2 research outputs found

    Implementation of 5S in Improving of Palm Oil Mill Working Environment

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    A work environment describes a place for employees affect them to do their tasks. A good work environment will certainly make employees do and spend all their energy and mind to work optimally. A comfortable feeling of the work environment can reduce boredom at work. This comfort feelings have an impact on increasing motivation and producing employee job satisfaction. The condition of the working environment in palm oil industry is currently classified as messy where there are still some tools scattered on the factory floor, there is mud and slippery puddles in various places such as floors or stairs. Conditions like this certainly need to be repaired immediately to avoid the risk of work accidents and increase employees' comfortable. Improvement of working environment conditions can be done by various methods, one of the methods is 5S method. 5S spelling as (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) is one of the effective tool in management to improve the work culture of workers and the conditions of the work environment in a factory. Based on the evaluation results, the evaluation categories of 5S implementations are Seiri of 16 score, Seiton of 16 score, Seiso of 9 score, Seiketsu of 8 score, Shitsuke of 7 score. The results of this total score show the 5S value of palm oil mill is in the average score of 56 total score

    Produk Penggilingan Biji-Bijian untuk Meminimalkan Biaya Produksi dalam Bisnis Peternakan

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    The main supply of indonesian food comes from agricultural and livestock products. One of the sources of body protein that is favored by the public from the livestock sector, one of which is poultry farming. Egg and meat commodities from poultry have excellent market prospects because prices are relatively cheap and easy toobtain. One of the keys to the success of poultry is the timely and high-nutrient feeding that contains high levels of protein. IKA Livestock Business spends Rp5.400.000 for animal feed costs every month. The high cost makes partners mix feed with corn. But large corn grains are difficult to digest so it requires simple technology that is able to break down corn. To encourage the improvement of efficiency through modification of animal feed so that the implementation of science and technology that is able to provide results in the form of grain grinder machine to overcome the problem of animal feed. In addition to creating this devotional tool also provides training on financial management by bookkeeping and the creation of machine usage and maintenance procedures so that performance is maintained and has a long service life