53 research outputs found

    Canine epilepsy : the role of functional brain imaging and vagus nerve stimulation

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    Primaire idiopatische epilepsie bij de hond: praktische aanpak en een update van de behandeling.

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    Primaire idiopathische epilepsie is een frequent voorkomende neurologische aandoening bij de hond. De diagnose wordt gesteld door alle andere oorzaken van epilepsie uit te sluiten. Bij een groot deel van de honden kunnen de aanvallen voldoende onder controle gehouden worden met standaardanti-epileptica, zoals fenobarbital en/of kaliumbromide. Voor honden met refractaire epilepsie zijn er een aantal recente humane anti-epileptica voorhanden die kunnen worden toegevoegd aan de standaardbehandeling. De anti-epileptische werking van deze recentere producten bij de hond is gebaseerd op kortetermijnstudies met een klein aantal honden. Uitgebreidere langetermijnstudies zijn nodig vooraleer definitieve besluiten kunnen getrokken worden. Alternatieve behandelingen, zoals nervus vagusstimulatie en de chirurgische verwijdering van de epileptogene focus, zijn mogelijke opties voor de toekomst

    Serum C-reactive protein concentrations in dogs with idiopathic epilepsy

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    Inflammatory reactions in dogs are associated with systemic changes in serum, called the acute phase response; changes in the concentration of acute phase proteins in the serum take place. C-reactive protein (CRP) is a positive acute phase protein, which increases during inflammation. The role of inflammation in epilepsy remains unclear. In this study, the inflammatory response in dogs with idiopathic epilepsy (1E) was investigated. The aims of the study were: 1. to measure serum CRP concentrations in dogs with IE and in healthy dogs, 2. to measure serum CRP concentrations in dogs with acute cluster seizures and in dogs with isolated seizures and 3. to observe the evolution of serum CRP concentrations in time after the last seizure. This study showed no significant differences in serum CRP concentrations between dogs with IE (7.8 mg/I) and dogs of the control group (8.3 mg/I). Furthermore, the results showed higher mean serum CRP concentrations in dogs with IE exhibiting cluster seizures (11,8 mg/I) than in dogs with isolated seizures (5.7 mg/I). However, these results were not statistically significant (P = 0,077). Finally, no statistically significant decrease in serum CRP concentrations was seen with time after the last epileptic seizure in dogs with IE (P = 0,077)

    Combined atypical primary hypoadrenocorticism and primary hypothyroidism in a dog

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    A dog with combined atypical primary hypoadrenocorticism and primary hypothyroidism is described. The dog presented with waxing and waning, vague complaints since more than a year and had been treated with several drugs without complete resolution of signs. Based on the abnormalities on physical examination, blood examination and abdominal ultrasonography, atypical primary hypoadrenocorticism and primary hypothyroidism were diagnosed. Glucocorticoid supplementation was started and gradually tapered to maintenance rate because of polydipsia. Ten days later, levothyroxine supplementation was started at a very low dose and was gradually increased based on serum total thyroxine concentrations. The dog rapidly improved and recovered completely. Follow-up over a one-year period did not reveal new abnormalities. The presence of combined primary hypoadrenocorticism and primary hypothyroidism has been infrequently described in dogs and may resemble the Schmidt's syndrome in humans

    Retrospectieve studie van 20 honden en 1 kat met tetanus (2001-2008)

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    In 20 dogs and I cat a diagnosis of tetanus was made based on the typical clinical signs and a possible wound history. In 7 animals a tooth abnormality was considered as the entrance way of the bacteria. By means of radiography of the thorax several animals were evaluated for the presence of possible complications such as aspiration pneumonia, megaoesophagus or hiatal hernia. The treatment existed mainly of metronidazole as an antibiotic, acetylpromazine to control the muscle spasms and additional supportive therapy. The survival rate was 71%
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