122 research outputs found

    Validation and quality assurance applied to goat milk chemical composition: minerals and trace elements measurements

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    In the present study, quality assurance programmes were implemented to validate and control the analytical methodologies used for the characterization of minerals and trace elements in goat milk from Portuguese breeds. With the exception of chloride that was determined by potentiometric titration, all the other elements were determined by spectroscopic techniques after different sample decomposition: P was measured by ultraviolet-visible molecular absorption spectrometry, Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na and Zn by flame atomic absorption spectrometry and Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mo, Ni and Pb by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry. The methods performance characteristics, namely specificity, limit of detection, limit of quantification, working range, precision and trueness were evaluated. Measurement uncertainty was expressed in terms of precision and trueness. Precision under intralaboratory reproducibility conditions was estimated from triplicate analysis, and the trueness component was estimated in terms of overall recovery using either skim milk powder certified reference materials or spiked samples. The results obtained are discussed on the basis of the performance criteria required by EC regulations to verify when a method is suitable for food control. The methods used for the characterization of minerals and trace elements in goat milk complied with EC requirements since there was no matrix influence, the Horrat values were < 2.0, recoveries were within the interval 1.00 ± 0.10 for minerals and 1.00 ± 0.20 for trace elements and the combined uncertainty of the results were lower than the maximum standard uncertainty calculated using the uncertainty function approach. In relation to the limits of detection and quantification, the limits obtained for Pb were lower than those specified by EC regulation

    New reactive power compensation strategies for railway infrastructure capacity increasing

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    In AC railway electrification systems, the impact of reactive power flow in the feeding voltage magnitude is one aspect contributing to the quality of supply degradation. Specifically, this issue results in limitations in the infrastructure capacity, either in the maximum number of trains and in maximum train power. In this paper, two reactive power compensation strategies are presented and compared, in terms of the theoretical railway infrastructure capacity. The first strategy considers a static VAR compensator, located in the neutral zone and compensating the substation reactive power, achieving a maximum capacity increase up to 50% without depending on each train active power. The second strategy adapts each train reactive power, achieving also a capacity increase around 50%, only with an increase of the train apparent power below 10%. With a smart metering infrastructure, the implementation of such compensation strategy is viable, satisfying the requirements of real-time knowledge of the railway electrification system state. Specifically, the usage of droop curves to adapt in real time the compensation scheme can bring the operation closer to optimality. Thus, the quality of supply and the infrastructure capacity can be increased with a mobile reactive power compensation scheme, based on a smart metering framework.This research was funded by FCT (Fundação Ciência e Tecnologia) under grant PD/BD/128051/2016.This research is also associated with the Shift2Rail In2Stempo project (grant 777515)

    Opportunities and challenges of power electronics systems in future railway electrification

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    With the continuous expansion of the railway power systems, the integration of high speed locomotives and the need to increase the overhead catenary line power capacity, the main shortcomings of the conventional railway feeding system are becoming more evident. In order to overcome these drawbacks and to contribute to the technological evolution with innovative and electrically more efficient systems, several solutions have been proposed and implemented. In this context, this paper briefly presents a study of different railway power systems, highlighting emerging concepts, such as regenerative braking, energy storage systems, the inclusion of renewable energy sources, bidirectional power flow and wireless power transfer. Some of these concepts can be implemented in short to medium term, or in the long term. Following these concepts, an overview of the power electronics challenges for the implementation of these emerging concepts is presented and discussed.This work has been supported by FCT –Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the R&D Units Project Scope: UIDB/00319/2020. This work has been supported by the FCT Project QUALITY4POWER PTDC/EEI-EEE/28813/2017. Mr. Luis A. M. Barros is supported by the doctoral scholarship PD/BD/143006/2018 granted by the Portuguese FCT foundation. Mr. Mohamed Tanta was supported by FCT PhD grant with a reference PD/BD/127815/2016

    Evaluation of static synchronous compensator and rail power conditioner in electrified railway systems using V/V and Scott power transformers

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    In this paper a comprehensive review of electrified railway systems is carried out, identifying the electric power quality deterioration which may appear due to nonlinear dynamic traction loads. Following this topic, a computational simulation of Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM) and Rail Power Conditioner (RPC) are presented, making a comprehensive analysis of each of these solutions regarding the power quality improvement in electrified railway systems. Four case studies are presented: (i) STATCOM evaluation when a traction power system is fed by a V/V power transformer; (ii)STATCOM evaluation when a traction power system is fed by a Scott power transformer; (iii) RPC evaluation when atraction power system is fed by a V/V power transformer; (iv) RPC evaluation when a traction power system is fed by aScott power transformer.This work has been supported by FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia with-in the Project Scope: UIDB/00319/2020. This work has been supported by the FCT Project QUALITY4POWER PTDC/EEI-EEE/28813/2017, and by the FCT Project DAIPESEV PTDC/EEI-EEE/30382/2017. Mr. Luis A. M. Barros is supported by the doctoral scholarship PD/BD/143006/2018 granted by the Portuguese FCT foundation. Mr. Mohamed Tanta was supported by FCT PhD grant with a reference PD/BD/127815/2016

    Submodule topologies and PWM techniques applied in modular multilevel converters: review and analysis

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    Nowadays electrical energy presents itself as the most promising solution to satisfy the energy needs of smart cities. For electrical energy to be managed efficiently and sustainably, the use of power electronic converters is essential. The evolution of semiconductors, in terms of blocking voltages, conduted current and switching frequencies, led to the emergence of new topologies for more robust and compact power electronics converters with high-frequency galvanic isolation. However, for high and medium voltage applications, such as electric railways, wind turbines, solar photovoltaic, or energy distribution systems, the semiconductor blocking voltages are still below the values in demand. In order to solve this problem, modular multilevel converters (MMC) has been implemented, requiring more sophisticated control algorithms and complex pulse width modulation (PWM) techniques, such as space vector modulation. In this paper, different topologies to be integrated into an MMC are presented, as well as PWM techniques for MMC, making a comparative analysis based on computer simulations of different PWM techniques developed in PSIM software. An MMC consisting of 4 full-bridge DC-AC power converters connected in series was considered as the study basis for the analysis of the PWM techniques.This work has been supported by FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia with-in the Project Scope: UIDB/00319/2020. This work has been supported by the FCT Project QUALITY4POWER PTDC/EEI-EEE/28813/2017. Mr. Luis A. M. Barros is supported by the doctoral scholarship PD/BD/143006/2018 granted by the Portuguese FCT foundation. Dr. Mohamed Tanta was supported by FCT PhD grant with a reference PD/BD/127815/2016

    Physical and technical performances are not associated with tactical prominence in U14 soccer matches

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    The aim of this study was to analyse the association between physical/technical variables and the tactical prominence variables in U14 soccer matches. Twenty-two young amateur soccer players (13.5 0.5 years old, 5.4 0.5 years of practice, 163.3 9.8 cm in body height) from two teams of the Portuguese regional league volunteered for the study. Our results showed positive and moderate correlation between dribbling test and betweenness centrality (r = 0.324; p = 0.142), and negative moderate correlation between %fatigue index and betweenness centrality (r = −0.390; p = 0.073). Physical and technical variables had no statistical differences among tactical positions. Nevertheless, when tactical prominence of players from four tactical positions were compared, significant differences were found in terms of degree prestige (p = 0.001) and degree centrality (p = 0.002). This pilot study did not find strong correlations between physical/technical levels and tactical prominence in soccer matches.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Efficiency and cost estimation for a static frequency converter and a rail power conditioner based on an indirect modular multilevel converter in railways applications

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    This paper presents a comparative study between two different power electronics solutions for electrified railway substations to overcome some drawbacks which could appear on the public grid side. These drawbacks or troubles on the public grid side are mainly the harmonics and the negative sequence components (NSCs) of currents, which could become clear in the case of feeding single-phase locomotives or unbalanced loads. The static frequency converters (SFCs) and the rail power conditioners (RPCs) based on an indirect AC/DC/AC modular multilevel converter (MMC) are the main area of interest in this study, taking into consideration the costs estimation analysis between solutions, the efficiency and the power quality on the public grid side. Both systems of SFC and RPC based on an indirect MMC operate on medium voltage levels to feed the catenary line and to solve the problems of harmonics and NSCs. Along the paper are described the system architecture, the control algorithm, the inherent benefits, the estimated cost of implementation, and the operation efficiency based on computational simulation results for each system.This work has been supported by COMPETE: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007043 and FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the Project Scope: UID/CEC/00319/2013. Mohamed Tanta is supported by FCT doctoral scholarship with a reference PD/BD/127815/2016.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Row emerging Alentejo local pig breed in the context of the family farm and sustainable development between tradition and innovation mediterranean diet

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    Renaissance of the regions of Southern Europe: proceedings, University of Évora: Évora: july 10-11, 2014.Abordamos o tema salientando a importância da raça autóctone porco alentejano (Sus ibericus) no contexto das espécies pecuárias autóctones portuguesas, elementos integrantes do equilibro e sustentabilidade do ecossistema mediterrânico montado visando obtenção de produtos frescos e transformados tradicionais de valor nutricional acrescentado para os consumidores. Pela análise dos resultados de trabalhos científicos realizados dentro da fileira emergente do porco alentejano, urge inovar mais o seu funcionamento, face à excelência e qualidade sui generis dos seus produtos finais qualificados (presuntos e enchidos), embora o plano de marketing dos mesmos carece de maior divulgação, exemplos inaugurados recentemente, aplicação “app Ourique Capital do Porco Alentejano” e “Loja Gourmet”. Pois, ainda há confusão entre porco alentejano (raça autóctone) e porco preto (hibrido comercial ou cruzado), pelo consumidor menos atento. Naturalmente, a fileira do porco alentejano está organizada com base na agricultura familiar, tal como defende Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO, 2013‐14), pois é uma actividade fixadora da população em meio rural, embora carece duma constante renovação, se se pretende manter a tradição, embora o envelhecimento da população rural e o défice demográfico (1,35 filhos/mulher fértil) aliada à crise económico‐financeira desde 2008, são evidentes. Tudo isto, também contribuiu para diminuição do efectivo pecuário, particularmente, o dos reprodutores da referida raça, como demonstram os nossos resultados. Mas, em contrapartida, o sequestro de carbono e a paisagem do montado contribuem, para a defesa deste património cultural quiçá imaterial da humanidade com valências multifuncionais sustentáveis. Portanto, é fundamental fomentar mercados, em parceria (Ibérica), os nichos de mercados da saudade (emigrantes) e da lusofonia (comunidade de falantes 250 milhões de habitantes) de produtos finais do porco alentejano. Quanto à dieta mediterrânica, a gordura do porco alentejano, engordado em regime alimentar de pastoreio em montanheira, manifesta polinsaturação superior a dos azeites (extra virgem e biológico), como demonstram os nossos resultados. A fileira do porco alentejano carece de mais inovação, pelo que recomendamos aplicação da tecnologia inovadora MEMS‐NIRS1, pois esta já permite destrinçar produtos finais com diversos regimes alimentares, de forma expedita, dos produtos correntes das raças suínas exóticas, favorece o bem‐estar animal (instrumentos não invasivos) e protege o meio ambiente (não há produção de resíduos químicos laboratoriais). Assim, o objectivo deste trabalho é a defesa desta raça, enquanto património genético autóctone com padrões inscritos na Enciclopédia Animal (FAO, 2002‐2003) e contribuir para fixação de populações rurais que praticam exploração agropecuária familiar da raça em sistemas extensivo e em modo biológico.ABSTRACT. Approach the subject stressing the importance of indigenous breed Alentejo local pig breed (Sus ibericus) in the context of indigenous livestock species Portuguese, members of the equilibrium elements and sustainability of Mediterranean ecosystem mounted aiming obtaining fresh products and processed traditional nutritional value added for consumers. Analyzing the results of scientific work carried out within the emerging Row Alentejo local pig breed, urges more innovate its operation, given the sui generis of their final products qualified (hams and sausages) excellence and quality, although the marketing plan of the same needs greater disclosure, examples recently inaugurated, application "app Ourique Alentejo Pork Capital" and "Gourmet Shop". Well, there is still confusion between Alentejo local pig breed (indigenous breed) and pig (commercial or crossover hybrid) at least attentive consumer. Naturally, the row of the Alentejo local pig breed is organized based on family agriculture, as defended Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO, 2013‐14), it is a fixing activity of the population in rural areas, although lacks a constant renewal, it is intended maintain the tradition, albeit an aging rural population and demographic deficit (1.35 children / woman fertile) coupled with the economic and financial crisis since 2008, are evident. All this has also contributed to decreased livestock, particularly of the breeding of that race, as shown by our results. But, on the other hand, carbon sequestration and landscape mounted contribute to the defense of this perhaps intangible cultural heritage of humanity with sustainable multifunctional valences. Therefore, it is essential to foster markets in partnership (Iberian), niche markets nostalgia (emigrants) and the Lusophone (community of speakers 250 million) of the final products of the Alentejo local pig breed. How the Mediterranean diet, the fat of the Alentejo local pig breed, fattened on diets of grazing in mounted manifests polyunsaturation from the top of oil (extra virgin and organic), as shown by our results. Row of the Alentejo local pig breed needs more innovation, so we recommend application of MEMS‐NIRS1 innovative technology, because it allows longer disentangle end products with various diets, expeditiously, current products of exotic pig breeds, promotes the welfare Animal (non‐invasive instruments) and protects the environment (no production of laboratory chemical waste). Thus, the aim of this work is the defense of this 20th APDR Congress | ISBN 978‐989‐8780‐01‐0 483 breed, as indigenous genetic heritage with patterns inscribed in Animal Encyclopedia (FAO, 2002‐2003) and contribute to settin