714 research outputs found

    Rhétorique néo-latine et culture vernaculaire : les analyses textuelles de Barthélemy Aneau

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    La pratique de l'écriture chez Barthélemy Aneau semble dominée par le principe de l'appropriation du discours et du métadiscours d'autrui. Cet article étudie son adoption de la méthode d'analyse littéraire conçue en particulier par le théologien et philologue allemand Philippe Melanchthon. Il montre l'application des principes melanchthoniens d'abord dans les remarques critiques d'Aneau à propos de la Deffence et illustration de Joachim Du Bellay (1550), ensuite et surtout dans le commentaire ajouté à sa traduction en vers (1552) d'une Epistola paraenetica de l'évêque lyonnais saint Eucher. En annexe, reproduction de l'exorde du texte de saint Eucher accompagné d'un « artifice rhétorique » où Aneau suit de très près la terminologie de son maître à penser. L'exemple d'Aneau illustre ainsi une fois de plus le caractère international du renouveau pédagogique et créateur qui eut lieu en France à la Renaissance.The practice of writing in the work of Barthélemy Aneau appears to be ruled by the principle of the appropriation of speech and of the signification that others give it to suit their ideas. This article studies how Aneau's practice of writing adopted the technique of literary analysis conceived particularly by the German theologian and philologist Philip Melanchthon. It shows first that Aneau applied Melanchthonian principles in his critical remarks on Joachim Du Bellay's Deffence et illustration (1550), and then, above all, in the commentary that he added to his verse translation (1552) of the Lyonnais bishop Saint Eucher's Epistolaparaenetica. In annex, a reproduction of the exordium of Saint Eucher's text accompanied by a "rhetorical artifice" in which Aneau follows very closely his thought-master's terminology. The example of Aneau thus once more illustrates the international character of the creative pedagogical renewal that occured in France during the Renaissance

    Philippe Melanchton et les débuts du Collège de France

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    Philippe Melanchton et les débuts du Collège de France

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    Progress in the Surveillance of Respiratory Syncytial Virus (Rsv) in Europe: 2001-2008

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    Item does not contain fulltextRespiratory syncytial virus (RSV) surveillance is important to get insight into the burden of disease and epidemic pattern of RSV infection. This information is useful for healthcare resource allocation as well as the timing of preventive messages and palivizumab prophylaxis. For influenza surveillance the European Influenza Surveillance Scheme (EISS) was established in 1996, but no surveillance platform is available for RSV. To improve surveillance an RSV Task Group was established in 2003 and recommendations for RSV surveillance were developed. By 2008, progress was made for four out of six recommendations: the number of European countries testing specimens for RSV increased from six to fourteen; nose and/or throat swabs were generally used for detection of influenza and RSV; a total of 25 laboratories performed molecular testing for diagnosis and participated in a quality control assessment for RSV with an overall good performance; four of the ten countries that joined EISS in 2004 started reporting RSV detections in addition to influenza in the period 2004-8. Limited progress was achieved for standardising methods and the development of a sentinel surveillance system of representative hospitals. Improving RSV surveillance is possible by further harmonising the data collection and increased reporting of RSV

    300 Romantik

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    Respiratory Syncytial Virus: Improving surveillance and diagnostics in Europe

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    Schellevis, F.G. [Promotor]Kimpen, J.L.L. [Promotor]Paget, W.J. [Copromotor
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