9 research outputs found

    Digitalisierung beruflicher Lern- und Arbeitsprozesse. Impulse aus der Bauwirtschaft und anderen gewerblich-technischen Sektoren

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    Der Sammelband stellt aktuelle Ansätze zum digital unterstützten beruflichen Lernen dar. Die Beiträge geben Einblicke in die dynamische Entwicklung der Schnittstellen von Erwerbsarbeit und beruflicher Aus-, Fort- und Weiterbildung im Kontext der Digitalisierung Arbeits- und Lernmitteln. Der Band schließt damit an die 2019 ebenfalls im Universitätsverlag der Technischen Universität Berlin erschienene Publikation „Berufsbildung am Bau digital“ (hrsg. von Bernd Mahrin und Johannes Meyser) an. Das erste Kapitel erörtert grundsätzliche didaktische Fragen zu digital unterstütztem Lernen und Arbeiten einschließlich der Rahmenbedingungen. Im zweiten Kapitel schließen sich Beiträge zur Kapazitätsentwicklung, zu Standards und zu digitalen Werkzeugen an. Das dritte Kapitel widmet sich konkreten Einzellösungen mit starkem Praxisbezug und hohem Transferpotenzial zum digitalisierten Arbeiten und Lernen im Bausektor und im Metallbereich. Das abschließende vierte Kapitel präsentiert übergreifend nutzbare und frei zugängliche Online-Angebote wie einen Medienpool für Bildungszwecke, eine Lernmedien-Datenbank und ein hybrides Lernsystem mit virtuellem 3D-Gebäudemodell. Das Buch ist entstanden im Rahmen des durch das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung und den Europäischen Sozialfonds geförderten Projektes DigiBAU – Digitales Bauberufliches Lernen und Arbeiten. (DIPF/Orig.)The anthology presents current approaches to digitally supported professional learning. The articles provide insights into the dynamic development of the interfaces between gainful employment and vocational training and further education in the context of digitization of work and learning aids. The volume is thus connected to the publication “Berufsbildung am Bau digital” (edited by Bernd Mahrin and Johannes Meyser), which was published in 2019 by the University Press of the Technische Universität Berlin. The first chapter discusses fundamental didactic questions about digitally supported learning and working, including the framework conditions. The second chapter picks contributions on capacity development, standards, and digital tools out as central themes. The third chapter is dedicated to concrete specific solutions with strong practical relevance and high transfer potential for digitized work and learning in the construction sector and in the metal sector. The final fourth chapter presents comprehensive and freely accessible online offers such as a media pool for educational purposes, a learning media database and a hybrid learning system with a virtual 3D building model. The book was created as part of the DigiBAU project - digital vocational learning and working in the field of construction - funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the European Social Fund. (DIPF/Orig.

    Evolutionärer Test von Realzeitsystemen

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    Test Case Design Using Classification Trees

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    The systematic test is an inevitable part of the verification and validation process for software. The most important prerequisite for a thorough software test is the design of relevant test cases, since they determine the kind and scope and hence the quality of the test. The classification-tree method and the graphical editor CTE (classification-tree editor) support the systematic design of black-box test cases. The classification-tree method is an approach to partition testing which uses a descriptive tree-like notation and which is especially suited for automation. Method and tool have already been tried out successfully on actual examples in various divisions of the Daimler-Benz Group. Three steps were found to be most important in the test case design for real-world applications: (1) Selecting test objects, (2) Designing a classification tree and (3) Combining classes to form test cases. In this paper a strategy to accomplish these steps systematically is outlined. 1 1

    Quality Week ’97 Testing Temporal Correctness of Real-Time Systems by Means of Genetic Algorithms

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    The development of real-time systems is an essential industrial activity. Dynamic testing is the most important analytical method to assure the quality of real-time systems. It is the only method that examines the run-time behavior, based on an execution in the application environment. An investigation of existing software test methods shows that they mostly concentrate on testing for functional correctness. They are not specialized in the examination of temporal correctness that is essential to real-time systems. Therefore, existing test procedures must be supplemented by new methods that concentrate on determining whether the system violates its specified timing constraints. In general, a violation means that outputs are produced too early or their computation takes too long. The task of the tester is to find the inputs with the longest or shortest execution times to check whether they produce a temporal error. If the search for such inputs is interpreted as a problem of optimization, genetic algorithms can be used to find the inputs with the longest or shortest execution times automatically. The fitness function is the measured execution time. Experiments using genetic algorithms on a number of programs with up to 1511 LOC and 843 input parameters have successfully identified new longer and shorter execution times than those that had been found using random testing and systematic testing. Genetic algorithms therefore seem to be well-suited for checking the temporal correctness of real-time software. A combination of genetic optimization with systematic testing offers further opportunities to improve the test quality and could lead to an effective test strategy for real-time systems.

    Quality Week Europe ’98 Evolutionary Testing of Temporal Correctness

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    The development of real-time systems is an essential industrial activity. Dynamic testing is the most important analytical method to assure the quality of real-time systems. It is the only method that examines the run-time behavior, based on an execution in the application environment. An investigation of existing software test methods shows that they mostly concentrate on testing for functional correctness. They are not specialized in the examination of temporal correctness that is essential to real-time systems. Therefore, existing test procedures must be supplemented by new methods that concentrate on determining whether the system violates its specified timing constraints. In general, a violation means that outputs are produced too early or their computation takes too long. The task of the tester is to find the inputs with the longest or shortest execution times to check whether they produce a temporal error. If the search for such inputs is interpreted as a problem of optimization, genetic algorithms can be used to find the inputs with the longest or shortest execution times automatically. The fitness function is the measured execution time. The use of genetic algorithms for testing is called evolutionary testing. Experiments using evolutionary testing on a number of programs with up to 1511 LOC and 843 input parameters have successfully identified new longer and shorter execution times than those that had been found using random testing and systematic testing. Evolutionary testing therefore seems to be well-suited for checking the temporal correctness of real-time software. A combination of evolutionary testing with systematic testing offers further opportunities to improve the test quality and is suggested in this paper as an effective test strategy for real-time systems.

    EuroSTAR’96 Systematic Testing of Real-Time Systems

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    The development of embedded systems is an essential industrial activity whose importance is in-creasing. Commonly, embedded software systems have to fulfil real-time requirements. The most important analytical method to assure the quality of real-time systems is dynamic testing. Testing is the only method which examines the actual run-time behaviour of embedded software systems, based on an execution in the real application environment. Dynamic aspects like the duration of computations, the memory actually needed, or the synchronisation of parallel processes are of ma-jor importance for the correct function of real-time systems, and have to be tested. The most important prerequisite for a thorough test is the design of relevant test cases. The classifi-cation-tree method was developed to overcome the shortcomings of current functional testing prac-tice. It turns functional test case design into a process comprising several structured and system-atised parts- making it easy to handle, to understand, and also to document. Nevertheless, the classification-tree method alone is not sufficient for a comprehensive test of em-bedded systems. It is not well-suited for an examination of temporal correctness which is addition-ally essential to real-time systems. Already very small systems show a large variety of different exe

    Digitization of professional learning and working processes : impulses from the construction industry and other other industrial-technical sectors

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    Gedruckt erschienen im Universitätsverlag der TU Berlin, ISBN 978-3-7983-3236-2Der Sammelband „Digitalisierung beruflicher Lern- und Arbeitsprozesse – Impulse aus der Bauwirtschaft und anderen gewerblich-technischen Sektoren“ stellt aktuelle Ansätze zum digital unterstützten beruflichen Lernen dar. Die Beiträge geben Einblicke in die dynamische Entwicklung der Schnittstellen von Erwerbsarbeit und beruflicher Aus-, Fort- und Weiterbildung im Kontext der Digitalisierung Arbeits- und Lernmitteln. Der Band schließt damit an die 2019 ebenfalls im Universitätsverlag der Technischen Universität Berlin erschienene Publikation „Berufsbildung am Bau digital“ (hrsg. von Bernd Mahrin und Johannes Meyser) an. Das erste Kapitel erörtert grundsätzliche didaktische Fragen zu digital unterstütztem Lernen und Arbeiten einschließlich der Rahmenbedingungen. Im zweiten Kapitel schließen sich Beiträge zur Kapazitätsentwicklung, zu Standards und zu digitalen Werkzeugen an. Das dritte Kapitel widmet sich konkreten Einzellösungen mit starkem Praxisbezug und hohem Transferpotenzial zum digitalisierten Arbeiten und Lernen im Bausektor und im Metallbereich. Das abschließende vierte Kapitel präsentiert übergreifend nutzbare und frei zugängliche Online-Angebote wie einen Medienpool für Bildungszwecke, eine Lernmedien-Datenbank und ein hybrides Lernsystem mit virtuellem 3D-Gebäudemodell. Das Buch ist entstanden im Rahmen des durch das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung und den Europäischen Sozialfonds geförderten Projektes DigiBAU – Digitales Bauberufliches Lernen und Arbeiten.The anthology "Digitization of professional learning and working processes - impulses from the construction industry and other commercial-technical sectors" presents current approaches to digitally supported professional learning. The articles provide insights into the dynamic development of the interfaces between gainful employment and vocational training and further education in the context of digitization of work and learning aids. The volume is thus connected to the publication “Berufsbildung am Bau digital” (edited by Bernd Mahrin and Johannes Meyser), which was published in 2019 by the University Press of the Technische Universität Berlin. The first chapter discusses fundamental didactic questions about digitally supported learning and working, including the framework conditions. The second chapter picks contributions on capacity development, standards, and digital tools out as central themes. The third chapter is dedicated to concrete specific solutions with strong practical relevance and high transfer potential for digitized work and learning in the construction sector and in the metal sector. The final fourth chapter presents comprehensive and freely accessible online offers such as a media pool for educational purposes, a learning media database and a hybrid learning system with a virtual 3D building model. The book was created as part of the DigiBAU project - digital vocational learning and working in the field of construction - funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the European Social Fund.BMBF, 01PA17010, Transfernetzwerken Digitales Lernen in der Beruflichen Bildung (DigiNet