159 research outputs found
Genetics of glutathione peroxidase
Glutathione peroxidase is a selenoenzyme responsible for elimination of reactive oxygen species. Since its first identification in 1957 five isoforms have been typified.Several environmental factors, like feed composition, trace element status and vitamin intake, are known to affect the activity of this enzyme, but there are some publications suggesting significant role of genetics, as well. There are some preliminary population level studies on genetic regulation of the enzyme. More recently its molecular genetics was studied primarily. As a result several regulatory elements were identified both on transcriptional and on translational level, but still the full mechanism is not known. Principals of the correlation between glutathione peroxidase activity and production traits is also unclear. This paper is a review of the studies of the authors on this correlation in different livestock species
Az antioxidáns rendszert befolyásoló tényezők vizsgálata emlős állatfajokban = Studies on factors influencing the antioxidant system in mammalian animal species
Vizsgálataink során megállapĂtottuk, hogy tejelĹ‘ tehenekben a vĂ©dett kolin etetĂ©se javĂtotta a metabolikus állapotot, ugyanakkor a vĂ©r Ă©s a máj redox mutatĂłira nem volt hatása. Ugyancsak tejelĹ‘ tehenekben a hidrogĂ©nezett zsĂrral törtĂ©nĹ‘ takarmánykiegĂ©szĂtĂ©snek kedvezĹ‘bb metabolikus hatása volt, mint a Ca-szappannak, de egyik sem befolyásolta a vĂ©r es a máj redox mutatĂłit. Anyajuhokban a konjugált linolsavval törtĂ©nĹ‘ takarmány-kiegĂ©szĂtĂ©s kedvezĹ‘ metabolikus hatással rendelkezik, de nem befolyásolja a vĂ©r redox mutatĂłit. A normoglycaemiás Ă©s hypoglycaemiás vemhes anyajuhok vĂ©rĂ©nek redox mutatĂłi az ellĂ©s elĹ‘tt Ă©s után is hasonlĂłak, Ă©s a bárányozás sem hat ezekre a paramĂ©terekre. A hypoglycaemiás anyák bárányainak redox mutatĂłi hasonlĂłak a normoglycaemiás anyák utĂłdaihoz. EredmĂ©nyeink alapján az ĂşjszĂĽlött bárányok antioxidáns vĂ©delme jobb, mint az anyajuhokĂ©. A mieloperoxidáz (MPO) enzim aktivitása a vĂ©rplazmában egĂ©szsĂ©ges tehenekben Ă©s lovakban alig mĂ©rhetĹ‘, mĂg egĂ©szsĂ©ges sertĂ©sekben Ă©s kutyákban annak Ă©rtĂ©ke 30-90 U/L. Vesebeteg kutyában a vĂ©r stacioner szabadgyök mennyisĂ©ge szignifikánsan nagyobb, mint az egĂ©szsĂ©gesekben. A malondialdehid tartalom a hidroxi-nonenal koncentráciĂłval kiegĂ©szĂtve a lipidperoxidáciĂł fokozĂłdását jelzi. A protein?karboniláciĂł, a szuperoxid dizmutaz aktivitása Ă©s a plazma antioxidáns-kapacitása nagyobb a vesebeteg kutyák vĂ©rplazmájában. A vesebeteg kutyák vĂ©rmintáiban ennek alapján kimutathatĂł az oxidatĂv stressz jelenlĂ©te. | Protected choline in dairy cows improved the general metabolic status of the cows, but had no effect on the redox systems of the blood and liver. Supplementation of the ration with hydrogenated fat in dairy cows has a better effect on the metabolism than supplementation with Ca-soaps. Neither of the fat supplementations influence the redox variables of the cows` blood and liver. Supplementation of the daily ration of ewes with conjugated linoleic acid improves the overall metabolic capacity and has no effect on the blood redox parameters. Normoglycaemic and hypoglycaemic pregnant ewes have similar blood redox variables either before, at, or after lambing. Lambs of both normoglycaemic and hypoglycaemic ewes have similar blood redox compounds. The blood of newborn lambs has stronger antioxidant capacity than the blood of their mothers. Myeloperoxidase (MPO) activity of blood plasma in healthy cows and horses is very low whilst in pigs and dogs it is between 30-90 U/L. Free radical concentration of the blood in dogs with renal diseases is significantly higher than in healthy ones. High malondialdehyde and 4-hydroxinonenal concentration proves the presence of increased lipid peroxidation. Increased oxidative protein carbonylation, superoxide dismutase activity and total antioxidant capacity characterise the blood of dogs with renal insufficiency. These results are consequences of oxidative stress present in dogs with renal disease
Prooxidant mechanisms of selenium toxicity – a review
Selenium is an essential trace element in living organisms as integral part of seleno-enzymes. However, excess amount of selenium is toxic for so-called non-accumulator plants, animals and humans. The toxicity for plants depends on the capacity of synthesis of non-protein amino acids and also their volatilization in the form of dimethylselenide, while in animals on the rate of methylation and its excretion. In vitro studies showed that there are selenium-resistant animal and human cell lines which showed altered selenium uptake. Exact mechanism of selenium toxicity remains unclear but there are many data about its prooxidant effect particularly in the form of selenite, while selenomethionine and selenocysteine are less toxic. Inorganic forms of selenium reacts with tissue thiols, such as glutathione to form seleno-trisulphides and those are reacting with other thiols to generate oxygen free radicals, such as superoxide anion. Organic diselenides are converted into selenols in presence of thiols which also results oxygen free radical generation. Another free radical hypothesis of selenium toxicosis is based on the methyl-selenide formation, which also results superoxide radicals and induce oxidative stress. Besides free radical formation selenium can have inhibitory effects on thiol proteins, for instance those which have antioxidant affect
Alternative protein sources in the nutrition of farm animals
Protein requirement and its demand of farm animals became one of the critical problems in nutrition on a global scale. Protein requirement has been an explicit demand for a long period with soybean meal and animal protein, but recently there are some limitations in relation to their use and the availability of the high quality fishmeal decreases constantly. For this reason there is increased demand for finding new protein sources which could be the alternatives of soybean meal and fishmeal. Alternative protein sources can be divided into seven categories, according to their origin. In different countries, their use depends on the availability in large quantity and at reasonable price.
There is a long tradition of using legume seeds, as alternatives of soybean. Most of them contain some anti-nutritive compounds, but it can be reduced with systematic selection. Oilseed meals are also generally use in poultry and pig nutrition, but those crude protein content varied, depending on the oil extraction technology. Green fodder and leaf protein was also proposed as alternative protein sources, but their use is limited, in particular because of the market price. The amount of bioethanol and starch industry by-products increases gradually in recent years, therefore those became alternatives of soybean meal, or in much less extend, fishmeal. However, amino acid composition of such by-products are far from optimal for poultry and pig; therefore, in the case of their use amino acid supplementation is necessary. Several novel protein sources are proposed in the last decade, such as algae or insect proteins. Recently, their availability and use is limited, but in the near future those would be alternative protein sources in monogastric animal nutrition
Effect of rosemary and garlic oil supplementation on glutathione redox system of broiler chickens
The purpose of present study was to investigate the effect of rosemary and garlic oils on the lipid peroxidation and glutathione redox system in the blood and liver of broiler chicken. Day-old Hubbard broiler chickens (n=200) were fed with commercial broiler feed (control) and supplemented with garlic oil (0.25 g kg-1), rosemary oil (1.5 g kg-1) or their combination (0.25 g kg-1 garlic oil and 1.5 g kg-1 rosemary oil). At the end of the growing period (42 days of age) blood and liver samples of 10 animals were taken from each group to determine malondialdehyde and reduced glutathione content and glutathione peroxidase activity. There were no significant differences in the blood plasma or in red blood cell haemolysates among the groups, but garlic oil supplementation increased significantly reduced glutathione content and both essential oils the glutathione peroxidase activity in liver. However, combination of the two oils caused increase of malondialdehyde content of liver together with significantly higher glutathione peroxidase activity as compared to the control. Due to the beneficial effect on glutathione redox system both essential oils – used solely – can be used to reduce the effects of oxidative processes in physiological conditions
A tejelĹ‘ szarvasmarhák szaporodási teljesĂtmĂ©nyĂ©t befolyásolĂł nem szabályszerű lutein kĂ©pletek kialakulásának etiolĂłgiája Ă©s pathogenezise = Ethiology and pathogenesis of abnormal lutein phenomena what influence the reproductive performance in dairy cattle
TejelĹ‘ tehenekben vĂ©gzett rektális ultrahang-vizsgálatok során gyakran detektálhatĂłk vastag fallal rendelkezĹ‘ folyadĂ©k tartalmĂş (a vĂ©kony fallal rendelkezĹ‘ tĂĽszĹ‘kkel ellentĂ©tben) petefĂ©szek kĂ©pletek (VFPK), amelyek negatĂvan befolyásolják az állatok szaporaságát. A kĂ©pletek megjelenĂ©se, ill. reagálása a kezelĂ©sekre a szakirodalomi informáciĂłkkal nem mindig egyezett, kialakulásukra valamint kezelĂ©sĂĽkre vonatkozĂłan is kevĂ©s adat találhatĂł. CĂ©lul tűztĂĽk ki a VFPK-k elĹ‘fordulási gyakoriságának Ă©s fertilitásra gyakorolt hatásának felmĂ©rĂ©sĂ©t, valamint kialakulásuk hátterĂ©t, szövettani Ă©s endokrinolĂłgiai jellegzetessĂ©geik leĂrását, Ă©s a jelenleg használt nomenklatĂşra Ă©rtĂ©kelĂ©sĂ©t. EredmĂ©nyeink alapján a VFPK-k kĂ©t nagy csoportra oszthatĂłk: anovuláciĂłs Ă©s ovuláciĂłs kĂ©pletekre. Ezek differenciál diagnosztikai elkĂĽlönĂtĂ©sĂ©re ajánlásokat tettĂĽnk. Az anovuláciĂłs kĂ©pletek (anovuláciĂłs tĂĽszĹ‘, follikulus ciszta, luteinizált ciszta) jelentĹ‘s mennyisĂ©gű ösztradiolt termelnek, ami ivarzáshoz hasonlĂł tĂĽneteket okoz. Az ovuláciĂłs kĂ©pletek (ĂĽreges Ă©s cisztás sárgatest) közĂĽl az ĂĽreges sárgatestek kĂ©pesek a vemhessĂ©g fenntartására is, de esetĂĽkben nagyobb a magzatvesztĂ©s gyakorisága, mint ĂĽreg nĂ©lkĂĽli sárgatest esetĂ©n. A VFPK-k jelentĹ‘s rĂ©sze reagál a PGF2? kezelĂ©sre, ami a szövettani eredmĂ©nyekkel összhangban lutein-sejtek jelenlĂ©tĂ©t bizonyĂtja. Kialakulásuk hátterĂ©ben mĂ©h nyálkahártya gyulladásos elváltozása ill. a nem elĂ©gsĂ©ges energia-bevitel miatti zsĂr-mobilizáciĂł egyaránt állhatnak. | Fluid-filled ovarian phenomena with thick wall (FOPT) are frequently detected in dairy cows affecting negatively fertility. Appearance and reaction for treatment of these phenomena sometimes is different from literature data and just limited information are available for their development and treatment. Our aims were a) surveying frequency of FOPTs in dairy herds, b) studying their effect for fertility, c) description of histological and endocrine characteristics, d) comparative evaluation of the actual nomenclature with the outputs of current study. Based on our findings FOPTs are divided in two major groups: anovulatory and ovulatory structures. For differential diagnosis of these phenomena commendation had been prepared. Anovulatory phenomena (anovulatory follicle, follicular and luteal cysts) produce large amount of estradiol causing heat-like behavior. Ovulatory structures (CL with cavity and cystic CL) are able for maintaining pregnancy but late embryonic loss occurs more frequently in these animals than in cows with normal CL. Most of the FOPTs respond well for PGF2? treatment what verifies the presence of luteal cells discovered by the histological examinations. Inflammation of endometrial surface and body fat mobilization (due to the insufficient energy intake) are common reasons of FOPT’s development
Egyes környezeti terhelések (kadmium, króm, nikkel, ólom) hatásának vizsgálata baromfi embrió modellben különös tekintettel a lipidperoxidációra és a glutation redox rendszer működésére = Investigation of some environmental loading (cadmium, chromium, nickel, lead) in chicken embryo model system with special attention to the peroxidation and the glutathione redox system
A fĂ©mterhelĂ©seket az inkubáciĂł elĹ‘tt alkalmazott egyszeri fĂĽrösztĂ©ssel, illetve a lĂ©gkamrába törtĂ©nĹ‘ injek-tálásos technikával idĂ©ztĂĽk elĹ‘ kadmium, krĂłm Ă©s nikkel vĂzoldhatĂł sĂłinak szubletális dĂłzisaival. MegállapĂtottuk, hogy a fĂĽrösztĂ©ses mĂłdszerrel vĂ©gzett fĂ©mterhelĂ©s nem idĂ©zett elĹ‘ szignifikáns morfolĂłgiai elváltozásokat a csirke embriĂłban. A kezelĂ©sek hatására az MDA tartalom nĹ‘tt, a GSHPx aktivitás pedig csök-kent, ami oxidatĂv stressz folyamatokra utal. Az injektálással vĂ©gzett kezelĂ©sek hatására nem szignifikánsan nĹ‘tt az elhalt embriĂłk Ă©s a morfolĂłgiai elváltozások aránya. Nikkel hatására a GSH koncentráciĂł szignifikán-san kisebb, a GSHPx aktivitás pedig nagyobb volt a kontroll-hoz viszonyĂtva. A változások fokozott lipid per-oxidáciĂłra utalnak, amelyet az antioxidáns rendszer ha-tĂ©konyan kivĂ©dett. Kadmium hatására a MDA kon-centráciĂł Ă©s a GSHPx aktivitás szignifikánsan nĹ‘tt, amely fokozott lipidperoxidáciĂł mellett az antioxidáns vĂ©delmi rendszer fokozott aktivitására utal. A krĂłm hatására az MDA tartalom nĹ‘tt, a GSHPx aktivitás pedig csökkent, ami a glutation redox rendszer terhelĂ©sĂ©t jelzi. Az injektálásos mĂłdszerrel kezelt csirkĂ©kkel vĂ©g-zett nevelĂ©si kĂsĂ©rletben a krĂłm Ă©s a nikkel terhelt csoportokban a kis állatlĂ©tszám miatt csak elĹ‘zetes ered-mĂ©nyeket kaptunk, amelyek mĂ©g a kelĂ©st követĹ‘en is jelentĹ‘s oxidatĂv stresszre Ă©s a glutation rendszer ki-merĂĽlĂ©sĂ©re mutatnak. A kadmium terhelĂ©s a nevelĂ©si kĂsĂ©rlet során nem mutatott számottevĹ‘ változásokat. | Metal-load was carried out using single bathing or single injection into air cell before incubation with sub-le-thal doses of water-soluble salts of cadmium, chromium and nickel. It was found that metal-load with bath-ing method did not cause significant morphological changes in the chicken embryo. The treat-ments caused increase of MDA content and decrease of GSHPx activity as which suggest oxidative stress processes. As effect of the treatments with single injection ratio of the dead embryos and morphological abnormalities increased not significantly. Nickel caused decrease in the GSH content and increase in GSHPx activity, which suggests improvement in lipid peroxidation which was defence by the antioxidant system effectively. Cadmium caused significant increase in both MDA content and GSHPx activity which suggest improvement in lipid peroxidation and higher activity of the antioxidant defence. Chromium caused higher MDA content and lower GSHPx activity, which suggests the exhaustion of the glutathione redox system. In the rearing experi-ment with chicken hatched from the eggs treated with injection method in the case of chromium and nickel loading only preliminary results were obtained because of the low number of viable animals. The results suggests oxidative stress and exhaustion of the glutathione system even after hatching. Cadmium did not cause measurable effects during the rearing period
A zsĂrsavak allometrikus eloszlásának vizsgálata emlĹ‘s Ă©s madár fajok szöveti foszfolipidjeiben = Investigation of the possible allometric properties of fatty acyl chains in mammalian and avian tissue phospholipids
1. Hat madárfajban (150 g - 20 kg) teszteltĂĽk, hogy a teljes tĂĽdĹ‘, a tĂĽdĹ‘ parenchyma Ă©s a surfactant teljes foszfolipid (PL) frakciĂłinak zsĂrsavprofilja mutat-e allometrikus szabályosságokat. Mindhárom esetben a dokozahexaĂ©nsav (DHA) negatĂv allometrikus összefĂĽggĂ©sĂ©t Ărtuk le (B = -0.056, -0.17 Ă©s -0.1, rendre). A surfactant PL-ekben a palmitinsav negatĂv allometriát, mĂg a palmitoleinsav Ă©s az arachidonsav ellentĂ©tes összefĂĽggĂ©st mutatott. A tĂĽdĹ‘ben Ă©s parenchymában negatĂv testsĂşlyfĂĽggĂ©st igazoltunk a malondialdehid (MDA) koncentráciĂłjában, Ă©s pozitĂv MDA-DHA korreláciĂłt, utalva a DHA lipidperoxidáciĂłban betöltött szerepĂ©re a madártĂĽdĹ‘ben. 2. Kilenc emlĹ‘sfajban (20 g - 500 kg) elemeztĂĽk a tĂĽdĹ‘ PL, az alveoláris surfactant foszfatidilkolin (PC) Ă©s szfingomielin (SM) frakciĂłiban a testsĂşly- Ă©s nyugalmi lĂ©gzĂ©sszámfĂĽggĹ‘ szabályosságokat. A PL, PC Ă©s SM frakciĂłkban az olajsav arány negatĂvan korrelált a lĂ©gzĂ©sszámmal. A PL-ekben a palmitinsav, a PC-ban a mirisztinsav mutatott pozitĂv korreláciĂłt. A PL-ekben a mirisztin-, a palmitin-, a palmitolein- Ă©s a dokozahexaĂ©nsav mutott negatĂv allometriát, az olajsav pozitĂv testsĂşlyfĂĽggĂ©st. A surfactant PC frakciĂłjában a palmitinsav negatĂv, az oljsavnál pozitĂv allometriát mutatott. Az SM frakciĂł zsĂrsavprofilja Ă©s a lipidperoxidáciĂł mĂ©rtĂ©ke fĂĽggetlen volt a testsĂşlytĂłl. A PL-ekben igazolt variabilitás a „membránok mint metabolikus ĂĽtemadĂłk” elmĂ©lettel egyezik; a surfactant PC frakciĂł összetĂ©tele a lĂ©gzĂ©számmal fĂĽggött össze. | 1. From 150 g to 20 kg body mass (BM) total lung, lung parenchyma and surfactant phospholipids were tested for allometric properties in 6 gallinaceous species. In all three components docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) showed negative allometric scaling (B = -0.056, -0.17 and -0.1, resp.). Surfactant PLs provided negative allometry for palmitic acid and the opposite was found for palmitoleate and arachidonate. Negative allometry was found for malondialdehyde (MDA) concentration in the native and lavaged lungs, and in these positive MDA-DHA correlation was found, denoting the role of DHA in shaping the allometric properties of in vivo lipid peroxidation. 2. In 9 mammalian species (21.5 g – 503 kg) lung PLs, alveolar surfactant phosphatidylcholine (PC) and sphingomyelin (SM) fatty acyl (FA) chain composition was tested for BM and resting respiratory rate (RRR) associated adaptations. In PL, PC and SM oleic acid provided negative correlations with RRR. Palmitic acid was positively correlated with RRR in PLs, and myristic (C14:0) acid correlated positively with RRR in PCs. In PLs negative allometry was found for myristic, palmitic, palmitoleic acids and DHA, while oleic acid increased allometrically. In surfactant PC FAs palmitic acid provided negative, while oleic acid positive allometry. Surfactant SM and the in vivo lipid peroxidation was species independent. The PL composition varied according to the“membrane pacemakers theory”, while surfactant PC composition was related to RRR
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