85 research outputs found


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    Figure S2. All a-DMRs within (1) genomic location. Top: a-DMRs (purple), gene, DHS clusters, transcription factor ChIP-seq, ChromHMM segmentation, combined segmentation and conservation; and (2) scatterplot: x-axis = Age, y-axis = Normalised methylation. (PDF 34909 kb

    A Historicai Consideration on the Changes of the Wabicha (Tea Ceremony) and the Roji (Tea Garden) : Part 3: The Succession and development of Oribe\u27s Style for Tea Ceremony by Enshu

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    織部において, 茶室, 茶庭は客のためのよりよき茶を演出するための場としてとらえる立場をとる.この織部の茶を継承し, さらに展開した遠州は茶庭(露地)のための造形を含めて, かずかずの茶の造形をものしている.しかも, その中には, 後世に受けつがれ, 語りつがれる, すぐれた数々の成果がある.このすぐれた成果を生み出した基盤には, 彼の豊かな天賦の才があったこと勿論であるが, しかし, 一方, 彼を取り巻くすぐれた人びとが, 彼のこのすぐれた天賦の才をさらにみがき, そして大きく育てる役割を果したことも, また軽視できないといわねばならない.本報告では, このような遠州を取り巻くすぐれた人びとの中で, 特に松花堂昭乗を取りあげる.滝本坊客殿の幅広い東縁と, これから茶室・閑雲軒の躙口へ通じる狭い榑縁と, このひとつらなりの廊下がつくり出す構成は, 外露地から内露地への園路の構成に通じるものといえる.而して, この構成を, 遠州が先きに金地院八窓席の躙口まえにおいて試みた手法から, さらに一歩を踏み出したデザインとみる.また, その手水構えにおいても, ここ閑雲軒においては, 蹲踞構えではなく, 書院における縁先手水の構えを思わせる構成をとるものであって, それは廊下を園路と見立てる手法によって, はじめて成立する構成といえる.そして, この構成は, やがて, 書院茶室へと展開する遠州の新しい茶の造形に向う, 一階梯として大きな意義をもつ.また, 滝本坊茶立所の室内構成をみるとき, そこには遠州伏見屋敷におけるデザインからの発展といえるかずかずの特徴がみられる.さらに, この滝本坊茶立所における作事のかずかずの体験が, やがて, 遠州の造形デザインの世界を, さEnshu Kobori succeeded Oribe Furuta\u27s style for a wabicha (a tea ceremony in the special room or house for it) to recieve the quests with a tea in the hospitable settings of a room and a garden, and developed it cultivating his talent by the communicaion with several outstanding people of his salon like Shojo Shokado or a monk of Iwashimizu Hachimangu. One of the process of the development could be found in the approach from the kyakuden (a reception hall) of Takimotobo of Shojo\u27s living house to Kanunken of a special house for a tea ceremony through the verandah, and in the design of chatatedokoro, i.e. the room for a wabicha in a shoin style. The way from the kyakuden to Kanunken through the verandah would have been supposed as the way from a soto-roji to a uchi-roji, and a set of tsukubai or a basin for washing hands beside the verandah used like a ensaki-chouzu in case of a shoincha or a tea service in a shoin. And, we can point out several effects of Shojo in the design of chatatedokoro. Therefore, the design of Takimotobo is on the way to a wabicha in a shoin style, which is completed by Enshu in the design of Bosen of Kohoan, Daitokuji

    Genomewide association analysis of coronary artery disease

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    Background - Modern genotyping platforms permit a systematic search for inherited components of complex diseases. We performed a joint analysis of two genomewide association studies of coronary artery disease. Methods - We first identified chromosomal loci that were strongly associated with coronary artery disease in the Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium (WTCCC) study (which involved 1926 case subjects with coronary artery disease and 2938 controls) and looked for replication in the German MI [Myocardial Infarction] Family Study (which involved 875 case subjects with myocardial infarction and 1644 controls). Data on other single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that were significantly associated with coronary artery disease in either study (P<0.001) were then combined to identify additional loci with a high probability of true association. Genotyping in both studies was performed with the use of the GeneChip Human Mapping 500K Array Set (Affymetrix). Results - Of thousands of chromosomal loci studied, the same locus had the strongest association with coronary artery disease in both the WTCCC and the German studies: chromosome 9p21.3 (SNP, rs1333049) (P=1.80x10–14 and P=3.40x10–6, respectively). Overall, the WTCCC study revealed nine loci that were strongly associated with coronary artery disease (P80%) of a true association: chromosomes 1p13.3 (rs599839), 1q41 (rs17465637), 10q11.21 (rs501120), and 15q22.33 (rs17228212). Conclusions - We identified several genetic loci that, individually and in aggregate, substantially affect the risk of development of coronary artery disease

    NAHR deletion rate at the <i>CMT1A</i> locus plotted against age at the time the sample was provided.

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    <p>In cases where multiple individuals have the same age the points are plotted slightly offset from each other on the x-axis. The 95% confidence intervals for each estimate of deletion rate are shown.</p

    NAHR deletion rate at the <i>CMT1A</i> locus in MZ co-twins.

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    <p>The estimates of deletion rate for each co-twin are plotted against one another, with 95% confidence intervals for each estimate also shown.</p

    NAHR deletion rate at the <i>CMT1A</i> locus in all the sperm samples analysed with men grouped according to <i>PRDM9</i> zinc finger motif-binding status.

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    <p>Men homozygous for alleles recognising the canonical motif (shown in red) or heterozygous for alleles recognising the canonical and non-canonical motifs (shown in blue) are grouped separately and shown in ascending order. The 95% confidence intervals for each estimate of deletion rate are shown.</p

    Pathways represented by associated metabolites for general food groups.

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    <p>Fig 2 shows a stacked histogram of the number of associated metabolites representing each superpathway (a) and subpathway (b) by general food group intake.</p

    Additional file 5: of Novel regional age-associated DNA methylation changes within human common disease-associated loci

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    Figure S3. Genotype-interaction analysis. Variation in ageing signal depending on genotype. Homozygote SNP trait related allele is in red. Left: Scatterplot: x-axis = Age, y-axis = Normalised methylation. Right: Boxplot: three genotype categories separated into two groups by ≤ or > median age (56.6 years). (PDF 910 kb

    Hierarchical cluster of the correlation across 43 overlapping metabolites from both platforms.

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    <p>Upper colour bars represent metabolites with mGWAS results, metabolite type, and metabolite platform. The left colour bar represents the heritability of the metabolite from red (high) to white (low).</p