49 research outputs found

    CorSiM R script

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    the R script of the CorSiM analyses for simulation of missing specie

    species tree *BEAST output file

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    The *BEAST output species tree including the five genes (cox1 + 16S + PEPCK + EF-1α + wg

    nuclear Garli tree file

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    The concatenated nuclear (PEPCK + EF-1α + wg) Garli output tre

    nuclear MrBayes tree file

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    The concatenated nuclear (PEPCK + EF-1α + wg) MrBayes output tre

    Clock-constrained Bayesian maximum clade credibility tree of the complete <i>cox1</i> data set obtained using BEAST.

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    <p>The tree (upper panel), obtained under a relaxed lognormal molecular clock, is presented with its corresponding lineage-through-time plot (lower panel). The broken vertical line indicates the point of maximum likelihood fit of the single-threshold GMYC model, i.e. the point of transition from interspecies (Yule) to intraspecies (coalescent) branching events. The grey shading corresponds to the confidence interval of the transition point. The bars indicate significant clusters (arrows: significant singletons) that are inferred to be species. The five species groups are specified on subtending branches. All GMYC clusters were well supported (PP≥0.99).</p