10 research outputs found

    Evolution of Cavitation Activity During Ultrasonic Nanostructuring of Magnesium

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    In this paper we focus on the investigation of the transient cavitation activity evolution during the sonochemical treatment of magnesium aqueous suspensions. We investigated the nonlinear behavior of cavitation activity that can be related with the influence of hydrogen gas released in the reaction of magnesium with water. Ultrasound causes the modification of the magnesium particles leading to the formation of the nanostructured Mg(OH)2 phase (brucite) resulting from both chemical and sonochemical impacts on the magnesium


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    The novel stabilizing ligand, 5-mercaptotetrazole-1-acetic acid, has been applied for a simple synthesis of noble metal nanoparticles in the aqueous medium. This method is based on the reduction of metal salts in water in the presence of available 5-mercaptotetrazole-1-acetic acid. The interaction of the nanoparticle surface with the ligand has been investigated. According to quantum chemical calculations, the most stable structure has been realized when the capping ligand binds with the surface of nanoparticles through both sulphur and nitrogen N4 atoms. Free carboxyl groups provide good redissolvation in water.Obtained particles are attractive as precursors for catalysts, as well as biologically active systems with antibacterial and fungicidal properties.Предложен простой способ получения устойчивых в воде золей серебра, золота и палладия в присутствии динатриевой соли меркаптотетразол-1-ил уксусной кислоты (МТУК), выступающей в качестве стабилизатора. Исследовано взаимодействие частицы и стабилизатора, на основании квантовохимических расчетов предложена модель адсорбции оболочки на поверхность частиц. Установлено, что наиболее устойчивой является структура, при которой взаимодействие между поверхностью частицы и стабилизатором осуществляется при одновременном взаимодействии серы и атома азота N4 МТУК, при этом свободная карбоксильная группа обеспечивает хорошую диспергируемость частиц в воде.Полученные частицы представляют интерес для создания катализаторов и биологически активных систем, проявляющих антибактериальные и фунгицидные свойства

    Strategies for the growth of fungi under conditions of nitrogen deficiency

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    Xylotrophic fungi are in the focus of scientists because of their capacity to grow under conditions of marked nitrogen deficiency. Basidiomycetes growing on wood developed some strategies that allow them find and consume nitrogen not easy accessible for many other organisms. In our experiments it was demonstrated that xylotrophic fungi, in contrast to basidiomycetes preferred rich organic substrates, are capable of not only prolonged searching growth (f-growth or forage growth) but also developed specific strategy to life in the wood (x-growth or xylotrophic growth). F-growth is characterized by a predominant use of resources accumulated by fungal mycelium before — that is such kind of growth is limited. X-growth is quite similar to f-growth but it is required additional nitrogen consumption and let the fungus occupy wooden substrates without limitation. Both types of growth are required recycling, but xylotrophic basidiomycetes belonging to different ecological groups use not compatible strategies to get nitrogen. While oyster mushroom could search for the rich nitrogen sources (living micro- and macroorganisms and so on) aphyllophoroids are able to extract of the trace nitrogen and include it in the recycling.Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке РФФИ (проекты 12–04–00684, 14–04–00864, 15–04–06881) и Программы научного развития МГУ (ПНР–10)