24 research outputs found


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    In the complex of measures regarding the establishment, maintenance and use of temporary (sown) meadows, fertilization is a first factor in achieving large, constant and long-lasting productions.  Each form of fertilizer in our experience was researched in increasing doses: NO, N60, N120, N180 with fractional application for each crop. Harvesting was carried out in hay and the production was expressed in tons of dry matter per hectare.  Considering the production obtained with ammonium nitrate as a reference level, it is found that among the other forms of nitrogen fertilizer, nitrocalcare proved to be the most effective, with increases of 4-6%, urea behaved similarly to ammonium nitrate and ammonium sulfate,  determined the smallest increases (3- 3.5%) of production

    Study regarding root resorptions prevalence and ethiological local factors

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    Summary Our study aims to determine apical root resorptions prevalence accordingly to factors like age, dental group, periapical lesion, and correctness of endodontic treatment. nostru urmăreşte să determine prevalenţa resorbţiilor radiculare. The degree of resorption (incipient, medium, severe) was correlated with ethiological local factors. The study focused on digitalized and processed panoramic radiographs that allowed detection of both incipient and severe root resorptions. The high percent of resorptions present to untreated necrotic teeth and to teeth with improper endodontic treatment demonstrate the importance of the endodontic treatments to prevent initiation of the resorptive processes.Scopul studiului nostru este de a determina prevalenţa rezorbiţiilor apicale radiculare luînd în considerare asemenea factori ca vîrsta, grupa dentară, leziuni periapicale, corectitudinea tratamentului endodontic. Gradele de rezorbţie (incipient, mediu, sever) sunt corelate cu factorii etiologici locali. Studiul se bazează pe radiografiile panoramice digitale care permit depistarea resorbţiei radiculare atît gradul incipient cît şi sever. Un procent destul de înalt al rezorbţieie este prezent la dinţii netrataţi necrotic şi la dinţii supuşi unui tratament endodontic necorespunzător ceia ce demonstrază importanţa tratamentului endodontic în prevenţia iniţierii procesului de rezobţie radiculară

    Student Perception of Online Education Supported in the Covid-19 Period

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    The coronavirus pandemic has brought many changes, requiring the identification of new ways of working, interaction and lifestyle. This created a context conducive to questions about the social order, the need for investment and the areas where such investment is needed in the future. Strengths and weaknesses were visible, both in a global context and in a European context; new challenges have arisen that society as a whole has to face. Digital technologies are a key component in collective efforts to address the virus and support new ways of living and doing business in this exceptional time. The European Commission has taken various measures to address the various aspects of the pandemic, and digital technologies play a vital role in this. Ensuring infrastructure, connectivity and rules of use are an important goal to enable the European (but also global) population to remain active and safe. Through this paper, we aimed to measure students' perception of online courses, the technology used to conduct online courses and the quality of teaching by teachers. The study involved, between October 1-15, 2020, a number of 120 students of the Faculty of Law and Administrative Sciences ("Ovidius" University of Constanta


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    The present study aimed at assesssing – by clinical, histological and radiological investigations – the influence of some external factors on the pulp-dentin complex, and at providing a causal interpretation of the structural changes observed. Materials and methods. Clinical and radiological exams were performed on 65 old patients with ages between 60-75, and also on 40 young patients with ages between 20-35, presenting different dental-periodontal pathologies. The pulp-dentin complex was submitted to a morphopathological examination, to highlight the structural changes observed at microscopic level. Fragments of dental pulp were imersed in a 4% formaldehyde solution with phosphate buffer 0.1 M., pH 7.2, for 12 -14 hours, at a temperature of 4ºC, and 3-5 µm thick slices were prepared. The slices were coloured with hematoxylin-eosine (HE), by the trichromic technique – Masson. Photographies were taken with a Zeiss microscope, with Kodak 200 ASA. Results. Significant differences were observed, between the two groups of patients, as to the external factors that produce structural changes on pulp-dentin organ. In the group of young patients dental caries and coronal fillings prevailed, while the group of old patients was mostly associated with atrition and chronic marginal periodontitis. Out of the 40 young patients, 30 presented chronic dental caries (75%), while, among the 65 old patients, only 24 presented dental caries (36.9%). The percentages of coronary fillings between the two study groups were close, which could be considered as one of the causes producing changes in the pulp-dentin organ, following aggresive preparation of cavities, the action of materials used for the protection of pulp-dentin complex or of the materials used for coronry fillings. Conclusions. Dental pulp has a remarkable ability to counteract the action of harmful factors, producing a mineral barrier and stimulating the reparatory processes. Changes in the endodontic space can be produced in both experimental groups, but more intensely and more frequently in the old patients. The endodontic space is modified, both physiologically and pathologically, including deposition of secondary or tertiary dentin (reactionary or reparative dentin), as well as pulp reactions, such as: inflammation, fibrosis, calcium degeneration or vacuolisis. At cell level, microsocopic images showed a decrease of the odontoblasts number and sizes, as well as a reduced fibroblasts/fibrocytes ratios. These changes are associated with progressive vascular and nervous changes, that can be considered both theis cause and effect. These pathological transformations are related with a more difficult preparation of the endodontic space and can be considered as having a major role in the failure of endodontic therapy

    Cultural Differences in the Response Conduct to Personality Inventories

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    Response styles in psychological assessment and research have been identified as an important threat to the validity of the research and to the level of confidence that a research may have. This can represent a problem namely in an intercultural research, due to the fact that individuals from different cultures may use different response scales in different ways. A sample of 90 participants, 45 Romanian and 45 Korean, aged between 28 and 55 years of age, have been assessed with The Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ) and with California Personality Inventory (CPI). The main objective was to identify significant cultural differences regarding the response conduits of the participants. Based on this objective we emitted the following hypotheses: (1) we presume there are significant differences in social desirability regarding self-control between Romanian and Korean subjects; (2) we presume there are significant differences in the Lie Scale regarding responsibility and the level of study of the participants; (3) we presume there are significant differences between self-image management between Romanian and Korean subjects; (4) we presume there are significant differences between social conformism between Romanian and Korean subjects. All hypotheses were confirmed. Results are discussed based on the importance of the cultural factor in human behaviour

    The Combination of Diode Laser and Ozonated Water in the Treatment of Complicated Pulp Gangrene

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    The study aimed to investigate the effects of endodontic space decontamination using a laser combined with ozonated water in the therapy of complicated pulp gangrene. The subject of this in vivo study was a 12-year-old patient diagnosed with extensive periapical periodontitis on the mandibular right first molar. Biological samples were initially collected to identify the active pathogen—Enterococcus faecalis, then the nonsurgical endodontic treatment was performed in a single visit, according to the active disinfection guidelines of the identified pathogen. Two-month postoperative, clinical and radiological examination revealed a complete healing of the periapical lesion. The correct diagnosis of this endodontic–periodontal pathology, and the unconventional treatment of the complex system of infected root canals, allowed a favorable treatment result without any surgical intervention. This unconventional approach, which combines a laser technique with ozonated water, allows for predictable results in periapical lesion treatment


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    The aim of this paper is to compare the detection rate of chronic periapical lesions using radiographic exam and CBCT. Materials and methodsThe study group included 12 patients with 30 teeth with root canal fillings (aged at least 24 months). An assessment of the periapical status was performed using radiographic exam (ortopantomograph) and CBCT. The recorded data were compared to determine periapical lesions detection accuracy related to dental group, the type and extension of periapical lesions. ResultsThe detection rate of incipient periapical lesions for teeth with old root canal fillings is higher for CBCT (17%) compared with radiographic exam (10%). In the case of the extended periapical lesions, the detection rate is similar for radiography and CBCT (44%). ConclusionCBCT can be recommended in clinical situations of teeth treated endodonticallyor pulp necrotic untreated teeth associated with mild periapical symptoms and the failure of radiographic exam to detect the presence of periapical lesion


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    The aim of this study was to evaluate in vitro the adhesion and the type of bond failure when compomer or glass-ionomer cement was bonded with resin composite to total etches system. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) was used for tested the compomer Dyract eXtra (D) and glass-ionomer cement Ketac Molar Easymix (KM) as basic restoration under two types of composite resins mycrohibride with total etch adhesive. A total number of 30 human molars were prepared with standardised cavities and were randomly divided in 3 groups. In the control group (F/Z), the cavities were filled only with composite resins (Filtek Z250-3M ESPE or Zmack Comp-Zermack). In group test 1 (G1 F-D/ G1 F-KM) the cavities were filled with Filtek Z250 in combination with Dyract, respectively Ketac Molar Easymix (as basic restoration). In group test 2 (G2 Z-D/G2 Z-KM) the cavities were filled with Zmack Comp in combination with Dyract, respectively Ketac Molar. The teeth were kept in distilled water at 37 ° C for 24 hours. The samples were longitudinally sectioned through the restoration and exposed to electron microscopy to see the adhesion of these materials to the dental tissues but also between them. The results indicated the bond strength of the composite resin to the conventional glassionomer cement was lower than that to the resin-modified glassionomer cement


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    The aim was to assess the CBCT-PAI index performance in the chronic periapical lesions diagnosis and evolution monitoring before and 3 months post-treatment. Material and methods. The study was performed on a group of 10 teeth diagnosed with chronic periapical lesions. CBCT were recorded before and after 3 months of endodontic treatment. Ez3D 2009 Plus software allowed the accurate measurement of bone lesions before and 3 months after treatment. The changes of CBCTPAI index after endodontic treatment were assessed by recording mean values, minimum and maximal values. Results. CBCT-PAI mean value lowest decrease was recorded for the coronal-apical slice (18.62%), while CBCT-PAI highest decrease was recorded for buccal-lingual slice (28.44%). Regarding maximum and minimal values, CBCT-PAI lowest decrease was recorded for the coronalapical slice (2.71%), while CBCT-PAI highest decrease was recorded for the buccal-lingual slice (39.70%). Conclusions. CBCT-PAI index can be used as a reliable and accurate tool in the diagnosis and the assessment of periapical lesions post-treatment evolution