15 research outputs found

    growth curve and carrying capacity

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    Date set contains the data for growth curve and carrying capacity data for 5 strain identitis at 5 temperatures in 3 replicate

    Fluorescence <i>in situ</i> hybridizations of <i>Diophrys oligothrix</i> DS212/4 and <i>Paramecium caudatum</i> SH42.

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    <p><i>Diophrys oligothrix</i> DS212/4 was fixed with 4% formaldehyde in PBS (a-b-c) and <i>Paramecium caudatum</i> SH42 was fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde (d-e-f). (a, d) signal of Cy3-labeled probe MegPol436, specific for '<i>Candidatus</i> Megaira polyxenophila'; (b) signal of Fluorescein-labeled probe Rick_527, targeting members of the <i>Rickettsiaceae</i> family; (c) merged image, (a) + (b); (e) signal of Fluorescein-labeled probe HoloCar698, specific for <i>Holospora caryophila</i>; (f) merged image, (d) + (e). Bar: 10 µm.</p

    Fluorescence <i>in situ</i> hybridizations of <i>Spirostomum</i> sp. 72 and <i>Euplotes octocarinatus</i> FL(12)-VI.

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    <p><i>Spirostomum</i> sp. 72 was fixed with 4% osmium tetroxide (a-b-c) and <i>Euplotes octocarinatus</i> FL(12)-VI was fixed with 4% formaldehyde in PBS (d-e-f). (a) signal of Cy3-labeled probe MegPol436, specific for '<i>Candidatus</i> Megaira polyxenophila' (macronuclei enhanced); (b) signal of Fluorescein-labeled probe EUB338 (macronuclei enhanced); (c) merged image, (a) + (b); (d) phase contrast; (e) signal of Fluorescein-labeled probe Rick_527, targeting members of the <i>Rickettsiaceae</i> family; (f) merged image, (d) + (e). Bar: 10 µm.</p

    Similarity matrix of bacterial SSU sequences.

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    <p>Numbers represent similarity percentages. Presented sequences were either obtained from bacterial symbionts (symb.) or are environmental sequences deriving from screenings of microbial communities of diverse humid or aquatic habitats. Highlighted in bold are the sequences obtained in this study. Numbers reported in bold are similarity values which indicate that the respective sequences (1–14; 15–21; 22–26) belong to the same clade.</p

    Table 1. Synopsis of inter-clonal differences. Similarity matrix of bacterial SSU sequences.

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    <p>Numbers without brackets refer to the position of varying nucleotide with respect to <i>E. coli</i> SSU rRNA gene sequence. Numbers in brackets indicate the position of the same nucleotide on the sequence of the clone.</p

    Maximum likelihood phylogenetic tree.

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    <p>Numbers indicate bootstrap values inferred after 1,000 pseudoreplicates and Bayesian Posterior Probabilities (values below 70% respectively 0.7 are not shown). Sequences characterized in the present work are reported in bold. Scale bar: 10 nucleotide substitutions per 100 positions.</p

    Transmission electron microscopy of <i>Diophrys oligothrix</i> BOD9 harbouring '<i>Candidatus</i> Megaira polyxenophila'.

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    <p>One whole bacterium and two partial ones are visible, all referable to morphotype I. Bacteria are free in the cytoplasm of the host. The arrow indicates the clear zone (halo) surrounding the cells. Bar: 1 µm.</p

    Bayesian inference phylogenetic tree built with MrBayes employing the GTR + I + G model.

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    <p>Numbers indicate bootstrap values inferred after 1,000 pseudoreplicates for maximum likelihood and Bayesian posterior probabilities (values below 70.0% and 0.7 are not shown). The sequence characterized in the present work is reported in bold. Scale bar: 9 nucleotide substitutions per 100 positions. “<i>Ca</i>.” stands for “<i>Candidatus</i>”.</p