45,260 research outputs found

    Public opinion in Poland\u27s transition to market economy

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    Public opinion research has changed dramatically in the last ten years in Poland, in terms of its methodology, scope, and role in political change. During the first Solidarity era (1980–81), the genie of public opinion was let out of the bottle, and even martial law could not entirely put it back. Public opinion polling in the 1980s became more sophisticated and more common, and began to tackle increasingly sensitive political issues. Public opinion came to play a role in the political process, and to give the Polish population a sense of its own purpose and values. It also revealed the depth of antipathy to the communist regime and leadership and, in doing so, further eroded the already fragile legitimacy of the regime. When, in the late 1980s, the regime realized it could not succeed at winning back the allegiance, or at least acquiescence, of the Polish population, it agreed to negotiate with the opposition. The result was the emergence of the first noncommunist regime in Eastern Europe

    The U.S. No Longer Makes the Grade: Economic Inequality Put an End to the \u27American Century\u27

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    In his State of the Union address last January, U.S. President Barack Obama said that anyone who tells you that America is in decline or that our influence has waned, doesn\u27t know what they\u27re talking about. Former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman, when in the race for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination, warned that unless Americans changed directions, they would see the end of the American century by 2015. As bright and capable as both of these politicians are, they are both whistling in the wind. The American century - the post-World War II era of U.S. global leadership and dominance - ended a decade ago, and it is not coming back. While that does not mean the cessation of American wealth and might, it does mark a significant transformation in U.S. society and economics, and the country\u27s place in the world. To cope with this transformation, Americans needs to recognize the nation\u27s relative decline

    Poland\u27s new trade unions

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    With the declaration of martial law in December 1981 and the formal banning of Solidarity in October 1982, the Polish regime created for itself a dilemma: how to provide a channel for participation by the workers without reactivating Solidarity and without allowing that participation to assume political dimensions. The Jaruzelski leadership professed a desire to achieve reconciliation and understanding in the aftermath of the heady days of Solidarity and the depressing denouement of martial law. One of the principal means to do this was through the creation of new institutions, allegedly independent, which would absorb some of the creative and participatory energy of Solidarity, without allowing a return to what the regime claimed had been political activities by the union

    Relationship of Vested Assets to War Claims

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    Improving the quality of consent to randomised controlled trials by using continuous consent and clinician training in the consent process

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    Objectives: To assess whether continuous consent, a process whereby information is given to research participants at different stages in a trial, plus clinician training in that process was effective when used by clinicians gaining consent to the TOBY trial. The TOBY trial is a randomised controlled trial investigating the use of whole body cooling for neonates with evidence of perinatal asphyxia. Obtaining valid informed consent for TOBY is difficult; as such, it is a good test of the effectiveness of continuous consent. Methods: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 30 sets of parents who gave consent to TOBY and with 10 clinicians who sought it using the continuous consent process. Analysis focused on the validity of parental consent based upon the consent components of competence, information, understanding and voluntariness. Results: 19/27 (70%) couples had no significant problems with consent validity at the point of signature. Problems lay mainly with the parents’ competence and understanding. Mothers particularly had competence problems in the early stages of consent. The understanding problems were primarily to do with side effects. Problems in both areas (competence and understanding) reduced markedly, particularly for mothers, in the post signature phase when further discussion took place. Randomisation was generally understood but unpopular. Clinicians did not always give information in stages during the short period of time available before parents gave consent. However, most clinicians were able to give follow up information. Discussion: The consent validity compares favourably with similar trials examined in a comparable study (the Euricon study). Conclusion: Researchers should consider adopting elements of the continuous consent process and clinician training in RCTs, particularly where they have concerns about the quality of consent they are likely to obtain using a conventional process.</p

    An evolution strategy for lunar nuclear surface power

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    The production and transmission of electric power for a permanently inhabited lunar base poses a significant challenge which can best be met through an evolution strategy. Nuclear systems offer the best opportunity for evolution in terms of both life and performance. Applicable nuclear power technology options include isotope systems (either radioisotope thermoelectric generators or dynamic isotope power systems) and reactor systems with either static (thermoelectric or thermionic) or dynamic (Brayton, Stirling, Rankine) conversion. A power system integration approach that takes evolution into account would benefit by reduced development and operations cost, progressive flight experience, and simplified logistics, and would permit unrestrained base expansion. For the purposes of defining a nuclear power system evolution strategy, the lunar base development shall consist of four phases: precursor, emplacement, consolidation, and operations

    Should desperate volunteers be included in randomised controlled trials?

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    Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) sometimes recruit participants who are desperate to receive the experimental treatment. Some claim this practice is unethical for at least three reasons. The first is that the notion of equipoise, which is often used as a justification for running a RCT, is subjective and value-based. Desperate volunteers are clearly not in equipoise and it is their values that should take precedence. The second is that clinicians who enter patients onto trials are disavowing their therapeutic obligation to deliver the best treatment to patients; they are following trial protocols rather than delivering individualised care. Research is not treatment; its ethical justification is different. Consent is crucial. This leads to the third reason: desperate volunteers do not give a proper consent; they are, in effect, coerced. We begin our reply by advocating a notion of equipoise based on, first, expert knowledge and, second, widely shared values. Where such collective, expert equipoise exists there is a prima facie case for a RCT. Next we argue that trial entry does not involve clinicians’ disavowing their therapeutic obligation; individualised care based on whims and fancies is not in patients’ best interest. Finally, we argue that where equipoise exists it is acceptable to limit access to experimental agents. In the cases desperate volunteers are not coerced because their desperation does not translate into a right to receive what they desire. </p

    Cleft Extensions and Quotients of Twisted Quantum Doubles

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    Given a pair of finite groups F,GF, G and a normalized 3-cocycle ω\omega of GG, where FF acts on GG as automorphisms, we consider quasi-Hopf algebras defined as a cleft extension kωG#c kF\Bbbk^G_\omega\#_c\,\Bbbk F where cc denotes some suitable cohomological data. When F→F‾:=F/AF\rightarrow \overline{F}:=F/A is a quotient of FF by a central subgroup AA acting trivially on GG, we give necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a surjection of quasi-Hopf algebras and cleft extensions of the type kωG#c kF→kωG#c‾ kF‾\Bbbk^G_\omega\#_c\, \Bbbk F\rightarrow \Bbbk^G_\omega\#_{\overline{c}} \, \Bbbk \overline{F}. Our construction is particularly natural when F=GF=G acts on GG by conjugation, and kωG#ckG\Bbbk^G_\omega\#_c \Bbbk G is a twisted quantum double Dω(G)D^{\omega}(G). In this case, we give necessary and sufficient conditions that Rep(kωG#c‾ kG‾\Bbbk^G_\omega\#_{\overline{c}} \, \Bbbk \overline{G}) is a modular tensor category.Comment: LaTex; 14 page
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