and those with gingivitis. Samples of unstimulated saliva were collected, and TAC, CAT and GPX were determined spectrophotometrically. Results: By comparing the values of TAC, CAT and GPX in subjects with and without gingivitis, significantly lower values of TAC (p < 0.001) and CAT (p < 0.001) were observed in the group of subjects with gingivitis. The correlation analysis of these values showed a positive correlation in groups of subjects not suffering from gingival inflammation and those with gingival inflammation. Conclusions: The study showed significantly lower values of TAC and CAT in the saliva of subjects with gingivitis. This indicates their possible role as a potential biomarker in the early diagnosis and expression of periodontal disease in children and young teenagers


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    Early detection and analysis of the values of the parameters of oxidative stress, malondialdehyde (MDA) and reactive carbonyl groups (RCG) in saliva, as possible biochemical markers in the diagnosis and prognosis of periodontal disease, may be of particular importance in children. For this reason, the aim of this study was to examine the levels of lipoproteins in the saliva of children without gingivitis and with gingivitis, as well as the degree of gingival inflammation. The testing was conducted in 120 children aged 12.2 years, with permanent dentition. Gingival index by Lƶe-Silness was used for the gingival estimation. A modified method with thiobarbituric acid was used for the determination of MDA in unstimulated saliva. Colorimetric reaction with 2.4 dinitrophenylhydrazine (2.4 DNPH) was applied for the determination of RCG. Results of the analysis of the average values of prooxidizer in the saliva of the patients in a study and the control group showed as statistically significantly higher in the patients of the study group, in RCG concentration (UMW=667.5, z=-4.137, p<0.001) as well as in the level of MDA (UMW=452.5, z=-5.44, p<0.001). The results of the analysis of the MDA level showed an increase in average values with increasing degree of gingival inflammation with statistical significance between the groups confirmed by the KruskalWallis test (Ļ‡2 KW=32.45, p<0.001) but not by the Mann-Whitney test. Results of the analysis of concentration of carbonyl groups in patients with varying degrees of gingival inflammation showed an increase with statistically significant differences in the values of this parameter among all groups of patients (Ļ‡2 KW=45.23, p<0.001) and by the MannWhitney test the highest among the patients with healthy gingiva and patients with severe gingival inflammation (UMW=113.00, z=-4.98, p<0.001). The presence and increase in the parameters of oxidative stress of malondialdehyde and carbonyl groups in the saliva of children with gingivitis is in accordance with the existence and severity of periodontal disease. These biochemical parameters may be an important diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers of paradontium health state


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    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic, inflammatory autoimmune disorder of unknown etiology characterized by synovial hyperplasia and resulting joint destruction. Despite reduced needs for total joint arthroplasty in the treatment of end-stage damage of the hip and knee in RA, many patients still require hip and knee arthroplasty to restore the hip function and quality of life. We present the surgical treatment of young RA patient with bilateral total hip and bilateral knee arthroplasty at the Clinic of Orthopaedics and Traumatology Clinical Center NiÅ”. Male patient with seropositive RA was implanted with bilateral total hip and knee over a period of 4 years (2008 to 2011). At the time of the first left hip arthroplasty, the patient was 32 years old. Surgical treatment in all arthroplasty procedures passed without complications. At the control examination 3 years after the last surgery, the patient was walking without mobility aids. His walk was safe and stable. The postoperative scars on hips and knees were stable, with no signs of inflammation. The flexion of the knees was possible till 110 degrees, and the extension to the full capacity.The patient resumed his work and life activities, and now he works as a game warden. He normally performs everyday activities, including climbing to the watchtower. Total hip and knee arthroplasty in rheumathoid arthritis patients with advanced joint destruction is a successful solution

    Integrated Project 3: The Pros and Cons of Digital Technology for the Human Mind

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    Guidelines and research evidence on the links between childrenā€™s media use and language development were synthesised and distilled for a general audience in the form of a science communication video. Three areas for recommendations were identified: managing screen time, selection of content, and co-use of digital media. Our video is now available in British English, Italian, and German. Subtitles are available in Farsi, Norwegian, and Latvian (https://www.youtube.com/@e-LADDA)

    Early Language Development in the Digital Age (e-LADDA)

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    Modern digital technologies are transforming rapidly the environment in which children are growing up and developing skills. This new digital reality has both changed the nature of the linguistic input provided to young children, but also affords new ways of interaction with communication agents, such as tablets and robots. The goal of e-LADDA is to establish whether the new and intuitive interactions afforded by digital tools impact on young childrenā€™s language development and language outcomes in a positive or adverse way. We further aim to identify exactly what factors in both the technology itself and the communication channel advance language learning and growth or may impede it. This goal will be pursued in e-LADDA from a highly interdisciplinary and cross-sectorial perspective, bridging between research disciplines and methodologies and in collaboration with industry and the non-academic public sector