15 research outputs found

    Electrical properties of cr/crn nano-multilayers produced by the unbalanced magnetron sputtering technique

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    Chromium nitride (CrN) films have been applied to several steels as protective coatings against wear and corrosion due to their excellent mechanical properties and corrosion resistance, and in the electronic field these films are commonly used due to their low electrical resistivity. However, it has been found that multilayers combining metal/ceramic films could enhance mechanical and electrical properties compared with their monolayer counterparts, due to the higher amount and interaction between interfaces. In this work, Cr/CrN nano-multilayers have been produced through the unbalanced magnetron sputtering technique with three different degrees of unbalance, in order to study the influence of this parameter on electrical properties. Cr/CrN multilayers with approximately 1 渭m of total thickness and a bilayer period (螞) of 200 nm, 100 nm, and 20 nm were produced at room temperature on H13 steel and silicon (100); and their microstructure and electrical properties as a function of the magnetic field were evaluated. The phase formation was characterized through x-ray diffraction, and results presented (111) and (200) preferred orientations for all the multilayers. Cross section images were obtained through scanning electron microscopy and a multilayer structure can be clearly seen

    Evaluating the corrosion resistance of ubm-deposited cr/crn multilayers

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    This work was aimed at evaluating the corrosion resistance of multilayer Cr/CrN coatings deposited by the unbalan-ced magnetron sputtering (UBM) technique. Coatings were produced at room temperature using 400 mA discharge current, 9聽sccm argon flow and 3 sccm nitrogen flow. The total thickness of coatings deposited on AISI 304 stainless steel and silicon (100) varied between 0.2 a 3 渭m as bilayer period varied between 20 and 200 nm. Coating microstructure and chemical composition was stu-died through scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and tex-ture and crystalline phases were analysed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) before and after corrosion tests which were carried out by potentiodynamic polarisation using 0.5 M H2SO4聽+聽0.05M KSCN solution. Lower bilayer period coatings presented better corrosion resistance and their corrosion mechanism is discussed in this article.En este art铆culo se eval煤a la resistencia a la corrosi贸n de los recubrimientos en multicapa de Cr/CrN depositados mediante la t茅cnica de sputtering con magnetr贸n desba-lanceado, UBM. Los recubrimientos se produjeron a tem-peratura ambiente, con corriente de descarga de 400 mA y flujos de Ar de 9 sccm y de N2 de 3 sccm. El espesor total de los recubrimientos depositados sobre los sustratos de acero inoxidable AISI 304 y silicio (100) se vari贸 entre 0,2 y 3 渭m, al igual que el periodo de la bicapa, que estuvo entre 20 y 200 nm. La microestructura y compo-sici贸n qu铆mica de los recubrimientos se analiz贸 por medio de microscop铆a electr贸nica de barrido (SEM), y la textura y fases cristalinas con difracci贸n de rayos X (XRD), antes y despu茅s de las pruebas de corrosi贸n, las cuales se rea-lizaron con ensayos de polarizaci贸n potenciodin谩mica empleando una soluci贸n de 0,5M H2SO4 + 0,05M KSCN. Los recubrimientos con menor per铆odo de la bica-pa presentaron la mejor resistencia a la corrosi贸n y su mecanismo de corrosi贸n se discute en este estudio

    Estudio comparativo de la evaluaci贸n a la corrosi贸n de recubrimientos de crn y crn/cr con recubrimientos de cromo electrodepositado y pinturas tipo epoxy

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    En este trabajo se compara la resistencia a la corrosi贸n de recubrimientos de CrN y CrN/Cr depositados con el sistema de sputtering con magnetr贸n desbalanceado (UBM) con recubrimientos industriales de Cr y pinturas tipo epoxy. Los recubrimientos UBM fueron optimizados y producidos a temperatura ambiente y con una corriente de descarga de 400 mA. Se utiliz贸 un flujo de Ar de 9 sccm y para la producci贸n de CrN se activ贸 el nitr贸geno con un flujo de 3 sccm. Los tiempos de dep贸sito se ajustaron para producir monocapas de CrN y multicapas a escala nanom茅trica manteniendo un espesor total de 1 渭m y un periodo de 100 nm. A los recubrimientos obtenidos se les determin贸 su microestructura con icroscopia electr贸nica de barrido (SEM), la textura y fases cristalinas con difracci贸n de rayos X (XRD) y espectroscopia infrarroja (IR), y la resistencia a la corrosi贸n se evalu贸 con ensayos de polarizaci贸n potenciodin谩mica utilizando una soluci贸n de 0,5M H2SO4 y 0,05M KSCN. En general, las multicapas anom茅tricas mejoraron la resistencia a la corrosi贸n de los aceros inoxidables, adem谩s se observ贸 que los aceros A36 recubiertos con CrN pueden ser una alternativa para reemplazar a los aceros inoxidables en ambientes 谩cidos.Los mecanismos de corrosi贸n para los recubrimientos producidos son discutidos en esta investigaci贸n.This work was aimed at comparing the corrosion resistance of CrN and CrN/Cr coatings deposited through unbalanced magnetron sputtering (UBM), Cr industrial coatings and epoxy paints. UBM coatings were optimised and produced at room temperature, using 400 mA discharge current. Ar and N2 flow rates were set at 9 standard cubic centimetres per minute (SCCM) and 3 SCCM, respectively. Deposition times were set to produce CrN monolayers and nanometric multilayers having 1 渭m total thickness and 100 nm period. Coating icrostructure was determined through scanning electron microscopy as texture and crystalline phases were determined using x-ray diffraction and infrared spectroscopy. Corrosion resistance was studied with anodic polarisation tests using 0.5M H2SO4 and 0.05M KSCN solution. Nanometric multilayers improved stainless steel corrosion resistance and it was observed that coated CrN steel A36 could be an alternative for replacing tainless steel in acid environments.Corrosion mechanisms for the coatings so deposited are discussed

    Electrical furnace for producing carbide coatings using the thermoreactive deposition/diffusion technique

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    In this work, the design of an electrical furnace for producing transition metal-based hard coatings using the thermo-reactive deposition and diffusion (TRD) technique is described. Performance of the system was tested through production of vanadium carbide (VC) and niobium carbide (NbC) coatings on steel AISI D2. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and optical microscopy techniques were used to study phase formation and microstructure, respectively. Hardness was determined by using Knoop microhardness measurements. XRD results showed the presence of VC and NbC, and as MEB results clearly show, the formation of regular thickness coatings. The results obtained allow for assessing that the designed and built furnace fulfills the requirements of the TRD technique for obtaining different types of hard coatings

    Multicapas nanoestructuradas de Cr/CrNx como barrera de difusi贸n entre Cu y Si

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    Esta tesis se enfoca en el crecimiento y la caracterizaci贸n funcional de multicapas basadas en Cr y CrNx depositadas por t茅cnicas de deposici贸n en fase vapor, con 茅nfasis en el comportamiento como barrera de difusi贸n entre cobre y silicio. Para este prop贸sito se prest贸 especial atenci贸n en sus caracter铆sticas de espesor, resistividad, y formaci贸n de compuestos a altas temperaturas. Las t茅cnicas de deposici贸n utilizadas para obtener las multicapas fueron la t茅cnica de sputtering con magnetr贸n desbalanceado D.C. de campos variables y la t茅cnica de sputtering con magnetr贸n R.F. La primera se utiliz贸 para producir multicapas nanom茅tricas basadas en Cr y CrN mientras que la segunda se utiliz贸 para obtener multicapas basadas en Cr y Cr2N. De esta forma los resultados obtenidos en la tesis se dividen en dos partes: la primera se enfoca en la producci贸n, caracterizaci贸n y evaluaci贸n de las propiedades como barrera de difusi贸n de multicapas basadas en Cr y CrN al variar el grado de desbalanceo del magnetr贸n utilizado en su producci贸n, y la periodicidad de la multicapa que estuvo en el rango nanom茅trico. En la segunda parte se eval煤an las caracter铆sticas de las multicapas basadas en Cr y Cr2N, variando su per铆odo de la misma forma en el rango nanom茅trico. Los resultados obtenidos para las multicapas basadas en Cr y CrN mostraron que tuvieron buen desempe帽o hasta 600 掳C, y la menor resistividad obtenida fue 195 渭惟-cm para la bicapa crecida con el menor desbalanceo del magnetr贸n. Para el caso de las multicapas basadas en Cr y Cr2N se encontr贸 una temperatura de falla de 900 掳C para la bicapa, la cual fue superior a la encontrada en los sistemas basados en CrN. Por otro lado la resistividad de esta bicapa fue 26.2 渭惟-cm, la cual no es s贸lo menor a la obtenida en las multicapas basadas en CrN sino tambi茅n menor a las resistividades de las monocapas y multicapas reportadas en la literatura para ser usadas como barrera de difusi贸n en dispositivos electr贸nicos que utilizan contactos Cu y Si. Estos resultados permiten proponer las bicapas basadas en Cr y Cr2N para ser aplicadas como barrera de difusi贸n en este tipo de dispositivos, ya que cumplen con las caracter铆sticas requeridas para este fin: bajo espesor, del orden de los nan贸metros, baja difusividad a altas temperaturas y baja resistividad. /Abstract:This thesis is focused on the growth and performance characterization of Cr and CrNx based multilayers using physical vapor deposition techniques, placing special attention on their properties as diffusion barriers between copper and silicon, in order to study their applicability in the integrated circuits manufacturing technology, which uses copper as metallization layer. For this purpose the efforts where focused on their thickness, resistivity and compound formation at high temperatures characteristics. Deposition techniques used to obtain the multilayers were variable field unbalanced magnetron sputtering and magnetron sputtering R.F. The first was used to produce nanometric multilayers based on Cr and CrN and the latter was used to obtain Cr and Cr2N based multilayers. In this way, results obtained in this thesis are divided in two parts: the first one is focused on the production, characterization and evaluation of Cr and CrN based diffusion barrier properties when varying unbalance degree and multilayer period, which was in the nanometric range. The second one evaluates Cr and Cr2N based multilayer characteristics when varying its period in the same way in the nanometric range. Results obtained for Cr and CrN based multilayers showed that they had good performance at 600 掳C, and the minor resistivity was found to be 195 渭惟-cm for the bilayer grown with the minor unbalance degree of the magnetron. For the case of Cr and Cr2N based multilayers, the best result was found for the bilayer with failure temperature at 900 掳C, which is higher than that found for CrN based multilayers. On the other hand, resistivity in this case was found to be 26.2 渭惟-cm, which is not only minor than that obtained for CrN based multilayers, but also minor to that reported in literature for monolayers and multilayers to be used as diffusion barriers in electronic devices using Cu and Si contacts. These results allow to propose Cr and Cr2N based bilayers to be used as diffusion barriers in this kind of devices, because they fulfill the requirements for this purpose: low thickness, in the range of nanometers, low diffusivity at high temperatures and low resistivity.Doctorad

    Electrical properties of cr/crn nano-multilayers produced by the unbalanced magnetron sputtering technique

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    Chromium nitride (CrN) films have been applied to several steels as protective coatings against wear and corrosion due to their excellent mechanical properties and corrosion resistance, and in the electronic field these films are commonly used due to their low electrical resistivity. However, it has been found that multilayers combining metal/ceramic films could enhance mechanical and electrical properties compared with their monolayer counterparts, due to the higher amount and interaction between interfaces. In this work, Cr/CrN nano-multilayers have been produced through the unbalanced magnetron sputtering technique with three different degrees of unbalance, in order to study the influence of this parameter on electrical properties. Cr/CrN multilayers with approximately 1 渭m of total thickness and a bilayer period (螞) of 200 nm, 100 nm, and 20 nm were produced at room temperature on H13 steel and silicon (100); and their microstructure and electrical properties as a function of the magnetic field were evaluated. The phase formation was characterized through x-ray diffraction, and results presented (111) and (200) preferred orientations for all the multilayers. Cross section images were obtained through scanning electron microscopy and a multilayer structure can be clearly seenPel铆culas de nitruro de cromo (CrN) se han aplicado como recubrimientos protectores contra el desgaste y la corrosi贸n debido a sus excelentes propiedades mec谩nicas y alta resistencia a la corrosi贸n, y en el campo electr贸nico debido a su baja resistividad. Sin embargo, se ha encontrado que las multicapas que combinan pel铆culas metal/cer谩mico podr铆an mejorar las propiedades en comparaci贸n a sus contrapartes en monocapa debido al aumento e interacci贸n entre interfaces. En este trabajo se produjeron nano-multicapas de Cr/CrN a trav茅s de la t茅cnica de sputtering con magnetr贸n desbalanceado con tres grados de desbalanceo diferentes para estudiar la influencia de este par谩metro en las propiedades el茅ctricas. Se crecieron multicapas con un espesor total de aproximadamente 1 渭m y un per铆odo de bicapa (螞) de 200 nm, 100 nm y 20 nm. Las multicapas se produjeron a temperatura ambiente sobre acero H13 y silicio (100) y se estudi贸 su microestructura y las propiedades el茅ctricas en funci贸n del campo magn茅tico. La formaci贸n de fases se caracteriz贸 a trav茅s de Difracci贸n de Rayos X y los resultados muestran las orientaciones (111) y (200) para todas las multicapas. Se obtuvieron im谩genes de la secci贸n transversal a trav茅s de Microscop铆a Electr贸nica de Barrido y los resultados muestran la formaci贸n de una estructura en multicap

    Propiedades el茅ctricas de nano-multicapas de Cr/CrN producidas por la t茅cnica de sputtering con magn茅tr贸n desbalanceado / Electrical properties of Cr/CrN nano-multilayers produced by the unbalanced magnetron sputtering technique

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    Pel铆culas de nitruro de cromo (CrN) se han aplicado como recubrimientos protectores contra el desgaste y la corrosi贸n debido a sus excelentes propiedades mec谩nicas y alta resistencia a la corrosi贸n, y en el campo electr贸nico debido a su baja resistividad. Sin embargo, se ha encontrado que las multicapas que combinan pel铆culas metal/cer谩mico podr铆an mejorar las propiedades en comparaci贸n a sus contrapartes en monocapa debido al aumento e interacci贸n entre interfaces. En este trabajo se produjeron nano-multicapas de Cr/CrN a trav茅s de la t茅cnica de sputtering con magnetr贸n desbalanceado con tres grados de desbalanceo diferentes para estudiar la influencia de este par谩metro en las propiedades el茅ctricas. Se crecieron multicapas con un espesor total de aproximadamente 1 渭m y un per铆odo de bicapa (螞) de 200 nm, 100 nm y 20 nm. Las multicapas se produjeron a temperatura ambiente sobre acero H13 y silicio (100) y se estudi贸 su microestructura y las propiedades el茅ctricas en funci贸n del campo magn茅tico. La formaci贸n de fases se caracteriz贸 a trav茅s de Difracci贸n de Rayos X y los resultados muestran las orientaciones (111) y (200) para todas las multicapas. Se obtuvieron im谩genes de la secci贸n transversal a trav茅s de Microscop铆a Electr贸nica de Barrido y los resultados muestran la formaci贸n de una estructura en multicapas./ Abstract. Chromium nitride (CrN) films have been applied to several steels as protective coatings against wear and corrosion due to their excellent mechanical properties and corrosion resistance, and in the electronic field these films are commonly used due to their low electrical resistivity. However, it has been found that multilayers combining metal/ceramic films could enhance mechanical and electrical properties compared with their monolayer counterparts, due to the higher amount and interaction between interfaces. In this work, Cr/CrN nano-multilayers have been produced through the unbalanced magnetron sputtering technique with three different degrees of unbalance, in order to study the influence of this parameter on electrical properties. Cr/CrN multilayers with approximately 1 渭m of total thickness and a bilayer period (螞) of 200 nm, 100 nm, and 20 nm were produced at room temperature on H13 steel and silicon (100); and their microstructure and electrical properties as a function of the magnetic field were evaluated. The phase formation was characterized through x-ray diffraction, and results presented (111) and (200) preferred orientations for all the multilayers. Cross section images were obtained through scanning electron microscopy and a multilayer structure can be clearly seen

    Unbalanced magnetron sputtering system for producing corrosion resistance multilayer coatings

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    In this work, an unbalanced magnetron sputtering system which allows for the production of corrosion resistance multilayer coatings is described. The major advantage of this system is that it combines features such as a multi-cathode setup, temperature control, control over the rotation of the sample holder, and the ability to change samples without breaking the vacuum. The system was tested with the production of Cr/CrN nanometric multilayers on AISI stainless steel 304 and silicon (100) substrates and the evaluation of its corrosion resistance. X-ray diffraction (XRD) was used in order to assess the crystalline microstructure and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to characterize multilayer formation. The XRD results show (111) and (200) orientations for CrN multilayer films and the SEM results clearly show the formation of a multilayer structure. Corrosion resistance was evaluated through electrochemical studies and the results show that the Cr/CrN multilayer structure presents lower corrosion current and higher corrosion potential as compared to the stainless steel 304 substrate

    Microstructural evolution and microhardness in a low carbon steel processed by high-pressure torsion

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    A low-carbon triple-alloyed steel was processed by high-pressure torsion at room temperature for up to 5 turns under a pressure of 6.0聽GPa. Microhardness, scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction were used to investigate the hardness and microstructural evolution of the steel. Values of the Vickers microhardness were recorded across the sample diameters. The results show that there is a gradual evolution in both the hardness and the microstructure with increasing numbers of turns. However, the microhardness does not become fully homogeneous across the sample diameter after five turns and there remain significantly lower values in the center of the disk. These results indicate that complete homogeneity across the disks for this steel requires applied pressures higher than 6.0聽GPa and/or torsional straining through more than 5 turns

    Microstructural evolution and microhardness in a low carbon steel processed by high-pressure torsion

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    A low-carbon triple-alloyed steel was processed by high-pressure torsion at room temperature for up to 5 turns under a pressure of 6.0 GPa. Microhardness, scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction were used to investigate the hardness and microstructural evolution of the steel. Values of the Vickers microhardness were recorded across the sample diameters. The results show that there is a gradual evolution in both the hardness and the microstructure with increasing numbers of turns. However, the microhardness does not become fully homogeneous across the sample diameter after five turns and there remain significantly lower values in the center of the disk. These results indicate that complete homogeneity across the disks for this steel requires applied pressures higher than 6.0 GPa and/or torsional straining through more than 5 turns