617 research outputs found


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    The article describes that many countries throughout the world share similar concerns about sediment management. Scientists in several countries have developed a variety of methods for evaluating the de-gree to which sediment-associated chemicals might adversely affect aquatic organisms. The results of ex-periment where consensus approach was used for sediments assessment of Dnieper and Buh estuary and Danube estuary in Ukraine are presented in article


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    The article presents up-to-date data concerning psychosomatic problem in medicine, in particular world experience of studying disorders of psychological of adaptation in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), as well as own researches data. When using psychological tests, detection rate of anxiety and depression in patients with GERD was 100 and 91.2 % respectively. The research studies revealed that presence of psychological dysadaptation in patients with GERD makes it impossible to achieve a stable remission of the underlying disease and necessitates appropriate correction.     The aim of the study – to determine the specificity of psychological dysaptation of the patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease. Materials and Methods. 45 patients with GERD were under our supervision. To verify the diagnosis we used an endoscopic examination of the upper gastrointestinal tract that was performed using flexible Olympus-type fibrogastrostocks according to the generally accepted technique. Results and Discussion. Among 45 patients there were 31 women and 14 men, the age of patients varied from 19 to 70 years, the mean age was (45.67±2.32) years. The anamnesis showed that the duration of the disease varied from 7 months to 20 years. At the same time a history of 1 to 5 years showed more often: in 51.1 % of the patients. The average duration of illnesses of the examined patients was (7.77±1.35) years. Conclusions. According to MRI, changes in the psychological status of the examined patients with GERD were detected in 76.7 %. The most significant of them were: depression (63.3 %), hypochondria (43.3 %) and psychasthenia (20.0 %).Функционирование системы органов пищеварения взаимосвязано с состоянием психической сферы человека, соответственно, большинство заболеваний желудочно-кишечного тракта относится к психосоматической патологии. В современном понимании психосоматическая медицина рассматривается в качестве науки о взаимосвязи психических и соматических процессов. Значительный интерес к данной проблеме вполне закономерный, поскольку на практике все чаще приходится сталкиваться с ситуациями, когда отклонение от оптимальной жизнедеятельности организма, характеризующиеся как заболевание, состояние, реакция или дезадаптация, не могут быть объяснены исключительно в контексте морфологического строения человека. Цель исследования – изучить нарушения психологической адаптации у пациентов с гастроэзофагеальной рефлюксной болезнью (ГЭРХ). Материалы и методы. Мы оценивали наличие, выражение, распространение и локализацию воспалительной реакции слизистой оболочки нижней трети пищевода, а также наличие эрозивно-язвенных изменений и их осложнений. Психологическое обследование больных включало индивидуальную беседу и психодиагностическое тестирование с помощью опросников, допускающих количественную оценку исследуемых признаков. Статистическая обработка результатов исследований была осуществлена ​​с помощью методов вариационной статистики, которые реализовались стандартным пакетом прикладных программ Statistica for Windows 6.0. Сравнивали два средних показатели с помощью t-критерия Стьюдента и непараметрических критериев. В то же время различия между средними показателями считали достоверными при достигнутом уровне значимости (р) ниже 0,05. Результаты исследований и их обсуждение. Под нашим наблюдением находилось 45 пациентов с ГЭРБ. Для верификации диагноза мы использовали эндоскопическое исследование верхних отделов желудочно-кишечного тракта, которое осуществляли с помощью фиброгастроскопов типа Olympus по общепринятой методике. Среди 45 обследованных больных были 31 женщина и 14 мужчин возрастом 19–70 лет, средний возраст составил (45,67±2,32) года. Изучение анамнеза показало, что продолжительность заболевания колебалась от 7 месяцев до 20 лет. При этом в 51,1 % больных оказывался анамнез от 1 до 5 лет. Средняя продолжительность заболеваний обследованных больных была (7,77±1,35) года. Выводы. По данным Миннесотского многоаспектного личностного опросника (ММРИ), изменения психологического статуса обследованных больных ГЭРБ были обнаружены в 76,7 %. Наиболее значимыми среди них были: депрессия (50 %), ипохондрия (30 %) и психастения (20 %).Функціонування системи органів травлення, загалом, взаємодіє зі станом психічної сфери людини, тому більшість захворювань шлунково-кишкового тракту відносять до психосоматичної патології. У сучасному розумінні психосоматична медицина є наукою, що вивчає взаємозв’язки між психічними і соматичними процесами. Підвищений інтерес до цієї проблеми можна вважати повністю закономірним, оскільки на практиці доволі часто відхилення від оптимальної життєдіяльності організму, що класифікуються в якості захворювання, стану, реакції або дезадаптації, не можуть пояснюватись виключно у контексті морфологічної будови людини. Мета дослідження – вивчити порушення психологічної адаптації у пацієнтів із гастроезофагеальною рефлюксною хворобою (ГЕРХ). Матеріали і методи. Ми оцінювали наявність, вираження, поширення та локалізацію запальної реакції слизової оболонки нижньої третини стравоходу, а також наявність ерозивно-виразкових змін та їх ускладнень. Психологічне обстеження хворих включало індивідуальну бесіду та психодіагностичне тестування за допомогою опитувальників, що допускають кількісну оцінку досліджуваних ознак. Статистичне опрацювання результатів досліджень було здійснено за допомогою методів варіаційної статистики, які реалізувались стандартним пакетом прикладних програм Statistica for Windows 6.0. Порівнювали два середні показники за допомогою t-критерію Стьюдента і непараметричних критеріїв. Водночас розбіжності між середніми показниками вважали вірогідними при досягнутому рівні значимості (р) нижче 0,05. Результати досліджень та їх обговорення. Під нашим спостереженням перебувало 45 пацієнтів із ГЕРХ. Для верифікації діагнозу ми використовували ендоскопічне дослідження верхніх відділів шлунково-кишкового тракту, яке здійснювали за допомогою гнучких фіброгастроскопів типу Olympus за загальноприйнятою методикою. Серед обстежених були 31 жінка та 14 чоловіків віком 19–70 років, середній вік становив (45,67±2,32) року. Вивчаючи анамнез, ми побачили, що тривалість захворювання коливалась у середньому від 7 місяців до 20 років. Водночас, найчастіше був анамнез від 1 до 5 років (51,1% пацієнтів), а середня тривалість захворювань становила (7,77±1,35) року. Висновки. За даними Мінесотського багатофакторного особистісного опитувальника (ММРІ), зміни психологічного статусу обстежених хворих на ГЕРХ було виявлено у 76,7 %. Найзначущими з-поміж були: депресія (63,3 %), іпохондрія (43,3 %) та психастенія (20,0 %)

    "Nonclassical turn" in utopianism (the beginning of the 20<sup>th</sup> century): History, historiography, methodology

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    © by the authors. The importance of the article is determined by "deficiency of projection" observed in the field of political ideology. Moreover, the available data (including in social and humanitarian technologies) don't have a goal of being implemented in practice. The article examines «nonclassical turn» in utopianism at the beginning of the 20th century, when the nature of the utopian ideal was altered and the transcendental ideal of classical utopia was replaced by an immanent ideal of nonclassical utopia that essentially advanced the social development of mankind. Our research is based on the historical method and the article shows that utopian texts are varieties of historical sources which can reveal the features of public consciousness of certain historical periods. The data presented can be useful for political scientists, sociologists and historians who deal with the problems of the evolution of public consciousness and the perception of social time

    Confucian category of joy in works of Kang Youwei and Nobuya Hamada

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    The article examines various aspects of the understanding of joy in the Confucian doctrine. The common perception of joy in Chinese culture differs from its philosophical reflection, the standard of which is presented by Mencius. Formally based on the Neo-Confucian understanding, Kang Youwei (1858-1927) associated joy with cosmic challenges in his utopian doctrines, and gave hedonistic interpretations of it. The little-known Japanese thinker Nobuya Hamada, in his book "The Ideal World" (1922) presented a sociological interpretation, in a state of account, going back to the anthropology of Mencius. In addition presented Russian translation of the "Datong shu" (Kang Youwei's "The Book of Great Unity") and the final chapter of Nobuya Hamada "An Ideal World"

    Development typology for retail networks in the Russian Federation

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    © 2015, Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. All rights reserved. Under the prevailing economic conditions, retail networks preset the thrust for the development of the trade sector in the Russian Federation. The retail networks develop according to two development types: extensive and intensive. Due to greater concentration of chain retailing, methods of intensive development, such as innovations, become actual in regions of. A timely evaluation of the intensive development of retail networks enables estimation of strategic prospects of their development

    Nikolai Katanov in China: Unpublished travel diaries

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    © 2014 Bylye Gody. The article summarizes the results of Xinjiang expedition by N.F. Katanov, conducted in 1889-1892 by order of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The core materials and undifferentiated diaries remained unpublished and are deposited in the National Archives of the Republic of Tatarstan. N.F. Katanov's data in the National Archives of the Republic of Tatarstan (Fund 969) includes 551 files, covering the period of 1878 - 1919. We are talking about three documents: - Fund 969, Inv. 1, d. 10: Journey to Siberia, Dzungaria and East Turkestan, committed in 1890 (241 pages); - F. 969, Inv. 1, d. 11: Trip to the Seven Rivers and Tarbagatai, 1891 (558 p.) - F. 969, Inv. 1, d. 76: Travel to Central Asia, Western China (Turfan) and Mongolia (487 p.). N.F. Katanov travelled across the territory of Qing China several times. In 1890 he visited eight Chinese centers - Hotan, Kashgar, Aksu, Kuchar, Karakash, Baya, Lo-gucheng and Turpan, the language and folklore of the Turkic peoples of Eastern Turkestan were of his primarily concern. Then he visited mainly Seven Rivers (Zhetysu), settled in Chuguchak, starting from May 13 to November 7, 1891, and in Chuguchak (where he settled from May 13 to November 7). Since November 8, 1891 to March 7, 1892, he visited Xinjiang, where he lived mainly in Hami. Then he went to Kulja, and returned to the Russian Empire in May 1892, staying within the China territory 18 months in total

    J. Gobineau, Wagner, China and the emergence of the 'yellow threat

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    The article deals with the views of J.Gobineau of China and the term of the 'Yellow Threat'. Gobineau denied the progress and the social equality and considered China the most sociable community of the world and at the same time developed the concept of the 'Yellow Threat'. Being the logical pessimist, he considered that the major conflict of the XX century will be the conflict between the white and the yellow races. After his death, the views of Gobineau were adopted by R.Wagner's and spread across kaiser Germany. They were also adopted by the imperial Japan, followed by Konoe Atsumaro and Mori Ogai. Despite the attention of Gobineau to the problems of China, his views didn't spread across China

    Global utopias of H. G. Wells and Kang Youwei: Comparative confrontation

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    © the author(s). The existing studies conducted in the field of social ideals are characterised by the Eurocentric approach. The aim of the given paper is to analyse two varieties of social ideal created in China and Great Britain at the beginning of the XXth century, which share a number of common peculiarities. The first one was offered by a British socialist, a member of the Fabian society-Herbert George Wells (1866-1946), the second was created by a famous Chinese thinker, a reformer and a representative of modern Neo-Confucianism-Kang Youwei (1858-1927). The research is based on the comparative method with the application of the functional analysis. It allowed us to compare the social ideals created within two genetically non-related cultures. The article shows that both Wells and Kang Youwei were concerned with global world reorganization, however they come to different results. Wells offered the model of an elite and authoritative Utopia, whose citizens are exposed to selection and segregation according to the strict moral code based on Confucianism. Regulations and standards are carried out by a special organization, the Samurai Order, which is very similar to the "guards" of the Plato Republic or phylarhces in Thomas More's Utopia. Kang Youwei offered the model of absolute freedom and open society free from any social, intellectual, ethnic and gender barriers. Moreover, he considered hedonism as the key feature of the human nature. The article submissions may be useful for researchers dealing with social utopias, comparative philosophy and history of social thought of the XXth century

    Master of philosophy, Vasiliy Vasilyev, and his mission to Beijing (1840-1850)

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    The major developments in the life of Vasiliy P. Vasilyev (Wassiljew) (1818-1900), a Russian academician-sinologist, as well as his works are quite familiar. However, further efforts need to be taken to research new archival documents concerning obscure pages of his life. In keeping with this, the authors of the article describe, for the first time in Russian historiography, Vasilyev's stint in Beijing from 1840 to 1850. He arrived there as a scholar of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission. This part of Vasilyev's life and scholarly work was covered due to some newly found documents in the National Archives of Tatarstan. After he defended his dissertation on the Philosophy of Mongolian Buddhism in 1840, Vasilyev, Master of Philosophy, was invited to work at an opening Chair of the Tibetan language, Kazan University. Aiming to implement its intention, the Kazan University sent him to Beijing, with the support from the Ministry of Public Education and Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Apart from studying Tibetan and Sanskrit, he was charged with the difficult task to purchase books for the Academy of Sciences and the Kazan University, including Chinese and Manchurian works in history and geography. His work in Beijing was made harder due to a number of circumstances, particularly, the opposition between the clerical and secular members of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Beijing. The conflict involving Vasilyev lasted throughout 1842-1844, which made him insist on returning to Russia. Vasilyev's detailed reports and other documents which possess certain assessments of his activities allow to judge how differently the top officials from the Ministry of Public Education and his own senior colleagues, academics from the Kazan University, appraised the scholarly outcome of his mission. The academic and research plans set before Vasilyev were fulfilled and overfulfilled by the young researcher. Among other things, he gathered a large collection of resources on the history of Buddhism in Central Asia and Far East

    History and autocratic power: Vasily Zhukovsky as a mentor of the Tsesarevich Alexander

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    The article is devoted to consideration of pedagogical program developed by Vasily Zhukovsky for the education of the heir to the throne - the future Emperor Alexander II. Pedagogical views of Zhukovsky are inseparable from his political preferences and philosophical-historical ideas. Pedagogical system of Zhukovsky in general terms is based on the concept of I. Pestalozzi, but it was adopted to the individual elitist education. The main task of Vasily Zhukovsky was the education of a monarch who would be able to set himself practical challenges and successfully resolve them, while based on Christian morality. The military component of the training should be reduced to a minimum. The most important means of education were history, and the personal views of Zhukovsky, transmitted to the crown Prince, were based on historical concepts developed by Karamzin and Johann von Muller. Archival materials indicate that to a large extent the teacher has achieved its objectives. In the historical views of Muller Zhukovskiy mostly singled out the idea of history as a means of moral education and the rule of law, combined with an enlightened autocratic rule. Such projects were actually doing him a "loyal opposition" and led to the resignation from the court service