3 research outputs found

    Control of voltage source converters connected to variable impedance grids

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    The increase in new renewable energy resources is key to achieving carbon reduction targets, however it also introduces new grid integration challenges. The best renewable resource in Scotland is found in remote parts of the country, and as a result new renewable based generation is increasingly subjected to high and variable levels of impedance. Impedances that cause resonances are also increasingly common, given the higher order characteristics of impedance when transformers, filters, subsea cables, compensators and so on are present in the network. For a better understanding of impedance related stability issues, the estimation of the grid impedance using both Thévenin equivalent and wide spectrum techniques is studied in this thesis and integrated into the converter’s control. These estimations inform the controller of the grid conditions, allowing for controller adaptation. In instances where weak grid conditions are severe and the local grid impedance is dominant, a disturbance rejection mechanism called the pre-emptive voltage decoupler (PVD) is proposed. The PVD feeds forward the active current reference and measured voltage, and adapts the reactive current reference as a function of the impedance estimation, to pre-emptively compensate the local voltage for changes in active power transfer. This is justified through small signal analysis using linearised state space models and validated in the laboratory using large inductors and a converter. The control is also made more resilient with an instability detector, proposed to prevent instability when significant grid disturbances occur. Through early detection of sudden power angle changes, stability can be maintained. This is achieved by momentarily reducing the power reference and re-establishing grid parameters. The implementation of the proposed changes improves the steady state stability region from -0.75 – 0.55 pu to -0.85 – 0.75 pu. Further, the nonlinear transient performance is much more resilient, and uninterrupted power flow can be maintained. When the local grid is not dominant, and higher order grid impedances cause undesired resonances, a detection of the resonant frequency allows for an adaptation of the outer loop gains, thus damping the resonances and improving stability. Such grids are also prone to instability, but a reduction of the power reference does not improve stability, on the contrary the reduction of the power reference shifts eigenvalues into the right hand plane. A better preventative measure is to reduce the outer loop gains, and once the frequency of the problematic resonances is identified, final decisions on outer loop tuning can be taken. With this implementation, the stability of the system is maintained and the power output can be recovered within about 1 second.The increase in new renewable energy resources is key to achieving carbon reduction targets, however it also introduces new grid integration challenges. The best renewable resource in Scotland is found in remote parts of the country, and as a result new renewable based generation is increasingly subjected to high and variable levels of impedance. Impedances that cause resonances are also increasingly common, given the higher order characteristics of impedance when transformers, filters, subsea cables, compensators and so on are present in the network. For a better understanding of impedance related stability issues, the estimation of the grid impedance using both Thévenin equivalent and wide spectrum techniques is studied in this thesis and integrated into the converter’s control. These estimations inform the controller of the grid conditions, allowing for controller adaptation. In instances where weak grid conditions are severe and the local grid impedance is dominant, a disturbance rejection mechanism called the pre-emptive voltage decoupler (PVD) is proposed. The PVD feeds forward the active current reference and measured voltage, and adapts the reactive current reference as a function of the impedance estimation, to pre-emptively compensate the local voltage for changes in active power transfer. This is justified through small signal analysis using linearised state space models and validated in the laboratory using large inductors and a converter. The control is also made more resilient with an instability detector, proposed to prevent instability when significant grid disturbances occur. Through early detection of sudden power angle changes, stability can be maintained. This is achieved by momentarily reducing the power reference and re-establishing grid parameters. The implementation of the proposed changes improves the steady state stability region from -0.75 – 0.55 pu to -0.85 – 0.75 pu. Further, the nonlinear transient performance is much more resilient, and uninterrupted power flow can be maintained. When the local grid is not dominant, and higher order grid impedances cause undesired resonances, a detection of the resonant frequency allows for an adaptation of the outer loop gains, thus damping the resonances and improving stability. Such grids are also prone to instability, but a reduction of the power reference does not improve stability, on the contrary the reduction of the power reference shifts eigenvalues into the right hand plane. A better preventative measure is to reduce the outer loop gains, and once the frequency of the problematic resonances is identified, final decisions on outer loop tuning can be taken. With this implementation, the stability of the system is maintained and the power output can be recovered within about 1 second

    Field evidence for summit subsidence, flank instability and basal spreading at Mt Cameroon volcano, West Africa

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    Mt Cameroon is a steep lava-dominated volcano located on the coast of the Gulf of Guinea. This 1400 km3 edifice is one of two active centres in the Cameroon Volcanic Line. Despite recent lava eruptions along its rift zones in 1999 and 2000, little geological or monitoring data are available to understand the structure of this large volcanic system. Here we report results from a field campaign dedicated to mapping geological structures in the summit area and at the SE base of Mount Cameroon. Eruptive fissures and open fractures’ orientation, vents’ location and alignment above 3500 m a.s.l were systematically surveyed. In addition to the tectonically-controlled N40°E orientation of eruptive fissures along the rift zones, other dominant orientations were identified such as N60°E (summit vents alignment), N20°E and N90° (extension related structures). These were attributed to local instability around the summit, stress field re-orientation around the head of a deep valley cutting through the NW flank and radial pattern around the summit. Inward-dipping structures were also observed to border the relatively flat upper part of the rift zones. Geological profiles were also measured along rivers cutting through a topographic bulge at the SE base of Mt Cameroon. This topographic step was seen to be associated with deformed Miocene sediments from the Douala basin overlain by volcanic products.Weak sediments of this area are deformed by N50- 60°E trending asymmetrical folds verging toward the SE and by N10-30°E trending symmetrical folds and thrusts. Initial NE-SW trending structures formed following the sliding of sediments on the flank of a NE-SW elongated uplift dome. Later, the same area has been deformed by NNE-SSW trending compressive structures linked to the spreading of Mt Cameroon southern flank toward the SE. Combined with the interpretation of a 30 m Digital Elevation Models and multispectral satellite data, the field observations suggest that Mt Cameroon is affected by major instabilities. Both slow spreading movements and catastrophic collapses of the steep flanks are interpreted to result from complex interactions between the growing edifice, repeated dyke intrusions, the weak sedimentary substratum and tectonic structures

    Review of local network impedance estimation techniques

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    As a result of increasing variability of network impedance, interest in impedance estimation techniques is growing. This review contextualises local impedance estimation techniques by providing a historical prospective on the uses of these techniques, from the early implementations designed to monitor power quality to the latest techniques integrated into converters designed to update the controller with the most recent network information. This is followed by clear and consolidated descriptions, a complete classification and comparison tables of local estimation techniques intended to assist engineers and researchers choose an estimation technique that is suitable to their application. The discussed techniques are then ranked for a range of application priorities such as accuracy, least disruptive to the network, most suitable for wide frequency spectrum estimations and rapidity of estimation. Practical applications of impedance estimation are discussed, such as network characterisation, anti-islanding detection, filter resonance avoidance and controller tuning. To conclude the review, future trends are identified