16,249 research outputs found

    Primary prevention of ischaemic cardiovascular disorders with antiplatelet agents.

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    In those who have already survived myocardial infarction (MI) or stroke, or have had a transient ischaemic episode (TIA), daily low dose aspirin (ASA) reduces the risk of recurrences by an amount that greatly exceeds the risk of serious bleeding (secondary prevention). ASA is therefore recommended for these people. However, in primary prevention-reducing risk in those so far free of clinically manifest episodes-the benefit is of the same order as the bleeding hazard, (which is much the same in both primary and secondary prevention contexts). The use of other effective agents such as statins further emphasises the even balance between benefit and hazard in primary prevention. Six primary prevention trials are reviewed, first singly and then in a meta-analysis based on individual patient data. ASA reduced non-fatal myocardial infarction by about 25%. However, death from coronary heart disease (CHD) was not significantly reduced (by 5%), nor was any vascular death (3%). There was a non- significant reduction in strokes of 5%, this being the net result of an 8% reduction in non-fatal stroke and a 21% increase in stroke death (mainly from haemorrhagic events), both effects being non-significant. Serious vascular events (MI, stroke or vascular death) were significantly reduced by 12%, mainly due to the large effect on non-fatal MI. About 1650 people would need to be treated with ASA for a year to avoid one serious vascular event, which contrasts with the 10-20 events avoided in secondary prevention by treating 1,000 patients for a year. Other primary prevention trials not included in the meta-analysis have also reported no benefits in MI or stroke, but the findings of still unpublished trials are awaited. Recently, however, encouraging results have come from meta-analyses of the effects of ASA on cancer incidence and mortality and on its effects on cancer metastasis, particularly for adenocarcinomas. Typically, reductions in these measures have been around 30% following treatment for four or five years, but more in several instances. These results alter the balance in primary prevention between benefit and hazard as it appears for arterial events alone, tipping it towards the use of ASA. Consequently, new guidelines on advice and decisions on ASA in primary prevention are now needed. Low dose ASA, eg. 75 mg daily is as effective as higher doses for all the vascular and cancer benefits established in the meta-analyses, and it causes less serious bleeding than higher doses

    Caring Capitalist (Chapter 15 of Financially Alive: Wealth Creation. Social Responsibility. Biblical Values)

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    The crisis of ethics and values is more evident in the world of business than in any other area. Many people have come to associate capitalism with corporate corruption. From big businesses to mortgage brokers to banking services to Wall Street, greed and self-interest appear unchecked and out of control. While some companies struggle to survive, their senior executives are still receiving staggering salaries, lavish bonuses, and ridiculous perks causing confusion and mistrust within their ranks. The average person can quickly become untrusting at best and disillusioned at worst. At times, it seems that making money at any cost, has become the new goal of business in the 21st century. Is the goal of business to only make money (one-dimensional financial profit)? Is it possible that there is more to business than just to become as rich as you can, as fast as you can, however you can

    Death and Dying: Life Lessons From Jesus (From New Testament Alive: The Gospels - Matthew, Mark, Luke & John – Volume I)

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    Excerpt: Luke describes the final details of Jesus\u27 suffering and death on the cross. Jesus is brought before Pontius Pilate. Pilate sends Jesus to Herod, who has wanted to kill Him for quite some time. They finally meet face-toface. Jesus is questioned and found innocent of all charges. Jesus winds up back in Pilate\u27s court. He\u27s found innocent again. The chief priests and the scribes demand His crucifixion. The crowd jeers. Pilate is a peoplepleaser and is concerned with public opinion more than he is about doing what is right. Pilate concedes. He relinquishes to the crowd\u27s unjust demands and releases a convicted murderer in order to murder an innocent man. The crowd roars, Crucify him

    Worldviews and Values Influence Our Actions (Blog Seventeen of Christianity Alive: Faith. Love. Action.

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    Excerpt: Not everyone ascribes to a formal religion, but every person I know possesses a worldview, even if they don\u27t think that they do. A person\u27s worldview helps construct his moral base (rights and wrongs). Worldviews are like a type of scaffolding that serves to support one\u27s personal value system, which in turn, both consciously and subconsciously, influence behaviors, actions, and decision-making

    Adhesives for Aerospace

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    The industry is hereby challenged to integrate adhesive technology with the total structure requirements in light of today's drive into automation/mechanization. The state of the art of adhesive technology is fairly well meeting the needs of the structural designers, the processing engineer, and the inspector, each on an individual basis. The total integration of these needs into the factory of the future is the next collective hurdle to be achieved. Improved processing parameters to fit the needs of automation/mechanization will necessitate some changes in the adhesive forms, formulations, and chemistries. Adhesives have, for the most part, kept up with the needs of the aerospace industry, normally leading the rest of the industry in developments. The wants of the aerospace industry still present a challenge to encompass all elements, achieving a totally integrated joined and sealed structural system. Better toughness with hot-wet strength improvements is desired. Lower cure temperatures, longer out times, and improved corrosion inhibition are desired

    What is Leadership? (Chapter Two of Leadership Alive: Changing Leadership Practices within the Emerging 21st Century Culture)

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    Excerpt: This newly emerging culture is upon us. This change in Western culture requires a new breed of leader to emerge. There are many usable definitions concerning leadership. Leadership may appear in many forms, come from many theories, and be derived from many sources, but all are likely to guide through actions, influence, or service. 80 The new emerging leader of the 21st century will understand the relationship between the four principle leadership models: (1) Servant Leadership, (2) Situational Leadership, (3) Leadership and the New Science, and ( 4) Christian Leadership. In Chapter Three, I will introduce and explore the cultural shift that is surfacing within the United States and for that matter, Western Society abroad. I\u27ll discuss its effect upon leadership perceptions and development and will introduce three major themes of cultural change. We\u27re in need of a leadership with perspective and that perspective is colored by the prismatic tapestry of our evolving culture. So let\u27s turn the page to explore and collect some new colors of understanding as we venture into the future of the 21st century

    A Measurement of the Ratio of the W + 1 Jet to Z + 1 Jet Cross Sections with ATLAS

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    The measurement of hadronic activity recoiling against W and Z vector bosons provides an important test of perturbative QCD, as well as a method of searching for new physics in a model independent fashion. We present a study of the cross-section ratio for the production of W and Z gauge bosons in association with exactly one jet Rjet = {\sigma}(W + 1jet)/{\sigma}(Z + 1jet), in pp collisions at \surds = 7 TeV. The study is performed in the electron and muon channels with data collected with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. The ratio Rjet is studied as a function of the cumulative transverse momentum distribution of the jet. This result can be compared to NLO pQCD calculations and the prediction from LO matrix element + parton shower generators.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, conference proceedings for DPF 201
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