970 research outputs found

    Model Predictive Control Based Trajectory Generation for Autonomous Vehicles - An Architectural Approach

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    Research in the field of automated driving has created promising results in the last years. Some research groups have shown perception systems which are able to capture even complicated urban scenarios in great detail. Yet, what is often missing are general-purpose path- or trajectory planners which are not designed for a specific purpose. In this paper we look at path- and trajectory planning from an architectural point of view and show how model predictive frameworks can contribute to generalized path- and trajectory generation approaches for generating safe trajectories even in cases of system failures.Comment: Presented at IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium 2017, Los Angeles, CA, US

    Der mediale Attraktivitätsbonus: Wie die physische Attraktivität von Wahlkreiskandidaten die Medienberichterstattung in Wahlkämpfen beeinflusst

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    Zusammenfassung: Der Beitrag untersucht die Berichterstattung sechs regionaler Tageszeitungen über 25 Wahlkreiskandidaten in den letzten sechs Wochen vor der Bundestagswahl 2005 mithilfe einer quantitativen Inhaltsanalyse. In einer vorgeschalteten Studie wurde die physische Attraktivität der 25 Kandidaten ermittelt. Die Analysen zeigen, dass die Zeitungen über attraktive Wahlkreiskandidaten deutlich häufiger und deutlich positiver berichtet haben als über unattraktive. Dies gilt auch dann, wenn man andere für die Berichterstattung relevante Kandidatenmerkmale (Parteizugehörigkeit, Rolle als Amtsinhaber oder Herausforderer usw.) kontrolliert. Die Befunde deuten darauf hin, dass Journalisten denselben Attraktivitätsstereotypen unterliegen wie andere Menschen. Dies hat jedoch vermutlich weitreichende Folgen, weil politische Kandidaten ihre Wahlchancen durch häufige und positive Berichterstattung erheblich verbessern. Die Ursachen und Konsequenzen der Befunde werden diskutier

    Differences and Similarities in the Mechanisms and Clinical Expression of Bradykinin-Mediated vs. Mast Cell–Mediated Angioedema

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    Angioedema (AE), transient localized swelling due to extravasated fluid, is commonly classified as mast cell mediator-induced, bradykinin-mediated or of unknown cause. AE often occurs more than once, and it is these recurrent forms of AE that are challenging for patients and physicians, and they are the ones we focus on and refer to as AE in this review. Since effective treatment depends on the causative mediator, reliable and early diagnosis is essential. Although their clinical presentations bear similarities, many forms of angioedema exhibit specific patterns of clinical appearance or disease history that may aid in diagnosis. Here, we describe the most common differences and similarities in the mechanisms and clinical features of bradykinin-mediated and mast cell mediator-induced types of angioedema. We first provide an overview of the diseases that manifest with mast cell mediator-induced versus bradykinin-mediated angioedema as well as their respective underlying pathogenesis. We then compare these diseases for key clinical features, including angioedema location, course and duration of swelling, attack frequency, prevalence and relevance of prodromal signs and symptoms, triggers of angioedema attacks, and other signs and symptoms including wheals, age of onset, and duration. Our review and comparison of the clinical profiles of different types of angioedema incorporate our own clinical experience as well as published information. Our aim is to highlight that mast cell mediator-induced and bradykinin-mediated angioedema types share common features but are different in many aspects. Knowledge of the differences in underlying pathomechanisms and clinical profiles between different types of angioedema can help with the diagnostic approach in affected patients and facilitate targeted and effective treatment

    Role and Relevance of Mast Cells in Fungal Infections

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    In addition to their detrimental role in allergic diseases, mast cells (MCs) are well known to be important cells of the innate immune system. In the last decade, they have been shown to contribute significantly to optimal host defense against numerous pathogens including parasites, bacteria, and viruses. The contribution of MCs to the immune responses in fungal infections, however, is largely unknown. In this review, we first discuss key features of mast cell responses to pathogens in general and then summarize the current knowledge on the function of MCs in the defense against fungal pathogens. We especially focus on the potential and proven mechanisms by which MCs can detect fungal infections and on possible MC effector mechanisms in protecting from fungal infections

    Representing the Unknown - Impact of Uncertainty on the Interaction between Decision Making and Trajectory Generation

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    Even though motion planning for automated vehicles has been extensively discussed for more than two decades, it is still a highly active field of research with a variety of different approaches having been published in the recent years. When considering the market introduction of SAE Level 3+ vehicles, the topic of motion planning will most likely be subject to even more detailed discussions between safety and user acceptance. This paper shall discuss parameters of the motion planning problem and requirements to an environment model. The focus is put on the representation of different types of uncertainty at the example of sensor occlusion, arguing the importance of a well-defined interface between decision making and trajectory generation