32 research outputs found
Effective integration of information and communication technology (ICT) into the teaching process is becoming an indispensable part of an effective educational process. In this study, the research was conducted at reprezentative sample of teachers teaching Design and technology in primary school in Slovenia on the use of the computer and the applicability of individual forms of e-learning in class and reported on the actual use of the computer in their classroom. The basic finding of the study is that teachers do use computers in class and that they are inclined towards using different forms of e-learning. Their position regarding the use of the computer in class is positive, with the exception of the attitude towards the knowledge and experiences acquired during their undergraduate study. Such information indicates that in the future, special attention must be given to the training of teachers for the use of the computer already during undergraduate study
Even though medical ethics has recently become a rather prominent area in healthcare, there are still institutions in some European countries where mentally ill patients are treated inhumanely. In order to help abolish such institutions, it is fundamental to further emphasize human ethics and ensure that it is duly taken into account – where necessary – medical education. A deep philosophical analysis of how we can improve medical education through appropriate modern approaches has been done. Prior research has shown that implementing what we call a holistic model grounded on interdisciplinarity into higher education significantly improves and deepens the level of knowledge. Basing on the importance of educational constructivism and the integration of history and philosophy of science in science education, there is a potential to improve medical education. The research aims to present a philosophical and historical reflection on psychiatry and to provide the guidelines to improve medical education. In particular, it is discussed the problem of value-ladenness in psychiatry from two different perspectives. The first, developed by the contemporary philosopher Rachel Cooper, points out how this commitment to values not only generates questions regarding the definition and the characterization of mental disorders, but also influences the epistemology of psychiatry in empirical research and methods. The second regards the more continental-influenced philosophical thought of the Italian psychiatrist Franco Basaglia, who succeeded in changing the educational and therapeutic practices in the relationship between health workers and patient. The concept of "meeting" is fundamental to translate Basaglia's suggestions in new guidelines for contemporary medical education. Keywords: medical education, medical ethics, philosophy of science, science education, value-ladenness in psychiatr
The subject of discussion is peer violence and the role of school counselors when dealing with this problem. The first part of the article gives a definition of peer violence as it applies to the role of the school counselor when dealing with peer violence. The second part of the article shows the results of empirical research which took place in March and April of 2010 on a sample of 428 students from Slovene schools. The fundamental objective of this research was to determine the actual state of this problem in practice: determining the role of school counseling in discovering and solving problems concerning peer violence; finding out whether students trust school counselors, whether they turn to them when in trouble, whether they cooperate with school counselors and if school counseling also works preventively.Tema ovoga rada je vršnjačko nasilje te uloga koju školski savjetnici imaju kada se suočavaju sa spomenutim problemom. Uvodni dio rada definira pojam vršnjačkog nasilja te način na koji ono utječe na rad školskog savjetnika kada se suočava s tim problemom. Drugi dio rada prikazuje rezultate empirijskog istraživanja koje je provedeno u ožujku i travnju 2010. na uzorku od 428 učenika is slovenskih škola. Glavna svrha ovog istraživanja bila je ustanoviti stvarno stanje tog problema u praksi: odrediti ulogu školskog savjetovanja u pronalaženju i rješavanju problema vezanih uz vršnjačko nasilje; otkriti vjeruju li učenici školskim savjetnicima, obraćaju li im se kada imaju problem, odnosno surađuju li s njima, te djeluju li školski savjetnici preventivno
Model of ICT implementation in the technical education
The operation of a modern university and its competitiveness on the knowledge market are becoming increasingly dependent on the implementation and use of information and communication technology (ICT) in its educational processes. The University of Maribor is entering the process of changes bringing new dimensions to teaching and learning. The present article presents a research that included students/student teachers of technical education at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics of the University of Maribor and the Faculty of Education of the University of Ljubljana and design and technology teachers. This research was conducted with the aim to study four fundamental issues important for the implementation of ICT in the educational process on the entire vertical of technical education. These are the available computer equipment, beliefs of students/student teachers of technical education and design and technology teachers about the circumstances regarding the use of the computer and individual forms of e-learning in the educational process, their experiences with using the computer in the educational process and their opinion about the applicability of portals as social environments. One of our main findings was that the view points of both students/student teachers of technical education and design and technology teachers regarding the use of the computer in class were positive. Both confirmed that in technical education different forms of e-learning were appropriate. A high percentage of teachers who regularly use educational portals indicate a great interest for the online social environment. The final finding that students/student teachers of technical education and design and technology teachers support the use of the computer for educational purposes importantly influenced further activities related to the implementation of e-learning into the study process and the preparation of an educational portal
Future teachers\u27 opinions on the digital competencies obtained during their studies
Different information and communication technologies have become part of the necessary competencies, as teachers are educators of the web generation, which is characterised by its members using the computer in each aspect of their lives. The use of the computer is specific for each individual field of teaching and as such cannot be directly compared. This article presents the results of a survey into how the field of study influences the use of ICT and the computer in future teachers. The participants in this study were 252 forth-year students from three faculties from University of Maribor, which educate future teachers: Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Faculty of Arts and Faculty of Education. Our research has shown that students of natural, technical and computer science provided the most positive feedback about the availability of computers at the faculty, their performance, software, internet access at the faculty and internet access in their town of study. Future teachers expressed a more positive opinion on statements relating to the necessity of using the computer in class than on statements relating to their competencies for using the computer in class
Improving quality of the educational process by raising teachers\u27 communication skills
The quality of the educational process can be measured by different criteria. These criteria are based on factors, including good communication as an important aspect. Similarly to good communication being able to improve the quality of life, the quality of the educational process largely depends on the communication ability of teachers or implementers of education. In his or her job, the teacher has to master communication on different levels: with his or her superior (the principal), colleagues, parents and pupils (students). Not only does the teacher have to educate students by example, he/she occasionally also need to provide assistance in solving conflicts so as to avoid peer violence. During their studies at the university, student teachers should acquire good communication skills. Even though these have been introduced in the content of pedagogical study programmes, their extent is still not sufficient. This paper presents an example of trial Communication in Education laboratory work that was implemented with three generations of 4th year students future teachers of technical education. Their reaction was very positive and they expressed the desire for additional work to be prepared
Using ICT in technical education - opportunities and restrictions
Različna področja izobratevanja se razlikujejo po svojih specifikah, ki jih jepotrebno upoštevati pri vpeljavi IKT. Izobratevanje tehničnih smeri zahteva veliko praktičnega usposabljanja, ki omogoča pridobivanje praktičnih izkušenj in znanj. Pri pedagoških smereh ne smemo zanemariti medosebnega stika, ki študentom omogoča pridobivanje veščin retorike, ustnega komuniciranja in javnega nastopanja. Tehnično izobratevanje je torej kot pedagoški študijski program zelo specifično področje, ki pred vpeljavo IKT zahteva natančno analizo prilotnosti in omejitev, ki se ob tem pojavljajo. V tehničnem izobratevanju je potrebno najti pravo razmerje uporabljenih metod, da zagotovimo najboljši učinek.The various areas of education differs in their specifications, to be followedfor the introduction of ICT. Learning the technical direction requiresa lot of practical training, which enables the acquisition of practical experience and skills. At teaching directions can not be ignored interpersonal contact, enabling students to obtain skills of rhetoric, oral communication and public appearances. Technical education as the teacher training is therefore very specific area, which requires a thorough analysis of opportunities and constraints that occurs before the introduction of ICT. The technical education requires right proportion of the methods used to ensure maximum impact
Lower secondary school experiences as predictors of career aspirations toward engineering, and production and processing occupations
The global demand for technically educated persons is greater than the supply. It is believed that interest and school experience can influence career choice. 624 Slovenian high school students participated in the survey. Exploratory and Confirmatory Factorial Analysis procedures were used to investigate the influence of school and out-of-school-related factors on career aspirations. Predictors of career aspirations in (a) engineering and (b) production and processing occupations in the models were: (1) students’ opinions on technical topics, (2) the content of school subject Technics and Technologyand (3) related classroom experiences. The results of the models showed that career aspirations were explained by out-of-school generated opinions on technical topics and not by school-related factors. Boys are more enthusiastic than girls in their career aspirations for technically oriented occupations. This calls for a fundamental revision of the school subject and the corresponding teaching
Enhancement of educational process using experience based tutoring approaches
The equations clearly show that any technological development requires adequate preparation i.e. education of human resources for this development. Slovenia wish is to base its own development and prosperity mainly on knowledge. Therefore, the change and modification of education system became an imperative. Consequently, the following article deals with the demand: Slovenia has to fulfil in this process of transformation. From the experiences of recent years, it seems clear that the existing education system in Slovenia. as a whole, is perceived as an ailing system that fails to meet the needs of a major portion of the society it serves. Every aspect of the educational process and system must be studied and reconsidered in light of new and different societal expectations. And for these purposes we would like to use all positive experiences from different systems in the world