8,856 research outputs found

    Introduction: A handbook on territorial impact assessment (TIA)

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    Territorial Impact Assessment (TIA) is a relatively ‘new kid on the block’ of policy evaluation. Resting upon the holistic notion of territory, which encompasses multiple analytic dimensions (economy, society, environment, governance, spatial planning), TIA is the most complex, yet with the policy evaluation procedure with the largest potential to assess projects, programmes and policies. Indeed, policy evaluation procedures are now deeply rooted in sub-national, national and transnational territorial development strategies and processes. However, unlike the plethora of published books on Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and other Impact Assessment (IA) methodologies, presently no TIA handbook has been published by any major international publisher. As such, this one intends to add a substantial contribution to available literature by presenting to the interested reader the most relevant TIA methodologies that have been produced so far. Furthermore, all the chapters, written by the authors of each TIA methodology presented, provide a detailed, updated and scientifically accurate explanation of their particular purpose and methodological operation. In the end, the reader is presented with a complete set of TIA methodologies to select from based on their advantages/disadvantages for a particular case-study. For a better understanding of how all the presented TIA methodologies work, concrete examples are presented in each chapter.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    The TARGET_TIA: A complete, flexible and sound territorial impact assessment tool

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    This chapter presents TARGET_TIA as a relevant and flexible Territorial Impact Assessment (TIA) methodology. TARGET_TIA was created in a context where existing ESPON TIA tools were mainly designed for assessing ex ante territorial impacts of EU directives. Hence, in view of the need to properly assess the main ex post territorial impacts of EU Cohesion Policy in several countries in a relevant and sound way, the author decided to design, test and apply his own TIA methodology, named TARGET_TIA. When compared with other existing TIA methodologies, TARGET_TIA can be used both at ex ante and ex post policy evaluation phases. In addition, it brings to the table the possibility to use counterfactual evaluation elements to allow the production of credible and sound TIA evaluation scores. Following on from its implementation in assessing the main territorial impacts of EU policies and programmes, mostly at the ex post evaluation phase, it is possible to conclude that it is a credible, flexible, easy-to-operate, cost-effective and robust TIA methodology, which can be applied to projects, programmes and policies, at all territorial levels.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Reduction of JT8D powered aircraft noise by engine refanning

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    The technical feasibility is described of substantially reducing the noise levels of existing JT8D powered aircraft by retrofitting the existing fleet with quieter refan engines and new acoustically treated nacelles. No major technical problems exist that preclude the development and installation of refanned engines on aircraft currently powered by the JT8D engine. The refan concept is technically feasible and provides calculated noise reductions of from 7 to 8 EPNdb for the B727-200 aircraft and from 10 to 12 EPNdb for the DC-9-32 aircraft at the FAR Part 36 measuring stations. These noise levels are lower than both the FAR Part 36 noise standards and the noise levels of the wide-body DC-10-10. Corresponding reductions in the 90 EPNdb footprint area are estimated to vary from about 70 percent for the DC-9 to about 80 percent for the B727

    Sensitive Dependence on Parameters of Continuous-time Nonlinear Dynamical Systems

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    We would like to thank the partial support of this work by the Brazilian agencies FAPESP (processes: 2011/19296-1 and 2013/26598-0, CNPq and CAPES. MSB acknowledges EPSRC Ref. EP/I032606/1.Peer reviewedPostprin

    The global development formula

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    Development remains a central concept for policy design and implementation aimed at improving the quality of life of the world population, despite a manifest rise in neoliberalist economic growth policy strategic guidance rationales. In accepting the relevance of development processes, this paper proposes a global development formula embracing four main pillars and their respective components: (i) global governance; (ii) global wealth; (iii) global resources; and (vi) global sustainability. Ultimately, this global development perspective presents a more comprehensive and holistic lens than current development visions to demonstrate the development status of territories at all territorial scales. By using existing indexes associated with the proposed main pillars of development, the research presents a novel global development index for 2020.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Fake or real EU territorialicy? Debating the territorial universe of EU policies

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    This paper provides new insights into the main pillars of the territorial universe of EU policies, by undertaking a systematic overview of European Union (EU) key territorial development reports, agendas and programmes. These include the European Spatial Development Perspective (ESDP), the three Territorial Agendas, and the European Territorial Observatory Network (ESPON) reports. The evidence shows widespread territorialicy, understood as a process of incorporating a territorial driven policy design, implementation and evaluation paradigm, still largely dominated by territorial development and territorial cohesion policy rationales. However, the socioeconomic policy prism continues to dominate the design and analysis of EU policies by EU entities.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Deindustrialization and post-industrial cities in Iberia Peninsula

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    This article addresses the process of industrialization and deindustrialization in Iberia Peninsula from the early XX century to the dawn of the XXI century. Specifically, it focuses on the dynamic territorial processes which led to a general deindustrialization trend in many industrial Iberian strongholds, since the early 1970s. Furthermore, it explores one case-study (Barreiro city in Portugal), which was known as the first, and most important modern Portuguese industrial city, and which has suffered from a violent process of deindustrialization in the last couple of decades. In synthesis, this article builds on the Barreiro experience in adapting to a new panorama where the industrial landscape is no longer a prevalent one, and assesses the role of the national and EU policies in supporting these adaptation processes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio