6 research outputs found

    Students Perception towards the Use of Insert Learning App in Blended Learning to Enhance Reading Comprehension

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    One of essential skills to expand students’ knowledge and abilities is reading. Various media and platforms have been used by teachers to support the learning and teaching process moreover during the online class. However, to help students to easily understand about what they read, teachers have to make and provide technique, strategy and media for the needs of their students, including in reading mastery. The use of appropriate media can be pivotal for teachers in order to make the students understand by considering its efficiency. This paper focuses on investigating the students’ perception towards the use of Insert Learning App in Blended Learning and Teaching to enhance students’ comprehension in reading. This study uses a case study method. The participants were master degree students of English Department, in total 50 students consisted of 22 male students and 38 female students. To find out the students’ perception towards the use of Insert Learning, the data were collected mainly through questionnaires and interviews. The result of this study reveals that the majority of students have positive perceptions regarding the usage of Insert Learning as a teaching media for reading comprehension in blended learning. It is beneficial tools to makes reading more interactive and engaging. Students also claim that Insert Learning is easy to use because it is connected as an extension in Google Chrome

    Usaha Pertanian Masyarakat Selama Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Di Kecamtan Kawangkoan Utara

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    Pertanian merupakan pengahasilan terbesar bagi masyarakat Indonesia namun di karenakan menyebarnya virus Covid-19 di Indonesia mengakibatkan terjadinya perubahan besar dalam tatanan kehidupan masyarakat salah satunya dalam sektor pertanian dan bagi masyarakat yang berprofesi sebagai petani. Di Kecamatan Kawangkoan Utara sebagian besar masyarakat adalah seorang Petani sehingga pandemi Covid-19 sangat mempengaruhi pendapatan ekonomi masyarakat. Artikel ini mengkaji usaha pertanian masyarakat pada masa Pandemi Covid-19. Metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif digunakan sebagai metode pembuatan artikel ini. &nbsp

    Kontribusi Islam Terhadap Perkembangan Sains dan Teknologi Abad 21

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    ABSTRAK Islam merupakan agama yang dipilih oleh Allah sebagai agama terakhir dan sebagai rahmatan lil al-‘amin. Dalam konsep agama islam, Ilmu pengetahuan lahir sejak diciptakannya manusia pertama yaitu Adam AS. Dari rentetan sumbangsi ilmuwan-ilmuwan Muslim, mulai ilmu agama sampai kepada ilmu pengetahuan alam dari sini terlihat bahwa Islam sangat berjasa dalam rangka menyatukan akal dengan alam, menetapkan kemandirian akal, menetapkan keberadaan hukum alam yang pasti atas kehendak Allah SWT, serta telah mampu mendamaikan akal dengan iman dan filsafat dengan agama sedangkan bangsa Barat masih membuat stereotip yang memisahkan antara akal dan iman serta filsafat dengan agama. Bahkan di dunia ilmu hukum, hukum Islam juga tidak dapat dibantahkan turut serta memberikan kontribusi dalam pembentukkan dan perkembangan hukum di zaman modern saat ini. Kaitannya dengan pengembangan sains dan teknologi, Islam dengan al-Qur'an-nya merupakan induk dari semua sains dan teknologi yang telah berkembang, maupun yang belum ditemukan oleh manusia. Kata Kunci: Kontribusi, Islam, Sains, Teknolog

    A Study on the Character Building and Messages of “Lady Windermere’s Fan” Drama by Oscar Wilde

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    This research figures out the characters and the messages or moral values of a play namely Lady Windermere’s Fan. The drama was designed based on Heathcote’s (1984) understanding of drama in education in order to cultivate creative pedagogy and ‘character’ building. The data was gained by reading the drama script based on existing documents. The result showed that every character has various characters and each of them is related to others. The main character has fundamentally strengthened the plot and has important effects to other characters. The moral values that can be seen from this play are that all humankind is far from the word “perfect” even if they are considered themselves as good, kind, and wise people. They still tend to have a shortage

    A A Study on the Character Building and Messages of “Lady Windermere’s Fan” Drama by Oscar Wilde

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    This paper figures out the characters and the messages or moral values of a play namely Lady Widermere’s Fan. The drama was designed based on Heathcote’s (1984) understanding of drama in education in order to cultivate creative pedagogy and ‘character’ building. The data was gained by reading the drama script based on existing documents. The result showed that every character has various characters and each of them is related to others. The main character has fundamentally strengthened the plot and has important effects to other characters. The moral values that can be seen from this play are  that all humankind is far from the word “perfect” even if they are consider themselves as good, kind, and wise people. They still tend to have shortage. &nbsp