498 research outputs found

    Photochemical Organocatalytic Regio- and Enantioselective Conjugate Addition of Allyl Groups to Enals

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    We report the first catalytic enantioselective conjugate addition of allyl groups to α,ÎČ-unsaturated aldehydes. The chemistry exploits the visible-light-excitation of chiral iminium ions to activate allyl silanes towards the formation of allylic radicals, which are then intercepted stereoselectively. The underlying radical mechanism of this process overcomes the poor regio- and chemoselectivity that traditionally affects the conjugate allylation of enals proceeding via polar pathways. We also demonstrate how this organocatalytic strategy could selectively install a valuable prenyl fragment at the ÎČ-carbon of enals

    Synthetic Methods Driven by the Photoactivity of Electron Donor-Acceptor Complexes

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    The association of an electron-rich substrate with an electron-accepting molecule can generate a new molecular aggregate in the ground state, called an electron donor-acceptor (EDA) complex. Even when the two precursors do not absorb visible light, the resulting EDA complex often does. In 1952, Mulliken proposed a quantum-mechanical theory to rationalize the formation of such colored EDA complexes. However, and besides a few pioneering studies in the 20th century, it is only in the past few years that the EDA complex photochemistry has been recognized as a powerful strategy for expanding the potential of visible-light-driven radical synthetic chemistry. Here, we explain why this photochemical synthetic approach was overlooked for so long. We critically discuss the historical context, scientific reasons, serendipitous observations, and landmark discoveries that were essential for progress in the field. We also outline future directions and identify the key advances that are needed to fully exploit the potential of the EDA complex photochemistry

    A General Organocatalytic System for Electron Donor-Acceptor Complex Photoactivation and Its Use in Radical Processes

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    We report herein a modular class of organic catalysts that, acting as donors, can readily form photoactive electron donor-acceptor (EDA) complexes with a variety of radical precursors. Excitation with visible light generates open-shell intermediates under mild conditions, including nonstabilized carbon radicals and nitrogen-centered radicals. The modular nature of the commercially available xanthogenate and dithiocarbamate anion organocatalysts offers a versatile EDA complex catalytic platform for developing mechanistically distinct radical reactions, encompassing redox-neutral and net-reductive processes. Mechanistic investigations, by means of quantum yield determination, established that a closed catalytic cycle is operational for all of the developed radical processes, highlighting the ability of the organic catalysts to turn over and iteratively drive every catalytic cycle. We also demonstrate how the catalysts' stability and the method's high functional group tolerance could be advantageous for the direct radical functionalization of abundant functional groups, including aliphatic carboxylic acids and amines, and for applications in the late-stage elaboration of biorelevant compounds and enantioselective radical catalysis

    Photoredox Organocatalysis for the Enantioselective Synthesis of 1,7-Dicarbonyl Compounds

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    We describe an asymmetric organocatalytic method to synthesize 1,7-dicarbonyl compounds containing a ÎČ-stereocenter. The chemistry relies on the formation of Îł-keto radicals, generated upon oxidative ring opening of cyclobutanols mastered by an organic photoredox catalyst. These nonstabilized primary radicals are stereoselectively intercepted by an iminium ion intermediate, formed upon activation of aliphatic and aromatic enals by a chiral secondary amine catalyst. This organocatalytic photoredox method served to prepare scaffolds found in natural products and drug molecules

    A Photochemical Organocatalytic Strategy for the α-Alkylation of Ketones by using Radicals

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    Reported herein is a visible-light-mediated radical approach to the α-alkylation of ketones. This method exploits the ability of a nucleophilic organocatalyst to generate radicals upon SN2-based activation of alkyl halides and blue light irradiation. The resulting open-shell intermediates are then intercepted by weakly nucleophilic silyl enol ethers, which would be unable to directly attack the alkyl halides through a traditional two-electron path. The mild reaction conditions allowed functionalization of the α position of ketones with functional groups that are not compatible with classical anionic strategies. In addition, the redox-neutral nature of this process makes it compatible with a cinchona-based primary amine catalyst, which was used to develop a rare example of enantioselective organocatalytic radical α-alkylation of ketones

    A General Organocatalytic System for Enantioselective Radical Conjugate Additions to Enals

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    Herein, we report a general iminium ion-based catalytic method for the enantioselective conjugate addition of carbon-centered radicals to aliphatic and aromatic enals. The process uses an organic photoredox catalyst, which absorbs blue light to generate radicals from stable precursors, in combination with a chiral amine catalyst, which secures a consistently high level of stereoselectivity. The generality of this catalytic platform is demonstrated by the stereoselective interception of a wide variety of radicals, including non-stabilized primary ones which are generally difficult to engage in asymmetric processes. The system also served to develop organocatalytic cascade reactions that combine an iminium-ion-based radical trap with an enamine-mediated step, affording stereochemically dense chiral products in one-step

    Catalytic asymmetric C–C cross-couplings enabled by photoexcitation

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    Enantioselective catalytic processes are promoted by chiral catalysts that can execute a specific mode of catalytic reactivity, channeling the chemical reaction through a certain mechanistic pathway. Here, we show how by simply using visible light we can divert the established ionic reactivity of a chiral allyl–iridium(iii) complex to switch on completely new catalytic functions, enabling mechanistically unrelated radical-based enantioselective pathways. Photoexcitation provides the chiral organometallic intermediate with the ability to activate substrates via an electron-transfer manifold. This redox event unlocks an otherwise inaccessible cross-coupling mechanism, since the resulting iridium(ii) centre can intercept the generated radicals and undergo a reductive elimination to forge a stereogenic centre with high stereoselectivity. This photochemical strategy enables difficult-to-realize enantioselective alkyl–alkyl cross-coupling reactions between allylic alcohols and readily available radical precursors, which are not achievable under thermal activation. [Figure not available: see fulltext.

    Counseling in isolated mild fetal ventriculomegaly

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    AbstractIn this Review we aim to provide up‐to‐date and evidence‐based answers to the common questions regarding the diagnosis of isolated mild fetal ventriculomegaly (VM). A literature search was performed to identify all reports of antenatal VM in the English language literature. In addition, reference lists of articles identified using the search were scrutinized to further identify relevant articles. Fetal mild VM is commonly defined as a ventricular atrial width of 10.0–15.0 mm, and it is considered isolated if there are no associated ultrasound abnormalities. There is no good evidence to suggest that the width of the ventricular atria contributes to the risk of neurodevelopmental outcome in fetuses with mild VM. The most important prognostic factors are the association with other abnormalities that escape early detection and the progression of ventricular dilatation, which are reported to occur in about 13% and 16% of cases, respectively. Most infants with a prenatal diagnosis of isolated mild VM have normal neurological development at least in infancy. The rate of abnormal or delayed neurodevelopment in infancy is about 11%, and it is unclear whether this is higher than in the general population. Furthermore, the number of infants that develop a real handicap is unknown. There are limitations of existing studies of mild VM. Although they address many of the relevant questions regarding the prognosis and management of fetal isolated mild VM, there is a lack of good‐quality postnatal follow‐up studies. The resulting uncertainties make antenatal counseling for this abnormality difficult. Copyright © 2009 ISUOG. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    Amide Synthesis by Nickel/Photoredox-Catalyzed Direct Carbamoylation of (Hetero)Aryl Bromides

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    Herein, we report a one-electron strategy for catalytic amide synthesis that enables the direct carbamoylation of (hetero)aryl bromides. This radical cross-coupling approach, which is based on the combination of nickel and photoredox catalysis, proceeds at ambient temperature and uses readily available dihydropyridines as precursors of carbamoyl radicals. The method's mild reaction conditions make it tolerant of sensitive-functional-group-containing substrates and allow the installation of an amide scaffold within biologically relevant heterocycles. In addition, we installed amide functionalities bearing electron-poor and sterically hindered amine moieties, which would be difficult to prepare with classical dehydrative condensation methods

    Assessment of Streptococcus pneumoniae pilus islet-1 prevalence in carried and transmitted isolates from mother–infant pairs on the Thailand–Burma border

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    AbstractStreptococcus pneumoniae pilus islet-1 (PI–1)-encoded pilus enhances in vitro adhesion to the respiratory epithelium and may contribute to pneumococcal nasopharyngeal colonization and transmission. The pilus subunits are regarded as potential protein vaccine candidates. In this study, we sought to determine PI–1 prevalence in carried pneumococcal isolates and explore its relationship with transmissibility or carriage duration. We studied 896 pneumococcal isolates collected during a longitudinal carriage study that included monthly nasopharyngeal swabbing of 234 infants and their mothers between the ages of 1 and 24 months. These were cultured according to the WHO pneumococcal carriage detection protocol. PI-1 PCR and genotyping by multilocus sequence typing were performed on isolates chosen according to specific carriage and transmission definitions. Overall, 35.2% of the isolates were PI-1-positive, but PI-1 presence was restricted to ten of the 34 serotypes studied and was most frequently associated with serotypes 19F and 23F; 47.5% of transmitted and 43.3% of non-transmitted isolates were PI-1-positive (OR 1.2; 95% CI 0.8-1.7; p 0.4). The duration of first-ever infant pneumococcal carriage was significantly longer with PI-1-positive organisms, but this difference was not significant at the individual serotype level. In conclusion, PI-1 is commonly found in pneumococcal carriage isolates, but does not appear to be associated with pneumococcal transmissibility or carriage duration
