16 research outputs found

    Microflora of the equine gut and its ramifications on the development of laminitis; A comparison of fecal and cecal diversity and Illumina and Roche 454 sequencers

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    Laminitis is characterized by the separation of the phalanx and the hoof wall. It can be induced in horses by ingesting high amounts of non-structural carbohydrates (NSC), which changes the hindgut microflora. However, fecal bacteria may not be representative of the cecum. In addition, in horses results from more recent sequencers (Illumina) have never been compared to previously used sequencers (454). To determine if there are functional differences alpha and beta-diversity, core biomes, and shifts in hindgut bacteria in response to NSC were compared between fecal and cecal communities and the MiSeq and 454 method. The results suggest that MiSeq is superior to the 454 due to greater number of reads per cost. The method had a greater effect on the diversity than the sample origin. Fecal microflora exhibited more substantial shifts than the cecum. It is hypothesized this is due to the downstream migration of lactic acid and VFAs

    An 8.22 Mb Assembly and Annotation of the Alpaca (Vicugna pacos) Y Chromosome.

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    The unique evolutionary dynamics and complex structure make the Y chromosome the most diverse and least understood region in the mammalian genome, despite its undisputable role in sex determination, development, and male fertility. Here we present the first contig-level annotated draft assembly for the alpaca (Vicugna pacos) Y chromosome based on hybrid assembly of short- and long-read sequence data of flow-sorted Y. The latter was also used for cDNA selection providing Y-enriched testis transcriptome for annotation. The final assembly of 8.22 Mb comprised 4.5 Mb of male specific Y (MSY) and 3.7 Mb of the pseudoautosomal region. In MSY, we annotated 15 X-degenerate genes and two novel transcripts, but no transposed sequences. Two MSY genes, HSFY and RBMY, are multicopy. The pseudoautosomal boundary is located between SHROOM2 and HSFY. Comparative analysis shows that the small and cytogenetically distinct alpaca Y shares most of MSY sequences with the larger dromedary and Bactrian camel Y chromosomes. Most of alpaca X-degenerate genes are also shared with other mammalian MSYs, though WWC3Y is Y-specific only in alpaca/camels and the horse. The partial alpaca Y assembly is a starting point for further expansion and will have applications in the study of camelid populations and male biology

    Characterization of a Homozygous Deletion of Steroid Hormone Biosynthesis Genes in Horse Chromosome 29 as a Risk Factor for Disorders of Sex Development and Reproduction

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    Disorders of sex development (DSD) and reproduction are not uncommon among horses, though knowledge about their molecular causes is sparse. Here we characterized a 200 kb homozygous deletion in chromosome 29 at 29.7-29.9 Mb. The region contains AKR1C genes which function as ketosteroid reductases in steroid hormone biosynthesis, including androgens and estrogens. Mutations in AKR1C genes are associated with human DSDs. Deletion boundaries, sequence properties and gene content were studied by PCR and whole genome sequencing of select deletion homozygotes and control animals. Deletion analysis by PCR in 940 horses, including 622 with DSDs and reproductive problems and 318 phenotypically normal controls, detected 67 deletion homozygotes of which 79% were developmentally or reproductively abnormal. Altogether, 8-9% of all abnormal horses were homozygous for the deletion, with the highest incidence (9.4%) among cryptorchids. The deletion was found in 4% of our phenotypically normal cohort, 1% of global warmblood horses and ponies, and 7% of draught breeds of general horse population as retrieved from published data. Based on the abnormal phenotype of the carriers, the functionally relevant gene content, and the low incidence in general population, we consider the deletion in chromosome 29 as a risk factor for equine DSDs and reproductive disorders

    Dissecting the Most Complex Regions of the Mammalian Genome; the Sex Chromosomes

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    Despite the unique genetic contribution of sex chromosomes, their studies generally lag behind the rest of the genome. Therefore, the aim of this thesis is to advance the assembly, annotation of sex chromosomes in domestic species. First, we present the first draft assembly of the alpaca Y. We sequenced and assembled flow-sorted Y-DNA resulting in 20,060,146 bp (652 contigs). Flow-sorted Ys were used for cDNA selection from testis and provided transcripts for annotation. Contigs with known Y genes were confirmed to be male specific (MSY) by BLAST against the female reference and PCR on male and female gDNA. Pseudoautosomal (PAR) contigs were identified by annotating known PAR genes and high homology with X. The final assembly comprised 4.5 Mb of MSY and 3.7 Mb of PAR. We annotated 15 gametologs and 20 PAR genes with HSFY and RBMY being confirmed as multicopy by qPCR. We demarcated the pseudoautosomal boundary (PAB) in contig419 between SHROOM2 and HSFY, within CLDN34. Most gametologs are shared among mammals, though WWC3Y is Y-specific only in camelids and horses. Secondly, we used trio-binning of a hinny – the F1 hybrid of a male horse and female donkey, to improve the complex genomics regions and obtained new chromosomally-assigned genomes for horse (ECAnp4) and donkey (EASnp2). Our specific goal was to refine complex regions of the X-chromosomes and define the PABs. Sequence analysis of the hinny and 4 PAB-Y and PAB-X BACs allowed demarcation of horse PAB at 1.8 Mb and identification of XKR3Y as the boundary gene. Improved horse X chromosome revealed that the PAB of EquCab3 had been misassembled. The new donkey X assembly showed significant discordance to the existing reference but not to the horse, indicating gross misassembles in EquAsi1 which were rectified in EASnp2. Comparison to the PAB of ECAnp4 and a drop in the sequencing depth of male reads placed the donkey PAB at 1.88 Mb. Two complex loci DXZ4 and ETSTY7 were collapsed in both horse and donkey references but corrected in EASnp2 and ECAnp4. This work represents a meaningful improvement in the study of camelid/equid sex chromosomes

    An 8.22 Mb Assembly and Annotation of the Alpaca (Vicugna pacos) Y Chromosome

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    The unique evolutionary dynamics and complex structure make the Y chromosome the most diverse and least understood region in the mammalian genome, despite its undisputable role in sex determination, development, and male fertility. Here we present the first contig-level annotated draft assembly for the alpaca (Vicugna pacos) Y chromosome based on hybrid assembly of short- and long-read sequence data of flow-sorted Y. The latter was also used for cDNA selection providing Y-enriched testis transcriptome for annotation. The final assembly of 8.22 Mb comprised 4.5 Mb of male specific Y (MSY) and 3.7 Mb of the pseudoautosomal region. In MSY, we annotated 15 X-degenerate genes and two novel transcripts, but no transposed sequences. Two MSY genes, HSFY and RBMY, are multicopy. The pseudoautosomal boundary is located between SHROOM2 and HSFY. Comparative analysis shows that the small and cytogenetically distinct alpaca Y shares most of MSY sequences with the larger dromedary and Bactrian camel Y chromosomes. Most of alpaca X-degenerate genes are also shared with other mammalian MSYs, though WWC3Y is Y-specific only in alpaca/camels and the horse. The partial alpaca Y assembly is a starting point for further expansion and will have applications in the study of camelid populations and male biology

    Characterization of a Homozygous Deletion of Steroid Hormone Biosynthesis Genes in Horse Chromosome 29 as a Risk Factor for Disorders of Sex Development and Reproduction

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    Disorders of sex development (DSD) and reproduction are not uncommon among horses, though knowledge about their molecular causes is sparse. Here we characterized a ~200 kb homozygous deletion in chromosome 29 at 29.7–29.9 Mb. The region contains AKR1C genes which function as ketosteroid reductases in steroid hormone biosynthesis, including androgens and estrogens. Mutations in AKR1C genes are associated with human DSDs. Deletion boundaries, sequence properties and gene content were studied by PCR and whole genome sequencing of select deletion homozygotes and control animals. Deletion analysis by PCR in 940 horses, including 622 with DSDs and reproductive problems and 318 phenotypically normal controls, detected 67 deletion homozygotes of which 79% were developmentally or reproductively abnormal. Altogether, 8–9% of all abnormal horses were homozygous for the deletion, with the highest incidence (9.4%) among cryptorchids. The deletion was found in ~4% of our phenotypically normal cohort, ~1% of global warmblood horses and ponies, and ~7% of draught breeds of general horse population as retrieved from published data. Based on the abnormal phenotype of the carriers, the functionally relevant gene content, and the low incidence in general population, we consider the deletion in chromosome 29 as a risk factor for equine DSDs and reproductive disorders

    Characterization of a Homozygous Deletion of Steroid Hormone Biosynthesis Genes in Horse Chromosome 29 as a Risk Factor for Disorders of Sex Development and Reproduction

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    Disorders of sex development (DSD) and reproduction are not uncommon among horses, though knowledge about their molecular causes is sparse. Here we characterized a ~200 kb homozygous deletion in chromosome 29 at 29.7-29.9 Mb. The region contains AKR1C genes which function as ketosteroid reductases in steroid hormone biosynthesis, including androgens and estrogens. Mutations in AKR1C genes are associated with human DSDs. Deletion boundaries, sequence properties and gene content were studied by PCR and whole genome sequencing of select deletion homozygotes and control animals. Deletion analysis by PCR in 940 horses, including 622 with DSDs and reproductive problems and 318 phenotypically normal controls, detected 67 deletion homozygotes of which 79% were developmentally or reproductively abnormal. Altogether, 8-9% of all abnormal horses were homozygous for the deletion, with the highest incidence (9.4%) among cryptorchids. The deletion was found in ~4% of our phenotypically normal cohort, ~1% of global warmblood horses and ponies, and ~7% of draught breeds of general horse population as retrieved from published data. Based on the abnormal phenotype of the carriers, the functionally relevant gene content, and the low incidence in general population, we consider the deletion in chromosome 29 as a risk factor for equine DSDs and reproductive disorders.status: publishe