42 research outputs found

    An analytical representation of raindrop size distribution in a mixed convective and stratiform precipitating system as revealed by field observations

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    This study investigated a rainfall event under a typhoon influence using a 2D video disdrometer and weather radar observations to characterize raindrop size distribution (DSD) in a mixed convective and stratiform precipitating system. During the time period when both convective and stratiform rainfalls existed, the DSDs generally indicated a monotonically decreasing shape with increasing particle size, with a relatively gradual decrease at intermediate particle size observed at certain times; this feature is attributed to the combined effect of convective and stratiform rainfalls. During the transitional period between convective and stratiform rainfalls, the DSDs exhibited a bimodal shape. The DSDs were well approximated by a newly proposed gamma raindrop distribution combined with exponential (GRACE) distribution function, which was defined as the sum of the exponential distribution and the gamma distribution. A comparison of the volume ratio of the exponential and gamma components of the GRACE distribution revealed that the exponential component of the DSD was larger than the gamma component in the bimodal DSD. These results suggest that the DSD became bimodal during the period when stratiform rainfall predominated because of the weakening of convective rainfall. The GRACE distribution is useful for understanding cloud-microphysical processes in mixed stratiform and convective precipitation conditions


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    研究論文Original article 当院では,10 年前からプリセプターと新人セラピストで,年に3 回業務確認表(以下,確認表)を用いて,振り返りを行っていたが,結果検証が不十分で次年度へ引き継ぎが適切に行えていなかった.今回,2018 年度の新人16 名の確認表の達成率を振り返り,問題点を検討した.その結果,確認表の達成基準が明確,かつ日常業務化された業務は高達成率であったが,非日常業務やコミュニケーションを伴う項目,1 年以内に未経験である項目は低達成率であった.今後,確認表の達成基準の明確化,調整や連携等の業務,非日常業務やより専門性を伴う業務については新たな確認表の作成や振り返り方法の見直しを検討していく必要性がある. For the past 10 years, we have been utilizing a work confirmation chart which is reviewed three times a year between the advisor and new therapists at our hospital. However, the outcomes were never sufficiently verified for it to transfer over to the following year. Thus, we reviewed the achievement rate of the confirmation chart for 16 new therapists in FY2018 and discussed challenges. As a result, the achievement rate was high for tasks for which the standard was clear and became daily tasks, but the achievement rate was low for non-daily items, tasks that require communication, and items that were not experienced within the first year. These results suggested the necessity to clarify the achievement criteria of the checklist;to create a new checklist for tasks which require management and collaboration, or non-routine tasks that require special skills; and to reconsider the review methods for future improvement

    MafB is a critical regulator of complement component C1q

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    The transcription factor MafB is expressed by monocytes and macrophages. Efferocytosis (apoptotic cell uptake) by macrophages is important for inhibiting the development of autoimmune diseases, and is greatly reduced in Mafb-deficient macrophages. Here, we show the expression of the first protein in the classical complement pathway C1q is important for mediating efferocytosis and is reduced in Mafb-deficient macrophages. The efferocytosis defect in Mafb-deficient macrophages can be rescued by adding serum from wild-type mice, but not by adding serum from C1q-deficient mice. By hemolysis assay we also show that activation of the classical complement pathway is decreased in Mafb-deficient mice. In addition, MafB overexpression induces C1q-dependent gene expression and signals that induce C1q genes are less effective in the absence of MafB. We also show that Mafb-deficiency can increase glomerular autoimmunity, including anti-nuclear antibody deposition. These results show that MafB is an important regulator of C1q