157 research outputs found

    Analisis Faktor–faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Prestasi Akademik Mahasiswa Dengan Menggunakan Metode Analisis Diskriminan

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    Tujuan dari penelitian empiris ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi prestasi akademik mahasiswa di Fakultas Teknologi Informasi - Perbanas Institite Jakarta, sebagai studi kasus dalam penelitian ini. Metode Analisis diskriminan sebagai metode analisis statistik utama yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Hasil analisis dalam penelitian ini, membentuk fungsi diskriminan : Y = - 4.209 + 0.283x1 + 2.147x3. Hasil validasi > 50% menunjukkan bahwa fungsi diskriminan yang terbentuk jika tidak tepat untuk mengklasifikasikan Prestasi Akademik Mahasiswa. Mahasiswa Prestasi Akademik pada siswa studi kasus Fakultas Teknologi Informasi Perbanas Institute, menggunakan analisis diskriminan dipengaruhi oleh faktor lama belajar dan faktor lingkungan keluarga mahasiswa

    FinTech Service-Based Online Shopping System Success Model: An Empirical Analysis

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    Online Shopping is a system where buyers directly shop for goods or services via the internet from the seller. The development of this system in Indonesia is growing rapidly. This study's objective is to empirically analyze the Online Shopping system success model, where the case study is an online shipping system based on Fintech services developed by PT. Akulaku Silvrr Indonesia. Problems arise when developers want to know the impact of the developed online shopping system's quality on user interest and customer satisfaction, which provides net benefits for users and developer organizations. Data was collected based on a survey of 100 users of the online shop-ping system developed by PT Akulaku Silvrr Indonesia. The data is then analyzed using SmartPLS software. This empirical analysis study uses the DeLone and McLean Information Systems Success Model as a reference for the analysis. The key finding from the empirical analysis of this FinTech-based online shopping system states that several quality factors of this system can affect the success of an online shop-ping system, including interest in using, user satisfaction, and the impact of the net benefits of the system.  Interest in using an online shop-ping system and user satisfaction also have an effect on providing significant benefits to PT Akulaku Silvrr Indonesia. This empirical analysis will make a real contribution to show the success of the Online Shopping System based on FinTech services for developers, especially PT Akulaku Silvrr Indonesia

    Cell adhesion and signaling on the fibronectin 1(st) type III repeat; requisite roles for cell surface proteoglycans and integrins

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    BACKGROUND: The first type III repeat of fibronectin is known to be involved in fibronectin matrix assembly, and recombinant proteins from this type III repeat can inhibit cell proliferation, tumor metastasis and angiogenesis. We have analyzed the way rat aortic smooth muscle cells (RASMCs) interact with a recombinant protein encompassing a C-terminal portion of the first type III repeat of fibronectin (protein III1-C). RESULTS: Cells are able to adhere to and spread on III1-C coated on a dish. Both β1 integrins and cell surface heparan sulfate proteoglycans serve as receptors for III1-C. For example, cell attachment to III1-C is partially inhibited by agents that block β1 integrins or by heparin. Complete inhibition of cell attachment is seen only when integrin blocking agents are combined with heparin. Affinity chromatography revealed the binding of proteins that likely represent the integrin β1 and α5 submits to a III1-C column. Cell adhesion to III1-C results in robust ERK1/2 activation that is blocked by integrin-blocking agents. In addition, cell adhesion to III1-C and ERK1/2 activation by III1-C are both inhibited by heparan sulfate but not by chondroitin sulfate. Moreover, heparitinase treatment, but not chondroitinase treatment of RASMCs results in reduced cell adhesion and ERK1/2 activation. Affinity chromatography experiments demonstrated that (35)SO(4)-labeled cell surface heparan sulfate proteoglycans bound specifically to III1-C. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that the 1(st) type III repeat of fibronectin contains a previously unrecognized cell adhesion domain that stimulates robust ERK1/2 activation in RASMCs. Cells interact with this domain through cell surface heparan sulfate proteoglycans and integrins, and both classes of receptors are required for optimal cell adhesion and ERK1/2 activation

    Model Sistem Penjaminan Mutu Berbasis Integrasi Standar Akreditasi BAN-PT dan ISO 9001:2008

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    Sistem Penjaminan Mutu untuk Perguruan Tinggi mutlak diperlukan untuk menjamin kualitas pendidikan, khususnya program studi. ISO 9001: 2008 adalah standar untuk sistem manajemen mutu dan Akreditasi BAN-PT merupakan standar untuk peningkatan proses akademik yang berkualitas untuk perguruan tinggi. Permasalahan akan timbul bila kedua set dokumen tersebut akan diintegrasikan ke dalam suatu model sistem penjaminan mutu. Hal ini disebabkan adanya perbedaan bahasa, struktur, dan rincian kedua set dokumen tersebut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan model sistem penjaminan mutu dengan melakukan integrasi akreditasi BAN-PT dan ISO 9001: 2008. Metode Yang digunakan dalam mengintegrasikan dua dokumen dalam penelitian ini adalah metode komparatif, metode pemetaan dan model harmonisasi. Hasil yang diharapkan dari penelitian ini menunjukkan efisiensi penggunaan kembali klausul dan persyaratan ISO dalam penerapan akreditasi BAN-PT dan efektifitas suatu penerapan akreditasi BAN-PT dalam proses adopsi ISO. Model ini akan menjadi alat yang sangat berguna untuk perguruan tinggi bersertifikat ISO yang berencana menerapkan Akreditasi BAN-PT

    E-Learning System Implementation Program for Kindergarten Level

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    The Community Partnership Program, the form of mentoring the implementation of the E-Learning System for the level of kindergarten, is a new paradigm in community service activities that support improving kindergarten-level learning through the e-Learning System implementation. This program aims to implement Social Learning Theory in the implementation of the E-Learning System, and to assist in the management of E-Learning at the Kindergarten level, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic.This case study had conducted at the Fatahillah Islamic Kindergarten in the Depok area, West Java, Indonesia. The general problem in this study reveals that most Kindergarten teachers and parents in children's education have a lack of understanding of social learning in the e-learning system and a problem of lack of understanding by managers to understand the operational procedures for managing the e-learning system. The results of this study in this program assisted in the making of learning modules based on social learning theory and assistance in managing e-Learning systems.  In this study, the program has contributed to the implementation of good e-learning, at the Kindergarten level in the Depok Region of West Java, especially in the Fatahillah Islamic Kindergarten

    A Conceptualization of The Sme Digitalization Model To Support The "SME-Go Digital" Program in Indonesia

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    Nowadays, many business people and academic researchers are paying attention to improving digitalization in business and innovation for business models, especially in the case of SMEs. Many SMEs have not implemented digitalization then, they never think about the business model as an issue that underlies the conceptualization of the MSME digitization model in this study. This research aims to provide a conceptualization of the SME digitalization model to assist Indonesia's "SME-Go Digital" program. In this study, a qualitative approach was applied using descriptive methods. The development of a conceptual framework based on Grounded Theory and Perception Analysis from the results of the SME survey was used to conceptualize the SME digitalization model. The results of this study present a conceptualization of the SME digitization model used to support the Indonesian government's digitization program (“SMEs Go Digital”). This study concludes that the SME digitization model had developed using a conceptual framework based on the description of grounded theory. Furthermore, this study emphasizes the influence of dynamic capabilities on the digitization of SMEs, which impacts the development of Business Model Innovations. The Indonesian government's "SME-Go Digital" program will be partially supported by contributions from this research. Keywords: conceptualization, government program, model, SMEs digitalizatio

    Leveraging Financial Technology Entity into Sustainable Bank Performance through a Competitive Advantage

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    The study investigates the existence of a fintech entity that effect sustainable bank performance through competitive advantage and introduces a new fintech entity as an antecedent of competitive advantage and performance. Analysis of the causes of disturbance of the performance uses quantitative and qualitative approaches. The study uses 59 questionnaires returned from all 70 bank financial managers as a National Commercial Bank Association member. Five informants were selected from the Central Bank of Indonesia, the Financial Services Authority, the Indonesian Fintech Association, a bank business player, and the Commercial Bank Association Management. Using Partial Least Square, the results show that the fintech entity can drive sustainable bank performance, directly and indirectly, through competitive advantage. The existence of fintech is a dominant factor for achieving performance. From the informants, the results show that collaboration with a fintech entity is necessary and initially, the banks in running a business based on a perspective of experience. Moreover, Informants predicted that fintech and competitive conditions would significantly influence performance in the present and the future. Then, the implication is that fintech cannot be avoided but must be embraced as bank cooperation partners to sustain the performance. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2022-06-01-04 Full Text: PD

    Sustainable Bank Performance Antecedents in the Covid-19 Pandemic Era: A Conceptual Model

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    The study proposes a conceptual model of sustainable bank performance antecedents in the Covid-19 Pandemic Era. This study uses a qualitative perspective. Data gathering is done using depth interviews with the Indonesian Central Bank, the Authority of Financial Services, and the National Commercial Banks Association members. Using ethnography analysis from interviews, focus group discussions, and previous studies shows that many variables affect the performance. However, the exogenous variable on performance is without precisely placing fintech and regulations as an antecedent. The study results then constructed the fintech and regulations as intervening and moderating variables for the performance, whereas the other variables were as business driver variables. The study's improvement is that fintech and regulations are the main antecedents for the performance during the pandemic. Fintech is not only an entity outside the bank but also an innovation inside the bank. Moreover, the other improvement is that the bank is not only an institution of customer trust but also an institution with a full touch of technology. Consequently, banks must adopt fintech, and cooperating with fintech entities is a wise choice. The study then proposes a conceptual model of sustainable bank performance that connects business drivers, fintech, and regulations. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2022-06-04-09 Full Text: PD
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