6,662 research outputs found

    Smearing of Coulomb Blockade by Resonant Tunneling

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    We study the Coulomb blockade in a grain coupled to a lead via a resonant impurity level. We show that the strong energy dependence of the transmission coefficient through the impurity level can have a dramatic effect on the quantization of the grain charge. In particular, if the resonance is sufficiently narrow, the Coulomb staircase shows very sharp steps even if the transmission through the impurity at the Fermi energy is perfect. This is in contrast to the naive expectation that perfect transmission should completely smear charging effects.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Inelastic Processes in the Collision of Relativistic Highly Charged Ions with Atoms

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    A general expression for the cross sections of inelastic collisions of fast (including relativistic) multicharged ions with atoms which is based on the genelazition of the eikonal approximation is derived. This expression is applicable for wide range of collision energy and has the standard nonrelativistic limit and in the ultrarelativistic limit coincides with the Baltz's exact solution ~\cite{art13} of the Dirac equation. As an application of the obtained result the following processes are calculated: the excitation and ionization cross sections of hydrogenlike atom; the single and double excitation and ionization of heliumlike atom; the multiply ionization of neon and argon atoms; the probability and cross section of K-vacancy production in the relativistic U92+U91+U^{92+} - U^{91+} collision. The simple analytic formulae for the cross sections of inelastic collisions and the recurrence relations between the ionization cross sections of different multiplicities are also obtained. Comparison of our results with the experimental data and the results of other calculations are given.Comment: 25 pages, latex, 7 figures avialable upon request,submitted to PR

    Forests advancements to grasslands and their influence on soil formation: Forest Steppe of the Central Russian Upland

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    Stages of Chernozem evolution in response to changing land cover from forest to grassland is discussed. Natural advancement of forest over grasslands continues in the contemporary perio

    Dynamics of 1S0^{1}S_0 diproton formation in the pd{pp}snpd\to \{pp\}_sn and pN{pp}sπpN\to \{pp\}_s\pi reactions in the GeV region

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    Mechanisms for the production of 1S0^1S_0 diproton pairs, pps{pp}_s, in the pdppsnpd\to {pp}_s n reaction are studied at proton beam energies 0.5 -- 2 GeV in kinematics similar to those of backward elastic pdpd scattering. This reaction provides valuable information on the short-range NNNN and pdpd interactions that is complementary to that investigated in the well known pddppd\to dp and dpp(0)Xdp\to p(0^\circ)X processes. The pdppsnpd\to {pp}_sn reaction is related to the subprocesses π0dpn\pi^0 d\to pn and pNppsπpN\to {pp}_s \pi using two different one--pion--exchange (OPE) diagrams. Within both these models a reasonable agreement could be obtained with the data below 1GeV. The similar energy dependence of the pd{pp}snpd\to\{pp\}_s n and pddppd\to dp cross sections and the small ratio of about 1.5% in the production of {pp}s\{pp\}_s to deuteron final states follow naturally within the OPE models.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, Late

    Efficacy of sibutramine in different types of eating behavior in obese patients

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    Introduction. One of the key factors contributing to the development and progression of obesity is impairment eating behavior (EB). Therefore, drug therapy for obesity should not only reduce hunger, contributing to weight loss, but also reducing the severity of EB disorders.Aim. Assess the representation of different types of EB in obese patients, the effect of sibutramine therapy on dynamics EB by The Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire (DEBQ) and for hunger/satiety on a visual analog scale (VAS). Quality life of patients, adherence to treatment of obese patients and their weight dynamics in different types of EB during therapy with sibutramine was also assessed.Materials and methods. The study included 36 obese patients (30 women and 6 men), mean age 38.7 ± 10.8 years, mean body weight 102.8 ± 16.4 kg, body mass index (BMI) 36.8 ± 4.6 kg/m2, receiving therapy with sibutramine at a dose of 10 mg per day once in the morning before meals in combination with hypocaloric nutrition.Results and discussion. The study showed the prevalence of the emotiogenic type of eating disorders in patients. However, it was pointed out that sibutramine therapy combined with hypocaloric nutrition proved its efficacy in any type of eating disorders. Positive dynamics anxiety/depression in subclinical conditions during treatment with sibutramine was also revealed.Conclusion. Sibutramine treatment may be recommended for the development of a new EB model in obese patients because it is effective in reducing weight in any type of EB disorder