1,089 research outputs found

    Grupo Fasma v. The Eighth Judicial Dist. Ct. of the State of NV, 132 Nev. Adv. Op. 29 (Apr. 21, 2016)

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    Merely because service of process complies with the Hague Convention does not necessarily mean that it complies with constitutional Due Process. Here, the district court failed to conduct adequate fact-finding necessary to determine whether service of process complied with constitutional Due Process. Accordingly, the Court issued a writ of prohibition instructing the district court to vacate its order denying Grupo’s motion to quash so that an evidentiary hearing may be held on the matter


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    Southern Highlands v. San Florentine, 132 Nev. Adv. Op. 3 (Jan. 14, 2016)

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    Under the plain language of NRS 116.3116(4), “equal priority” is given to multiple HOA liens on the same property when those liens secure unpaid HOA charges and dues. When one lienholder of equal priority forecloses, all other liens are terminated. Nonetheless, all equal priority lienholders share in the foreclosure profit by either being paid in full when able to do so or, if sale profit is inadequate, through a pro-rata share of the proceeds. Thus, because the Foothills and Southern Highlands have equal priority liens, Foothills’ foreclosure terminated Southern Highlands lien, however Southern Highlands is entitled its allotment of the sale proceeds


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    Questo lavoro di ricerca ha come oggetto le architetture religiose, fortificate e civili di epoca bassomedievali conservate in Val Cavallina e sulla sponda occidentale del Sebino nella provincia orientale di Bergamo: questo territorio è privilegiato per la raccolta di dati utili alla definizione della seriazione cronotipologica degli elementi architettonici e dei paramenti murari datati tra XII e XV secolo. La redazione di tavole cronotipologiche è andata oltre l’aspetto tecnico, ma ha ricostruito i fenomeni sociali e politici di questo territorio in epoca bassomedievale: la costruzione dei castelli e delle torri condizionò la nuova rete insediativa dei borghi, definendo nuovi punti di aggregazione. Queste nuove costruzioni sono il riflesso di famiglie aristocrazie che utilizzano l’edilizia come strumento di affermazione di forza economica e potere sociale. L’analisi dei corpi di fabbrica condotto col metodo dell’archeologia dell’architettura ha consentito non solo la definizione delle tecniche edilizie, ma anche sulle dinamiche insediative nella provincia orientale di Bergamo. L’edilizia storica è fondamentale per comprendere i modi dell’abitare e di vivere: l’analisi di questi contesti ha consentito di distinguere specifiche tipologie abitative, e di ragionare sulle modalità occupazionali del territorio in epoca bassomedievale, riconoscendo per le due aree d’indagine peculiarità diverse.This research is related to late medieval age religious, fortified and civil architecture preserved in Val Cavallina and on the western side of Iseo Lake, in the eastern province of Bergamo: this territory is privileged for the collection of data useful for the definition of the chrono-typological seriation of architectural elements and walls, dating from the twelfth and fifteenth centuries. Chrono-typological tablets exceed technical aspects, and reconstruct the social and political appearance of this territory in the late medieval age: the construction of castles and towers conditioned the new settlement of villages, setting new aggregation points. These new buildings are a reflection of aristocracy’s families, who builds as statement of economic and social power strength. The insight of the buildings made with the archeological method allowed the definition of building techniques, and the settlement dynamics in the eastern province of Bergamo. The historic building is crucial to understand the ways to live: the analysis of medieval buildings has allowed distinguishing specific typology of houses and the occupational way to set the territory in the late medieval age; every area has his architectural peculiarities
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