791 research outputs found


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    Local wisdom is the value system or behavior of local people in interacting with the environment in which they live. Jemongko hamlet in kuala dua village has wisdom in the form of tembawang management, this study aims to find out and describe the forms of local wisdom of jemongko hamlet community. The method used in this study is a survey method with interview techniques with the help of questionnaires. Respondents were taken by snowball sampling, with 15 responden in total. Analysis data used is qualitative descriptive analysis. Local wisdom cared out the jemongko hamlet community in the tembawang environment includes; the prohibition of cutting down trees, prohibition of urinating and defecating, prohibition of killing animals, prohibition of burning shrimp paste, and as maintaining the attitude, speech, and belief in a bunyik (ghost).  Keywords; local wisdom, jemongko village, tembawang management, community. AbstrakKearifan lokal adalah sistem nilai atau perilaku masyarakat lokal dalam berinteraksi dengan lingkungan tempat tinggalnya. Dusun jemongko di desa kuala dua memiliki kearifan berupa pengelolaan tembawang, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan mendeskripsikan bentuk-bentuk kearifan lokal masyarakat dusun jemongko. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode survey dengan teknik wawancara dengan bantuan kuesioner. Responden diambil secara snowball sampling, dengan jumlah total 15 responden. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Kearifan lokal yang dihayati masyarakat dusun jemongko di lingkungan tembawang meliputi; larangan menebang pohon, larangan buang air kecil dan besar, larangan membunuh hewan, larangan membakar pasta syari'at, serta menjaga sikap, ucapan dan keyakinan terhadap bunyik (hantu).Kata kunci; kearifan lokal, dusun jemongko, pengelolaan tembawang, masyarakat.

    Thermoelastic micromechanical analysis of CFRP with voids

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    The work investigates the effect of dispersed air gaps – voids – within the matrix on the local stress and strain fields and the influence on the thermoelastic properties of carbon fiber reinforced plastic polymers (CFRPs). The micromechanics framework is based on the use of 1D higher-order structural theories obtained via the Carrera Unified Formulation (CUF) and periodic boundary conditions (PBC), including plasticity over the matrix. Voids are randomly generated within the matrix, considering different volume fractions. Moreover, several distributions at the same void volume fraction permit to perform statistical analyses of the results. Based on numerical results, increasing void fractions leads to higher stress and strain values. Regarding the thermoelastic properties, the results show a good agreement with the benchmarks, thus confirming that voids have a remarkable effect on thermoelastic properties

    A series elastic composite actuator for soft arm exosuits

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    Crossmodal perception in virtual reality

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    With the proliferation of low-cost, consumer level, head-mounted displays (HMDs) we are witnessing a reappearance of virtual reality. However, there are still important stumbling blocks that hinder the achievable visual quality of the results. Knowledge of human perception in virtual environments can help overcome these limitations. In this work, within the much-studied area of perception in virtual environments, we look into the less explored area of crossmodal perception, that is, the interaction of different senses when perceiving the environment. In particular, we look at the influence of sound on visual perception in a virtual reality scenario. First, we assert the existence of a crossmodal visuo-auditory effect in a VR scenario through two experiments, and find that, similar to what has been reported in conventional displays, our visual perception is affected by auditory stimuli in a VR setup. The crossmodal effect in VR is, however, lower than that present in a conventional display counterpart. Having asserted the effect, a third experiment looks at visuo-auditory crossmodality in the context of material appearance perception. We test different rendering qualities, together with the presence of sound, for a series of materials. The goal of the third experiment is twofold: testing whether known interactions in traditional displays hold in VR, and finding insights that can have practical applications in VR content generation (e.g., by reducing rendering costs)

    A generative framework for image-based editing of material appearance using perceptual attributes

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    Single-image appearance editing is a challenging task, traditionally requiring the estimation of additional scene properties such as geometry or illumination. Moreover, the exact interaction of light, shape and material reflectance that elicits a given perceptual impression is still not well understood. We present an image-based editing method that allows to modify the material appearance of an object by increasing or decreasing high-level perceptual attributes, using a single image as input. Our framework relies on a two-step generative network, where the first step drives the change in appearance and the second produces an image with high-frequency details. For training, we augment an existing material appearance dataset with perceptual judgements of high-level attributes, collected through crowd-sourced experiments, and build upon training strategies that circumvent the cumbersome need for original-edited image pairs. We demonstrate the editing capabilities of our framework on a variety of inputs, both synthetic and real, using two common perceptual attributes (Glossy and Metallic), and validate the perception of appearance in our edited images through a user study

    A soft, synergy-based robotic glove for grasping assistance

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    This paper presents a soft, tendon-driven, robotic glove designed to augment grasp capability and provide rehabilitation assistance for postspinal cord injury patients. The basis of the design is an underactuation approach utilizing postural synergies of the hand to support a large variety of grasps with a single actuator. The glove is lightweight, easy to don, and generates sufficient hand closing force to assist with activities of daily living. Device efficiency was examined through a characterization of the power transmission elements, and output force production was observed to be linear in both cylindrical and pinch grasp configurations. We further show that, as a result of the synergy-inspired actuation strategy, the glove only slightly alters the distribution of forces across the fingers, compared to a natural, unassisted grasping pattern. Finally, a preliminary case study was conducted using a participant suffering from an incomplete spinal cord injury (C7). It was found that through the use of the glove, the participant was able to achieve a 50% performance improvement (from four to six blocks) in a standard Box and Block test

    Nuclear neutron radius and weak mixing angle measurements from latest COHERENT CsI and atomic parity violation Cs data

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    The COHERENT collaboration observed coherent elastic neutrino nucleus scattering using a 14.6 kg cesium iodide (CsI) detector in 2017 and recently published the updated results before decommissioning the detector. Here, we present the legacy determination of the weak mixing angle and of the average neutron rms radius of Cs-133 and I-127 obtained with the full CsI dataset, also exploiting the combination with the atomic parity violation (APV) experimental result, that allows us to achieve a precision as low as similar to 4.5% and to disentangle the contributions of the Cs-133 and I-127 nuclei. Interestingly, we show that the COHERENT CsI data show a 6 sigma evidence of the nuclear structure suppression of the full coherence. Moreover, we derive a data-driven APV+COHERENT measurement of the low-energy weak mixing angle with a percent uncertainty, independent of the value of the average neutron rms radius of Cs-133 and I-127, that is allowed to vary freely in the fit. Additionally, we extensively discuss the impact of using two different determinations of the theoretical parity non-conserving amplitude in the APV fit. Our findings show that the particular choice can make a significant difference, up to 6.5% on R-n(Cs) and 11% on the weak mixing angle. Finally, in light of the recent announcement of a future deployment of a 10 kg and a similar to 700 kg cryogenic CsI detectors, we provide future prospects for these measurements, comparing them with other competitive experiments that are foreseen in the near future

    An Application of IoT in a Drone Inspection Service for Environmental Control

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    This paper presents an exploratory activity with a drone inspection service for environmental control. The aim of the service is to provide technical support to decision-makers in environmental risk management. The proposed service uses IoT for the interaction between a mobile application, a Smart City platform, and an Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS). The mobile application allows the users to report risky situations, such as fire ignition, spills of pollutants in water, or illegal dumping; the user has only to specify the class of the event, while the geographical coordinates are automatically taken from device-integrated GPS. The message sent from the mobile application arrives to a Smart City platform, which shows all the received alerts on a 3D satellite map, to support decision-makers in choosing where a drone inspection is required. From the Smart City platform, the message is sent to the drone service operator; a CSV file defining the itinerary of the drone is automatically built and shown through the platform; the drone starts the mission providing a video, which is used by the decision-makers to understand whether the situation calls for immediate action. An experimental activity in an open field was carried out to validate the whole chain, from the alert to the drone mission, enriched by a Smart City platform to enable a decision-maker to better manage the situation


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    Objective: The aim of this pilot study was to examine changes in different aspects of impairment, including spasticity in the upper limbs, of hemiplegic children following botulinum toxin type A intervention. Progress was assessed using standard clinical measurements and a robotic device. Design: Pre-post multiple baseline. Subjects: Six children with hemiplegia. Methods: Botulinium toxin type A injections were administered into the affected upper limb muscles. Outcomes were evaluated before and one month after the injection. Outcome assessments included: Melbourne Scale, Modified Ashworth Scale (MAS) and Passive Range of Motion. Furthermore, a robotic device was employed as an evaluation tool. Results: Patients treated with botulinum toxin type A had significantly greater reduction in spasticity (MAS, p < 0.01), which explains an improvement in upper limb function and quality movement measured with the Melbourne Scale (p < 0.01). These improvements are consistent with robot-based evaluation results that showed statistically significant changes (p < 0.01) following botulinum toxin type A injections. Conclusion: The upper limb performs a wide variety of movements. The multi-joint nature of the task during the robotmediated evaluation required active control of joint interaction forces. There was good correlation between clinical scales and robotic evaluation. Hence the robot-mediated assessment may be used as an additional tool to quantify the degree of motor improvement after botulinum toxin type A injections
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