11 research outputs found

    Dise帽o y validaci贸n de instrumento de evaluaci贸n de la satisfacci贸n con los servicios de atenci贸n domiciliaria: SATISFAD Design and validation of a home care satisfaction questionnaire: SATISFAD

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    Objetivos: Construir y validar un instrumento que eval煤e la satisfacci贸n con los servicios de atenci贸n domiciliaria en versi贸n autoadministrada y telef贸nica. M茅todo: Estudio observacional transversal en poblaci贸n con atenci贸n domiciliaria de los distritos sanitarios de M谩laga, Costa del Sol, Almer铆a y Granada. Se dise帽贸 un cuestionario por parte de expertos en la t茅cnica Delphi. Posteriormente, se evalu贸 la fiabilidad entre las versiones telef贸nica y autoadministrada y, por 煤ltimo, se comprob贸 su validez de constructo y la consistencia interna. Resultados: La fiabilidad entre las versiones telef贸nica y autoadministrada fue alta (coeficiente de correlaci贸n intraclase = 0,876; intervalo de confianza del 95%, 0,726-0,941; p = 0,0001). La consistencia interna tambi茅n fue adecuada (alfa de Cronbach de 0,853 y 0,799 para las distintas versiones, con o sin cuidadora, respectivamente). El an谩lisis factorial explicaba un 66,80 y un 67,81% de la varianza observada para las distintas versiones (con o sin cuidadora). Se aislaron 2 factores que ten铆an que ver con la relaci贸n interpersonal, el rol de la cuidadora y la toma de decisiones. Conclusiones: La evaluaci贸n de la satisfacci贸n con los servicios de atenci贸n domiciliaria puede realizarse con dimensiones habitualmente utilizadas en los estudios de satisfacci贸n, aunque han de ser evaluadas mediante instrumentos dise帽ados al efecto. La accesibilidad, la comunicaci贸n y las relaciones interpersonales adquieren un alto valor explicativo en la satisfacci贸n de este tipo de poblaci贸n.Objectives: To design and validate an instrument to assess satisfaction with home care services, in both self-administered and telephone versions. Methods: We performed a cross-sectional observational study of the population using home care services in the health districts of Malaga, Costa del Sol, Almeria and Granada (Spain). A questionnaire was designed by an expert panel using a Deplhi technique. Reliability between the self-administered and telephone versions was analyzed. Finally, internal consistency and construct validity were assessed. Results: Reliability between the self-administered and telephone versions was high (intraclass correlation coefficient = 0.876; 95% CI, 0.726-0.941; p = 0.0001). Internal consistency was adequate (Cronbach's alpha: 0.853 and 0.799 for both versions, with or without caregiver, respectively). The factorial analysis explained 66.80% and 67.81% of the observed variance for the two versions (with or without caregiver, respectively). Two factors were isolated and related to interpersonal relationships, the role of the carer, and decision making. Conclusion: Assessment of satisfaction with home care can be performed with the dimensions routinely used in satisfaction studies, but these should be evaluated with instruments designed ad hoc. Accessibility, communication and interpersonal relationships have a high explanatory value in satisfaction among this population

    Dise帽o y validaci贸n de instrumento de evaluaci贸n de la satisfacci贸n con los servicios de atenci贸n domiciliaria: SATISFAD

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    ResumenObjetivosConstruir y validar un instrumento que eval煤e la satisfacci贸n con los servicios de atenci贸n domiciliaria en versi贸n autoadministrada y telef贸nica.M茅todoEstudio observacional transversal en poblaci贸n con atenci贸n domiciliaria de los distritos sanitarios de M谩laga, Costa del Sol, Almer铆a y Granada. Se dise帽贸 un cuestionario por parte de expertos en la t茅cnica Delphi. Posteriormente, se evalu贸 la fiabilidad entre las versiones telef贸nica y autoadministrada y, por 煤ltimo, se comprob贸 su validez de constructo y la consistencia interna.ResultadosLa fiabilidad entre las versiones telef贸nica y autoadministrada fue alta (coeficiente de correlaci贸n intraclase=0,876; intervalo de confianza del 95%, 0,726-0,941; p=0,0001). La consistencia interna tambi茅n fue adecuada (alfa de Cronbach de 0,853 y 0,799 para las distintas versiones, con o sin cuidadora, respectivamente). El an谩lisis factorial explicaba un 66,80 y un 67,81% de la varianza observada para las distintas versiones (con o sin cuidadora). Se aislaron 2 factores que ten铆an que ver con la relaci贸n interpersonal, el rol de la cuidadora y la toma de decisiones.ConclusionesLa evaluaci贸n de la satisfacci贸n con los servicios de atenci贸n domiciliaria puede realizarse con dimensiones habitualmente utilizadas en los estudios de satisfacci贸n, aunque han de ser evaluadas mediante instrumentos dise帽ados al efecto. La accesibilidad, la comunicaci贸n y las relaciones interpersonales adquieren un alto valor explicativo en la satisfacci贸n de este tipo de poblaci贸n.AbstractObjectivesTo design and validate an instrument to assess satisfaction with home care services, in both self-administered and telephone versions.MethodsWe performed a cross-sectional observational study of the population using home care services in the health districts of Malaga, Costa del Sol, Almeria and Granada (Spain). A questionnaire was designed by an expert panel using a Deplhi technique. Reliability between the self-administered and telephone versions was analyzed. Finally, internal consistency and construct validity were assessed.ResultsReliability between the self-administered and telephone versions was high (intraclass correlation coefficient=0.876; 95% CI, 0.726-0.941; p=0.0001). Internal consistency was adequate (Cronbach's alpha: 0.853 and 0.799 for both versions, with or without caregiver, respectively). The factorial analysis explained 66.80% and 67.81% of the observed variance for the two versions (with or without caregiver, respectively). Two factors were isolated and related to interpersonal relationships, the role of the carer, and decision making.ConclusionAssessment of satisfaction with home care can be performed with the dimensions routinely used in satisfaction studies, but these should be evaluated with instruments designed ad hoc. Accessibility, communication and interpersonal relationships have a high explanatory value in satisfaction among this population

    Validation of the Spanish version of the Edinburgh Feeding Evaluation in Dementia Scale for older people with dementia

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    <div><p>Aims</p><p>To adapt the Edinburgh Feeding Evaluation in Dementia Scale (EdFED) for use in a Spanish-speaking population and to assess its validity and reliability in patients with dementia.</p><p>Method</p><p>A cross-sectional study was carried out in two stages: 1. Cross-cultural adaptation (translation, back-translation, review by committee of experts, pilot test and weighting of results); 2. Clinimetric validation comprising interobserver reliability assessment, test-retest reliability and internal consistency. To determine construct validity, confirmatory factorial analysis and principal components analysis were performed by oblique rotations. Criteria validity was analysed using the Pearson correlation (p<0.05) with the BMI, MNA and analytical values of albumin, transferrin, cholesterol, absolute lymphocytes and total proteins.</p><p>Data collection was carried out for six months in 2016 in nursing homes and Alzheimer鈥檚 day centers in the province of M谩laga (Spain), at nine centers, with 262 patients (aged over 60 years and presenting feeding difficulties), 20 nurses, 20 professional caregivers and 103 family caregivers.</p><p>Results</p><p>A version of EdFED culturally adapted to Spanish was obtained. The sample presented the following characteristics: 76.3% women, mean age 82.3 years (SD: 7.9); MNA 18.73 (SD: 4.44); BMI 23.99 (SD: 4.72); serum albumin 3.79 mg/dl (SD: 0.36). A Cronbach鈥檚 alpha of 0.88 was obtained, with an inter-item global correlation of 0.43 and a homogeneity index ranging from 0.42 to 0.73. The exploratory factor analysis reproduced the three-factor model identified by the original authors, explaining 62.32% of the total variance. The criterion validity showed a good inverse correlation with MNA and a moderate one with albumin, total proteins, transferrin and BMI.</p><p>Discussion</p><p>The Spanish version of EdFED is reliable and valid for use in elderly people with dementia. The most appropriate for our environment is the three-factor model, which maintains the original factors, with a slight redistribution of the items.</p></div