1,166 research outputs found

    Physician Assisted Suicide

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    The Slippery Slope of Physician Assisted Suicide

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    The Doctor-Patient Relationship: Friend or Adversary

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    Antitrust Standing of Target Corporations to Enjoin Hostile Takeovers Under Section 16 of the Clayton Act

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    Joint understanding of video and language is an active research area with many applications. Prior work in this domain typically relies on learning text-video embeddings. One difficulty with this approach, however, is the lack of large-scale annotated video-caption datasets for training. To address this issue, we aim at learning text-video embeddings from heterogeneous data sources. To this end, we propose a Mixture-of-Embedding-Experts (MEE) model with ability to handle missing input modalities during training. As a result, our framework can learn improved text-video embeddings simultaneously from image and video datasets. We also show the generalization of MEE to other input modalities such as face descriptors. We evaluate our method on the task of video retrieval and report results for the MPII Movie Description and MSR-VTT datasets. The proposed MEE model demonstrates significant improvements and outperforms previously reported methods on both text-to-video and video-to-text retrieval tasks

    Immunopharmacology of ulipristal as an emergency contraceptive

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    A new progesterone antagonist, ulipristal has been made available as an emergency contraceptive. Ulipristal’s major mechanism of action as an emergency contraceptive has been ascribed to its ability to delay ovulation beyond the life span of the sperm. This paper analyzes the potential action of ulipristal (1) when unprotected intercourse and administration of ulipristal occur outside the fertility window and (2) when unprotected intercourse and administration of ulipristal occur at or within 24 hours of ovulation. When unprotected intercourse and the use of a single low dose of ulipristal occur outside of the fertility window, ulipristal behaves like a placebo. When unprotected intercourse and the use of a single low dose of ulipristal occur within the fertility window but before ovulation, ulipristal behaves like an emergency contraceptive by delaying ovulation and thereby preventing fertilization. When unprotected intercourse and the administration of ulipristal occur at or within 24 hours of ovulation, then ulipristal has an abortifacient action. It is proposed that the abortifacient mechanism of a low dose of ulipristal taken after fertilization but before implantation is due to the ability of ulipristal to block the maternal innate immune system to become immunotolerant to the paternal allogenic embryo. Progesterone’s critical immunotolerant actions involving early pregnancy factor, progesterone-induced blocking factor, and uterine natural killer cells are compromised by ulipristal

    Integration of Asterisk with Information Systems of Company

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    Import 03/11/2016Tato diplomová práce se zabývá integrací pobočkové ústředny Asterisk s informačními podnikovými systémy. Cílem je navrhnout a implementovat dialplán hovoru na support infolinku fiktivního podniku operující s Vtiger CRM systémem a komunikující přes VoIP technologii se softwarovou pobočkovou ústřednou Asterisk. Dále zobrazit uživateli CRM více informací při příchozím hovoru, analyzovat a testovat hovory a webovou aplikaci Vtiger Asterisk Connector. Teoretická část popisuje CRM systémy a porovnává tři vybrané open-source CRM systémy. Druhým stěžejným tématem je Asterisk a s ním popis jeho rozhraní pro komunikaci s externími aplikacemi a modulem pro ODBC umožňující integraci s relačními databázemi. V praktické části je popsána veškerá konfigurace a implementace Vtiger CRM, PBX Asterisk, Vtiger Asterisk Connector a ODBC konektoru. Na základě explorace datového modelu databáze je navržen a naimplementován dialplán, který přesměrovává hovory pomocí SQL dotazů nad databází informačního systému. Praktická část obsahuje i modifikaci notifikačního okna s přidanými informacemi z databáze. Na závěr je v práci popsán průběh testování a analýza hovorů.This master thesis is about integration of an Asterisk IP private branch exchange with the information systems of a company. The goal of this thesis is to design and implement an information line dialplan within a sample company operating a Vtiger CRM system using VoIP technology with their Asterisk IP PBX. Then display more information in incoming call notifier to user of the CRM, analyse and test of calls and Vtiger Asterisk Connector web application. The theoretical part of the thesis describes CRM systems and compares three chosen open-source CRM systems. The next main topic is about Asterisk and description of its interfaces for communication with external applications and module for ODBC connector which allows relational database integration. The practical part describes the configuration and implementation of Vtiger CRM, PBX Asterisk, Vtiger Asterisk Connector and ODBC connector. The dialplan is designed and implemented based on the findings of database data model. The dialplan redirects calls using SQL queries on the database of information systems. The practical part also contains modification of notification window with added information from database. On the end of the thesis is described process of testing and analysis of calls.440 - Katedra telekomunikační technikyvýborn

    Cricket farming

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    This thesis examined use of weeds and agricultural by-products as feed for Cambodian field crickets (Teleogryllus testaceus) and the value of crickets as feed for monogastric animals. In a 70-day study, survival and growth of cricket nymphs fed weeds and food/agricultural by-products were evaluated. The weeds were Alternanthera sessilis, Amaranthus spinosus, Commelina benghalensis, Cleome rutidosperma, Cleome viscosa, Boerhavia diffusa and Synedrela nodiflora. The by-products were rice bran, cassava tops, water spinach, spent grain and mungbean sprout residues. Chicken feed was used as the control. Cricket survival did not differ between feeds except for B. diffusa and A. sessilis, which gave lower survival than the control. Weight of crickets fed cassava tops and C. rutidosperma did not differ from the control. Analyses of amino acid and mineral content in dried and frozen samples of field crickets fed the control, cassava tops, S. nodiflora or C. rutidosperma revealed that methionine content was highest in crickets fed cassava tops. There were no differences in mineral content. Apparent faecal digestibility and nitrogen retention were evaluated in piglets (n=21, age 30-45 days) fed three iso-nitrogenous diets (18.4% crude protein) containing whole cricket meal (WC), cricket body meal (BC) or fish meal (control) for 25 days. Total collection of faeces and urine was performed during the last 5 days. Dry matter and nutrient intake were higher for WC and BC than for the control. From day 10, piglets fed BC and WC were heavier than piglets fed the control, but there were no differences between WC and BC. Dry matter digestibility was highest for WC. Feed conversion ratio was lower for WC and BC than for the control and nitrogen retention (% of digested) was higher. Growth was also evaluated in native chickens (n=60, age 30-45 days) fed iso-nitrogenous (21% crude protein) diets containing WC, cricket leg meal (LC) and fish meal (control) for 35 days. Daily weight gain, daily feed intake and feed conversion ratio of chickens fed WC and LC did not differ from the control, but daily weight gain was higher and feed conversion ratio lower in chickens fed WC compared with LC. These results show that Cambodian field crickets can be reared using simple means, with e.g. cassava tops and C. rutidosperma (purple cleome) as feed. They also demonstrate that field cricket meal is a nutritious feedstuff for pigs (and probably also humans) and that peeling (removal of legs) does not improve digestibility and nitrogen retention. However, residues from peeled crickets, i.e. leg meal, can successfully replace fish meal in the diet of native chickens. Keywords: Nutrition, food, feed, peeled, wild, cricket farming, weeds, and by-products

    „Zły” jako wyzwanie dla etyki

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    Zły podmiot jest wyzwaniem dla filozofii moralnej. Etyka nie jest w stanie uznać realnej możliwości istnienia podmiotu moralnego, który byłby permanentnie i samoistnie zły. Uznanie tej możliwości wydaje się przeczyć podstawowym elementom definicji podmiotu moralnego, która stwierdza wszakże, że podmiot ten cechuje racjonalność, zdolność do uświadomienia sobie zobowiązań moralnych i wolność, która umożliwia mu poniesienie odpowiedzialności za własne poczynania. Jeśli zgodzimy się, że podmiot moralny jest z zasady świadomy prawa moralnego – musimy uznać, że jest on potencjalnie przynajmniej zdolny działania moralnego. Godząc się na tą logikę dochodzimy do wniosku, iż nawet w dogłębnie zepsutym i zdegenerowanym podmiocie istnieje potencjał do poprawy, istnieje pewien moralnie chwalebny element (np. rozum, wolność, odpowiedzialność). Zło podmiotu jest więc jedynie pewną słabością, niedoskonałością poznania lub działania wynikającą z subiektywnych lub społecznych uwarunkowań

    The Sequencing of a College Degree during the Transition to Adulthood: Implications for Obesity

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    In this study we consider the health implications of the sequencing of a college degree vis-à-vis familial roles during the transition to adulthood. We hypothesize that people who earned a college degree before assuming familial roles will have better health than people who earned a college degree afterwards. To test this hypothesis, we focus on obesity and use data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health. Results show that marriage before completion of college was associated with a 50% higher probability of becoming obese when compared with marriage after completion of college. Parenthood before college completion was associated with a greater-than two-fold increase in the probability of becoming obese when compared to parenthood afterwards for Black men. These findings suggest that the well-established association of education with health depends on its place in a sequence of roles