21 research outputs found


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    Steel industry kept pace with actual trends for environmental protection in many ways – through different technological improvements considering environment protection, important share of recycling in the steel production, design of so called “eco-steels”, materials designed according to recent environmental directives and legislatives, etc. In the frame of steel production monitoring, LCA methodology is very important for obtaining an accurate environmental picture of a process, due to the fact that the process should be evaluated over its entire life cycle. A number of tools and methodologies have been developed in recent years to assess the potential environmental impacts associated with a product, process or activity during its entire life cycle. The examples of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) are used by large steel industrial companies as potentially helpful tool for improving the production processes, efficiency of resource utilization and significantly reduction of waste generation and emissions are presented in this paper

    Aplikacija hloramfenikola putem hrane

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    Model savremenog sistema finansiranja na primeru islamskog bankarstva

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    Effects of different mechanical treatments on structural changes of lignocellulosic waste biomass and subsequent Cu(II) removal kinetics

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    In this paper, the character of structural changes induced by different mechanical treatments to Prunus persica stones (PSs), and its subsequent effect on biosorption kinetics of Cu(II) were investigated. PSs were processed in vibratory disk mill (PS-V) and ultra-centrifugal mill (PS-C) and characterized by XRD, BET, SEM and FTIR spectroscopy. It was shown that PS-V was smaller and more reactive with less crystallinity index and hydrogen bond intensity compared to PS-C. In opposite, surface area of the PS-C was bigger than that of the PS-V. The total pore volume was about threefold, while the volume of micro pores was 9.29 times higher in PS-Cs than in PS-Vs. The kinetics of Cu(II) biosorption by both PSs was tested through various kinetic models: pseudo-first and pseudo-second order rate equations, Elovich equation, Boyd model, Weber–Morris and Urano–Tachikawa intraparticle diffusion model. For both sample types, Cu(II) biosorption occurred through combination of intraparticle and film diffusion mechanism, while kinetic results were best described by the pseudo-second order kinetic model. At the same time, the results indicated that together with kinetic rate the biosorption capacity of PS-C (21.20 mg g−1) was higher than that of PS-V (16.30 mg g−1). Mechanical activation like crushing and grinding will change material particle size, specific surface area and porosity, as well as its crystallinity. However, this paper elucidates that such physical structural changes will impact on heavy metal ions removal efficiency. This investigation suggests that the type of size reduction in lignocellulosic biosorbent preparation plays a very important role in overall biosorption performance, so it should be carefully considered every time when the mechanical treatment of material is necessary to be applied

    CAD of the special car lifting device

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    One way of solving the improperly parked cars problem is their towing by means of a special vehicle. Hanging the car and putting it onto that vehicle is realized by a special lifting device. This paper presents some design details of the 5 t lifting capacity device

    Редизајн обртне платформе роторног багера SRs 1200

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    Роторни багер SRs 1200x24/4x4+VR (G ‐ 3) био је ангажован на ископу јаловине на „Пољу Д“ РБ Колубара. Дана 06.11. 2012. године дошло је до тешке хаварије машине изазване обрушавањем чела етаже.Суштина техничког решења јесте да се редизајном структуре која је претрпела тешко хаваријско оштећење обезбеди повољнија дистрибуција оптерећења, елиминишу геометријски концентратори напона и оствари повољнија дистрибуција крутости унутар структуре. Осим тога, оштра ограничења током развоја редизајниране структуре представљали су захтеви да се реконструкција обави у теренским условима, без демонтаже подсистема носеће конструкције. Тиме је време извођења реконструкције драстично скраћено и вишеструко су смањени губици изазвани застојем машине, односно, целокупног БТО система

    The impact of security elements at work on the realization of project goals

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    Occupational health and safety can be defined as a multidisciplinary field that addresses health, safety, and general well-being of all people who have a certain interaction with the activities carried out by the observed organization. It can be not only operational workers in business operations, how at first glance a layman can be thought of, but also other employees, users, business partners and other individuals and groups. The aim of this paper is to familiarize with work safety on projects, with an emphasis on: the working environment; workplace and workplace risks; conditions for the execution of the project goal; risk assessments; safety and health measures at work

    Parasitoid complex of Stereonychus fraxini (De Geer) (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) in Serbia

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    The parasitoid complex of the ash weevil Stereonychus fraxini (De Geer) (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) from 20 localities in Serbia was studied. Forty-one samples of ash weevil larvae and cocoons were analyzed, and the presence of parasitoids was confirmed in 24 samples. Ten species of hymenopteran parasitoids (Hymenoptera Parasitica) were recorded. The two common eulophid wasps, Entedon zanara Walker and Entedon cionobius Thompson, were the most abundant. Parasitoids had an insignificant influence on the level of ash weevil population, because the level of infestation did not exceed 20% in 83% of the samples; however infestation above 40% was determined in 12.2% of the samples, indicating that in some cases parasitoids may significantly reduce the ash weevil population. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III 43002

    Cleaner production aspects of tablet coating process in pharmaceutical industry: problem of VOCs emission

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    The aim of the article is to present a case study related to implementation of cleaner production (CP) process with the concept of minimizing emissions versus the end of pipe (EOP) approach within pharmaceutical industry. The idea is to move beyond simple pollution control by technology improvement and prevention of organic solvents emission into the atmosphere. Furthermore, cost-effectiveness of the suggested approach is evaluated compared to traditional concepts of polluted air treatment, ensuring both environmentally friendly and effective production of film coated tablets. Technological changes to improve the impact on the environment have been applied already in many industries as well as in pharmaceutical manufacturing. However, more effort is to be made in order to further decrease particularly VOCs emission into the atmosphere. An analysis is provided to stimulate a proactive approach in this field towards completely eliminating the use of organic solvents from film-coating systems in the production of the pharmaceutical solid dosage forms. The new way of addressing the costs actually associated with embracing cleaner technologies, which are mostly related to regulatory aspects in pharmaceutical industry, is aimed to promote the change in culture, as well as to be applied in the decision making process for other pharmaceutical facilities still using organic solvents based coatings in the manufacturing of tablets. The significance of the small scale projects is additionally emphasized considering the magnitude of the world generic market