145 research outputs found

    Using dialogue to learn math in the LeActiveMath project

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    We describe a tutorial dialogue system under development that assists students in learning how to differentiate equations. The system uses deep natural language understanding and generation to both interpret students ’ utterances and automatically generate a response that is both mathematically correct and adapted pedagogically and linguistically to the local dialogue context. A domain reasoner provides the necessary knowledge about how students should approach math problems as well as their (in)correctness, while a dialogue manager directs pedagogical strategies and keeps track of what needs to be done to keep the dialogue moving along.

    LT TTT - A Flexible Tokenisation Tool

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    We describe LT TTT, a recently developed software system which provides tools to perform text tokenisation and mark-up. The system includes ready-made components to segment text into paragraphs, sentences, words and other kinds of token but, crucially, it also allows users to tailor rule-sets to produce mark-up appropriate for particular applications. We present three case studies of our use of LT TTT: named-entity recognition (MUC-7), citation recognition and mark-up and the preparation of a corpus in the medical domain. We conclude with a discussion of the use of browsers to visualise marked-up text. 1. Introduction The LTG's Text Tokenisation Toolkit (LT TTT, Grover et al., 1999) was developed within an XML processing paradigm whereby tools are combined together in a pipeline allowing each to add, modify or remove some piece of mark-up. The tools are compatible with the LT XML toolset (Thompson et al., 1997) and use the LT XML API to manipulate attribute values and character data ..

    Adaptive Tutorial Dialogue Systems Using Deep NLP Techniques

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    We present tutorial dialogue systems in two different domains that demonstrate the use of dialogue management and deep natural language processing techniques. Generation techniques are used to produce natural sounding feedback adapted to student performance and the dialogue history, and context is used to interpret tentative answers phrased as questions

    The Beetle and BeeDiff Tutoring Systems

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    We describe two tutorial dialogue systems that adapt techniques from task-oriented dialogue systems to tutorial dialogue. Both systems employ the same reusable deep natural language understanding and generation components to interpret students ' written utterances and to automatically generate adaptive tutorial responses, with separate domain reasoners to provide the necessary knowledge about the correctness of student answers and hinting strategies. We focus on integrating the domain-independent language processing components with domain-specific reasoning and tutorial components in order to improve the dialogue interaction, and present a preliminary analysis of BeeDiff's evaluation

    Exile Vol. XLII No. 1

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    40th Year Title Page by Sakura Yamamoto \u2797 i Epigraph by Ezra Pound ii Table of Contents iii / Untitled (artwork) by Gretchen Hambly \u2796 iv Breughel Again, Brussels by Adrienne Fair \u2796 1 for play with whitman by alex e blazer \u2797 4 Saeta Sunday by Carl Boon \u2796 5 An Abbreviated Life by Mike Westmoreland 6 Anthem of Governor\u27s Bay by Jamey Hein \u2796 7-10 Time is everywhere, yet nowhere (artwork) by Susanne Ducker \u2796 11 Crosses by Liz Bolyard \u2796 12 Raccoons at the Cats\u27 Food by Jennifer Rudgers \u2796 13-14 Father Federico by Trish Klei \u2797 15 Dream Poem I by Colin Bossen \u2798 16 Virgin Mary in Kentucky by Amy Ard \u2796 17 the jig is up by alex e blazer \u2797 18-20 Visiting Uncle Ernie by Liz Bolyard \u2796 21-22 A Capuchin Monk by Linda Fuller-Smith 23 Sunday, October 15, 1995 by Carl Boon \u2796 24 Old Man and the Marriage Party by Trish Klei \u2797 25 Untitled (artwork) by Gretchen Hambly \u2796 26 Cowboy Up by J. Murdoch Be Matheson \u2796 27-34 Fragments by Colin Bossen \u2798 35 meditation (artwork) by alex e blazer \u2797 36 Palazzo Rezzonico by Linda Fuller-Smith 37 A Poem About The Photographic Imprint I Would Leave If A Nuclear Bomb Hit Nearby As I Took Out The Trash One Night by Trish Klei \u2797 38 The Crazies I\u27ve Called by Julie Johnston \u2796 39-46 Contributors\u27 Notes 47-48 Editorial Board 49 Editorial decisions are shared equally among the Editorial Board. -49 Cover art by alex emmons -4