75 research outputs found

    The Role of Labor Markets in Structural Change.

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    Why did services become the dominant sector in industrialized economies? While abundant literature exists on the transition from agriculture to industry (i.e., the industrial revolution), there is no consensual explanation for the second wave of structural change. I argue that sectoral differences in regulation affecting the degree of competition in labor and goods markets explain: (a) the rise in the services sector share of output and employment, (b) international differences in cross-sector structure, and (c) changes in relative wages among sectors. Using evidence on market imperfections, I calibrate a two-sector model where household unions bargain with firms for wages. The least competitive sector pays higher wages, and employment is restricted accordingly. The model produces time series consistent with the “service revolution” as experienced in the Unites States and European economies between 1950 and 2000. In particular, while generating changes in shares of output and employment, the model offers an explanation for relative wage differences, which the standard literature fails to capture.

    Interindustry Wage Differences: An Empirical Review

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    Under competitive labor markets, workers should be paid according to their productivity, regardless ofother personal characteristics. This, however, is not the case and has been widely reported in the literature. This paper reviews empirical evidence and methods of estimation for sectoral wage differentials. Moreover, it showsestimates of such differentials for the United States using CPS data from 1968 to 2008. The presence of industry wage differentials is certain, although under certain econometric techniques, its magnitude is reduced in favor of unobserved worker and firm characteristics.

    Self – Employment, Labor Market Rigidities and Unemployment Over the Business Cycle

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    In a general equilibrium context, we analyze the impact of changes in institutional labor market conditions, such as access to financing and efficiency, on the composition of employment and unemployment, considering the nature of formal labor contracts and the entrepreneurial capacity of the labor force. We extend the Mortensen - Pissarides model to allow for two types of formal job contracts: temporary and permanent; and we also allow for self-employment. We show that labor market efficiency as well as access to selfemployment financing played a key role in the evolution of employment in Chile during the last 15 years. Additionally, and not surprisingly, tougher access to financing adversely affects self-employment

    Indicadores Sintéticos para la Proyección de Imacec en Chile

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    This paper studies the informational content of synthetic indicators of economic activity for projecting the monthly index of economic activity (Imacec) for Chile. Comparing them to the Urrutia-Sánchez (2008) model, which employs energy production, and calendar and seasonal components to forecast the Imacec, models employing synthetic leading indicators and financial conditions indicators are competitive in terms of the MSFE. Moreover, we show that combinations of different forecasting strategies with small bias present improvements in terms of the MSFE with respect to individual models. We also show that, due to their inertial behavior, projections with synthetic indicators display errors that last for many periods after an exogenous event (such as an earthquake). Specifications with variables that quickly adjust to economic activity, such as energy consumption, do not have this problem.

    FDI vs. Exports: Accounting for Differences in Export-Sales Intensities

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    Industry level data shows striking differences among sectors in ratios of exports to FDI sales. We determine what is needed to endogenously generate this pattern of export and FDI sales. By calibrating a model of monopolistic competitive firms, we find that tradability of goods is not enough to capture the observed sectoral differences, as is commonly assumed. We explore variants of the model and show that sector-specific taxes on multinationals and home bias allow us to replicate these differences.

    Combinación de Proyecciones para el Precio del Petróleo: Aplicación y Evaluación de Metodologías

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    This paper conducts an exhaustive out-of-sample forecasting evaluation exercise for the monthly price of crude oil between 1992 and 2011. The idea is to identify the forecasting strategy that results in the “best” forecasts in terms of mean forecasting error. To this end, a wide variety of econometric models as well as future prices are tested for different forecasting horizons in an individual manner, as well as combined. We find that for short horizons (1 and 3 months), an ARIMA specification results in smaller forecasting errors, but for longer horizons (6-24 months), future prices outperform other models. All models are found to underestimate the true price of oil, on average. The combination of these individual models only yields smaller forecasting errors when compared to the “best” individual strategy in a restricted sample ending in 2005. Nevertheless, when we tabulate the number of times one strategy yields the largest forecasting error compared to other alternatives, combinations of forecasts never yields the highest absolute error except one month ahead. These results are robust to the sample selection.

    Análisis financiero de una compañía de servicios de asesoría administrativa y contable

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    Trabajo de Síntesis AplicadaSe realiza el diagnostico financiero de la empresa “Compañía de Servicios de auditoria” en el periodo 2014 a 2018, identificando las principales variables que afectan los indicadores de la compañía y proponiendo recomendaciones que permitan desarrollar una adecuada gestión financiera en un horizonte de 5 años del 2019 al 2023. Entre las herramientas financieras utilizadas se encuentra el análisis horizontal, vertical, indicadores de rentabilidad y liquidez.INTRODUCCIÓN - PLANTEAMIENTO DEL PROBLEMA - OBJETIVOS - ESTADO DEL ARTE - METODOLOGÍA - DIAGNÓSTICO - RECOMENDACIONES - REFERENCIAS - ANEXOSEspecializaciónEspecialista en Análisis y Administración Financier

    Neuromodulation in anejaculation, case report and literature review

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    Introducción y objetivos: La neuromodulación de raíces sacras (NMS) es un procedimiento empleado para el manejo de trastornos del funcionamiento urinario, intestinal y sexual. Hablando de trastornos sexuales, hay algunos datos que sugieren benefi cios en disfunción eréctil y muy poca evidencia en trastornos de la eyaculación. El reporte de este caso tiene como objetivo revisar la teoría acerca del funcionamiento y las indicaciones de la NMS con el fi n de plantear una hipótesis acerca del mecanismo por el cual respondió este paciente, y sugerir la NMS como una alternativa en el manejo de la aneyaculación refractaria al tratamiento farmacológico. Materiales y métodos: Recolección de la historia clínica desde el ingreso en el Hospital Universitario San Ignacio. Se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfi ca en Medline y Ovid, sin límites de idioma ni diseño, en los últimos 10 años. Los términos MESH usados fueron: “sacral plexus”, “sacral region”, “ejaculation”, “neurobiology”, “spinal cord stimulation”, “transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation”; también se utilizó un término no MESH: “neuromodulation”. Resultados: Se trata del primer reporte de un caso de aneyaculación secundaria a manipulación del área pélvica durante la resección de neurogangliomas en un paciente joven con vida sexual previa normal, tratado exitosamente con NMS. La NMS es un procedimiento cuyo mecanismo de acción se desconoce; es posible que la estimulación eléctrica de las aferencias permita la modulación de los refl ejos medulares restaurando el equilibrio entre la inhibición y la activación a nivel central. Ha sido usado en el manejo de alteraciones urinarias, intestinales, sexuales y nerviosas. Basada en esta respuesta positiva, nuestra hipótesis consiste en que el procedimiento quirúrgico alteró la transmisión de señales eferentes de los nervios pélvicos. Con la terapia neuromoduladora en las raíces sacras, se logró la regulación de los refl ejos medulares al facilitar la transmisión de señales eyaculatorias mediadas por serotonina y noradrenalina trasportadas por los nervios pélvicos y pudendos. Conclusiones: La NMS se presenta como una alternativa en el manejo de la aneyaculación a pesar de que falta evidencia que soporte la estandarización del procedimiento.Q4Reporte de caso51-57Paciente masculinoIntroduction and objectives: Sacral root neuromodulation (SRN) is a procedure used to treat urinary function, as well as bowel and sexual disorders. In sexual disorders, there is some data suggesting benefi ts in erectile dysfunction, with very little evidence on ejaculation disorders. The objective of this report is to review the theory of SRN operation and its indications in order to propose a hypothesis on the mechanism and why our patient improved his ejaculation disorder after the SRN procedure. We suggest the SRN as an alternative treatment in the management of refractory anejaculation. Methods and materials: Review of patient’s medical chart. A literature search was performed using MEDLINE and OVID. The search was limited to papers published in the last 10 years. MESH terms used were “sacral plexus”, “sacral region”, “ejaculation”, “neurobiology”, “spinal cord stimulation”, “transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation”, and also a non-MESH term “neuromodulation”. Results: We present the fi rst report of anejaculation, secondary to pelvic surgical dissection in a young patient with a previously normal sexual life. Ejaculation improved signifi cantly after the SRN procedure. The mechanism of action of SRN is not entirely known. It is possible that afferent electrical stimulation allows the modulation of spinal refl exes by restoring the balance between inhibition and activation at a central level. It has been used in the management of urinary, bowel, sexual, and nervous disorders. Based on this positive response, our hypothesis is that the surgical procedure altered the transmission of efferent signals of the pelvic nerves. The SRN procedure could improve the regulation of spinal refl exes and transmission of ejaculatory signals mediated by serotonin and noradrenaline transported by pelvic and pudenda nerves. Conclusions: The SRN is presented as an alternative in the management of anejaculation despite the lack of evidence to support the standardization of the procedure

    Asamblea, democracia, medios de comunicación. Los medios de comunicación frente a la Asamblea Constituyente: ¿Pueden contribuir a la construcción de un Ecuador más democrático?

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    Atreverse a poner en la agenda pública temas trascendentales, como el papel que juegan los medios de comunicación frente a la Asamblea Nacional Constituyente, en un contexto político matizado por la confrontación entre el Gobierno Nacional y la prensa, significa la expresión del compromiso que tienen los/ as profesionales de la comunicación y el periodismo con nuestra sociedad y el país. Sin embargo, no es suficiente que la temática planteada sea parte de la agenda pública si no existe un trabajo que incida en ella, a través de la identificación y contextualización de los problemas, conflictos y prácticas que se generan a partir del ejercicio profesional y de la relación de los medios con el poder y la ciudadanía. Bajo este principio se diseñó una alianza institucional, en la cual se sumaron esfuerzos y recursos entre el Centro para el Desarrollo y la Investigación de Ios Movimientos Sociales del Ecuador (CEDIME) y el Colegio de Periodistas de Pichincha, con miras a la realización del Seminario “Los medios de comunicación frente a la Asamblea Nacional Constituyente: ¿Pueden contribuir a la construcción de un Ecuador más democrático?”, evento que contó con el auspicio de la Fundación Konrad Adenauer. La finalidad del Seminario se cumplió a cabalidad, gracias al perfil profesional y académico de los/as expositores/as así como a la calidad de los contenidos expuestos y discutidos

    Genotyping squamous cell lung carcinoma in Colombia (Geno1.1-CLICaP)

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    Background: Lung cancer is a public health problem, and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is the second most prevalent subtype of this neoplasm. Compared to other subtypes, including adenocarcinoma, SCC is less well understood in terms of molecular pathogenesis, limiting therapeutic options among targeted agents approved for other disease subgroups. In this study, we sought to characterize the SCC genomic profile using a validated Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) platform. Methods: The comprehensive NGS assay (TruSight Tumor 170) was used in order to target the full coding regions of 170 cancer-related genes on SCC samples. PD-L1 expression in tumor cells (TCs) was assessed using clone 22C3 (Dako). Clinical outcomes were correlated with molecular profile, including progression free survival (PFS), overall response rate (ORR), and overall survival (OS). Results: A total of 26 samples were included, median age was 67 years (r, 33–83) and 53.8% were men. Tobacco consumption was identified in all subjects (mean 34-year package). For first-line treatment 80.8% of patients received cisplatin or carboplatin plus gemcitabine. In terms of molecular profile, we identified a high prevalence of inactivating mutations in TP53 (61.5%), PIK3CA (34.6%), MLL2 (34.6%), KEAP1 (38.4%), and NOTCH1 (26.9%). PD-L1 expression ranged from negative, 1, 2–49, and ≥50% in 23.1, 38.5, 26.9, and 11.5%, respectively. Interestingly, the genetic alterations did not have an effect in PFS, OS or ORR in this study. However, PDL1 expression was higher among those who had mutations in TP53 (p = 0.037) and greater expression of PDL1 was related to PIK3CA alterations (p = 0.05). Conclusions: The genomic profile of SCC encompasses important genes including TP53, PIK3CA and KEAP1. TP53 mutations could be associated with PDL1 expression, generating hypothesis regarding specific treatment options