37 research outputs found

    Cardiovascular pre-participation screening of young competitive athletes for prevention of sudden death: proposal for a common European protocol: Consensus Statement of the Study Group of Sport Cardiology of the Working Group of Cardiac Rehabilitation and Exercise Physiology and the Working Group of Myocardial and Pericardial Diseases of the European Society of Cardiology

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    he 1996 American Heart Association consensus panel recommendations stated that pre-participation cardiovascular screening for young competitive athletes is justifiable and compelling on ethical, legal, and medical grounds. The present article represents the consensus statement of the Study Group on Sports Cardiology of the Working Group on Cardiac Rehabilitation and Exercise Physiology and the Working Group on Myocardial and Pericardial diseases of the European Society of Cardiology, which comprises cardiovascular specialists and other physicians from different European countries with extensive clinical experience with young competitive athletes, as well as with pathological substrates of sudden death. The document takes note of the 25-year Italian experience on systematic pre-participation screening of competitive athletes and focuses on relevant issues, mostly regarding the relative risk, causes, and prevalence of sudden death in athletes; the efficacy, feasibility, and cost-effectiveness of population-based pre-participation cardiovascular screening; the key role of 12-lead ECG for identification of cardiovascular diseases such as cardiomyopathies and channelopathies at risk of sudden death during sports; and the potential of preventing fatal events. The main purpose of the consensus document is to reinforce the principle of the need for pre-participation medical clearance of all young athletes involved in organized sports programmes, on the basis of (i) the proven efficacy of systematic screening by 12-lead ECG (in addition to history and physical examination) to identify hypertrophic cardiomyopathy-the leading cause of sports-related sudden death-and to prevent athletic field fatalities; (ii) the potential screening ability in detecting other lethal cardiovascular diseases presenting with ECG abnormalities. The consensus document recommends the implementation of a common European screening protocol essentially based on 12-lead ECG

    Therapeutic apheresis in peripheral and retinal circulatory disorders

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    In microcirculation disorders, the therapeutic apheresis seems to have two different effects. The first, achieved after only a few sessions, is acute, consisting of drastic reduction of blood viscosity and obtained with the use of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) apheresis, rheopheresis, or fibrinogen apheresis. The second effect is long term, or chronic, and needs to be evaluated after a long course of treatment. The mechanisms underlying the chronic effect are still objects of debate and take into account the pleiotropic effects of apheresis. However, it is likely that the acute effect of apheresis mainly influences the functional components of the vascular damage, and so the derived rheological benefit might last only for a short period. The chronic effect, on the contrary, by acting on the morphological alterations of the vascular walls, requires the apheresis treatment to be prolonged for a longer period or even cycles of treatment to be programmed

    Athletes with valvular heart disease and competitive sports: a position statement of the Sport Cardiology Section of the European Association of Preventive Cardiology.

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    This article provides an overview of the recommendations from the Sports Cardiology section of the European Association of Preventive Cardiology on sports participation in individuals with valvular heart disease (VHD). The aim of these recommendations is to encourage regular physical activity including sports participation, with reasonable precaution to ensure a high level of safety for all affected individuals. Valvular heart disease is usually an age-related degenerative process, predominantly affecting individuals in their fifth decade and onwards. However, there is an increasing group of younger individuals with valvular defects. The diagnosis of cardiac disorders during routine cardiac examination often raises questions about on-going participation in competitive sport with a high dynamic or static component and the level of permissible physical effort during recreational exercise. Although the natural history of several valvular diseases has been reported in the general population, little is known about the potential influence of chronic intensive physical activity on valve function, left ventricular remodelling pulmonary artery pressure, and risk of arrhythmia. Due to the sparsity of data on the effects of exercise on VHD, the present document is largely based on clinical experience and expert opinion

    Role of lipid apheresis in changing times

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    During the last decades, LDL-apheresis was established as an extracorporeal treatment option for patients with severe heterozygous or homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) that is resistant to conventional treatment strategies such as diet, drugs, and changes in lifestyle. Nearly half a century ago, the first LDL-apheresis treatment was performed by plasma exchange in a child with homozygous FH