330 research outputs found

    WG3 summary

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    Analysis of the maximum potential proton flux to CNGS

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    In this note we investigate the limitations to the proton flux which can be sent to the CNGS facility and estimate the maximum that can be attained. In the first part, the injector chain remains unchanged and the limitations are reviewed for operation up to the so called ultimate CNGS intensity, 7x10^13 protons per CNGS cycle. In the second part, the limitations of the SPS accelerator and CNGS facility are described in the scenario of operating with the new injectors - LINAC4, SPL and PS2, as proposed by the PAF working group (PAF)

    Beam Stability and Optics Studies of the CNGS Transfer Line

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    Optics and stability of the CNGS transfer lines TT40 and TT41 were studied with beam trajectories during its commissioning in July and August 2006. Steering magnet response measurements were used to analyze the optics and the quality of the steering magnets and of the beam position monitors. A strength error of the main quadrupoles was identified with this technique and corrected during the commissioning. The dispersion was measured and found to be close to the nominal value. Finally the short and the long term stability of the transfer lines were studied. The transfer line was found to be very stable and the dominant source of short term position jitter is due to the ripple of the extraction septum and energy fluctuations in the SPS

    PS2 Transfer Lines

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    Within the scope of the LHC injector upgrade it has been proposed to replace the present injector chain by new accelerators, LINAC4, SPL and PS2, for which new transfer lines will be required. In this report the beam line properties and requirements are summarized. Then the initial optics of these beam lines and their geometry are discussed. Particular attention is given to the injection and extraction regions where several beam lines have to intersect, imposing challenging constraints on the layout. Directions for optimisation are suggested

    Linac-Based Proton Driver for a Neutrino Factory

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    A Neutrino Factory Proton Driver based on a superconducting proton linac has been designed in the CERN context. The 5 GeV/4 MW H- beam from the linac is accumulated using charge exchange injection in a fixed-energy synchrotron and afterwards transferred to a compressor ring, where bunch rotation takes place. The lattices of the accumulator and compressor are described, as well as magnet technology and RF manipulations. Critical issues related to charge-exchange injection, space-charge effects in the compressor and beam stability in the accumulator, are addressed. The analysis is focused on the baseline scenario, which provides 6 bunches on the target. Results of preliminary analysis of options with less bunches (three and one) are also presented

    The 4 GeV H- Beam Transfer Line from the SPL to the PS2

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    The proposed new CERN injector chain LINAC4, SPL, PS2 will require the construction of new beam transfer lines. A preliminary design has been performed for the 4 GeV SPL to PS2 H- transfer line. The constraints, beam parameters and geometry requirements are summarised and a possible layout proposed, together with the magnet specifications. First considerations on longitudinal beam dynamics and on beam loss limitations from H- lifetime are presented

    Utilisation de l'expérience de drainage à pas de pression multiples pour la détermination des fonctions hydrauliques du sol par la méthode inverse : résultats expérimentaux

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    La mĂ©thode de drainage Ă  pas de pression multiples, combinĂ©e avec la mĂ©thode inverse, permet la dĂ©termination des fonctions hydrauliques du sol (tĂȘta(h) et K(h)) simultanĂ©ment. Cependant, le choix des fonctions dĂ©crivant tĂȘta(h) et K(h) du sol est d'une importance capitale dans cette mĂ©thode. Les rĂ©sultats expĂ©rimentaux montrent que le modĂšle de CAMPBELL (1974) dans sa version amĂ©liorĂ©e par HUTSON et CASS (1987) permet une description raisonnable du processus du drainage en fonction du temps et correspondant Ă  des pas de pression croissants. Les courbes de rĂ©tention d'eau dĂ©duites des paramĂštres optimisĂ©s par la mĂ©thode inverse ont les mĂȘmes allures que celles dĂ©terminĂ©es par la mĂ©thode standard (bac de sable et cellules Ă  basses et hautes pressions). Ces rĂ©sultats sont plus reprĂ©sentatifs de la rĂ©alitĂ© lorsque les paramĂštres tĂȘta(s) et K(s) sont fixes et Ă©gaux aux valeurs expĂ©rimentales, avec une prĂ©cision sensiblement la mĂȘme dans les cas d'optimisation, oĂč tĂȘta(s) est fixe et tĂȘta(s) et K(s) fixes et Ă©gaux aux valeurs expĂ©rimentales; le premier cas oĂč seulement le paramĂštre tĂȘta(s) est fixe est suggĂ©rĂ© (il y a moins de paramĂštres Ă  mesurer). (RĂ©sumĂ© d'auteur

    Utilisation de l'expérience de drainage à pas de pression multiples pour la détermination des fonctions hydrauliques du sol par la méthode inverse : présentation et évaluation de la méthode

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    L'optimisation des paramĂštres des fonctions dĂ©crivant les propriĂ©tĂ©s hydrauliques du sol tĂȘta(h) et K(h), basĂ©e sur les rĂ©sultats de l'expĂ©rience de drainage interne Ă  pas de pression multiples est une mĂ©thode prometteuse. En effet, cette derniĂšre fournit suffisamment d'informations sur les propriĂ©tĂ©s hydrauliques essentielles d'un sol. Le modĂšle utilisĂ© pour dĂ©crire les relations entre la teneur en eau volumique tĂȘta et la pression de l'eau h, d'une part, et entre la conductivitĂ© hydraulique K et h, d'autre part, est celui de CAMPBELL (1974) dans sa version amĂ©liorĂ©e par HUTSON et CASS (1987). Les rĂ©sultats montrent que ce modĂšle dĂ©crit raisonnablement le processus du drainage en fonction du temps correspondant Ă  des pas de pressions croissantes. La solution de la mĂ©thode d'identification des paramĂštres est unique tant que les valeurs assignĂ©es aux paramĂštres au dĂ©part sont proches (plus ou moins 20 %) de celles du sol Ă©tudiĂ©. L'effet d'une erreur expĂ©rimentale allant jusqu'Ă  10 % n'est pas significatif pour les rĂ©sultats des paramĂštres optimisĂ©s. (RĂ©sumĂ© d'auteur
