13 research outputs found

    Map showing location of <i>Eucalyptus gracilis</i> maternal trees and planting sites.

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    <p>Maps show samples from the three populations in the Murray Darling Basin, Australia. Insert maps show greater spatial information on sampled populations. Reciprocal transplant planting locations shown at each planting site by a cross (x).</p

    Mating system parameter estimates for <i>Eucalyptus gracilis</i> from each population.

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    <p><i>t</i><sub>m</sub>, outcrossing rate.</p><p><i>t</i><sub>m</sub>–<i>t</i><sub>s</sub>, biparental inbreeding.</p><p><i>r</i><sub>p</sub>, correlated paternity.</p><p><i>k<sub>n</sub></i>, the number of full-sibships within progeny arrays scaled to progeny array size.</p><p>standard deviations in parentheses.</p><p>95% confidence interval homogeneous subgroups indicated by <sup>‘a’</sup> and <sup>‘b’</sup>.</p

    Genetic variability of <i>Eucalyptus gracilis</i> populations at eight microsatellite markers, progeny array size and seedling establishment data.

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    <p><i>n</i>, number of samples.</p><p><i>AR</i>, rarefied allelic richness.</p><p><i>H</i><sub>E</sub> and <i>H</i><sub>O</sub>, unbiased expected and observed heterozygosity, respectively.</p><p><i>F</i>, fixation index.</p><p>standard deviations in parentheses.</p

    General linear model comparisons of relationships between genetic predictors and establishment rate (%) of <i>Eucalyptus gracilis</i> progeny arrays.

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    <p>% DE, per cent deviance explained by model.</p><p><i>w</i>AIC, Akaike weight that shows the relative likelihood of model <i>i.</i></p><p>ΔAIC<i><sub>c</sub></i>, indicator of differences between model AIC<i><sub>c</sub></i> (a measure of model goodness-of-fit scaled to the number of parameters in the model) and minimum AIC<i><sub>c</sub></i> in the model set.</p><p><i>k</i>, number of parameters in each model.</p><p><i>ß</i>, unstandardized regression slope with 5 and 95% bootstrapped percentiles in parentheses in models that were either the best fitting model or had ΔAIC<i><sub>c</sub></i> <4.</p><p><i>t</i><sub>m</sub>, outcrossing rate.</p><p><i>t</i><sub>m</sub>–<i>t</i><sub>s</sub>, biparental inbreeding.</p><p><i>r</i><sub>p</sub>, correlated paternity.</p><p><i>k<sub>n</sub></i>, the number of full-sibships within progeny arrays scaled to progeny array size.</p><p>1, null model.</p

    Location of Senecio madagascariensis haplotypes based on three chloroplast microsatellite loci in contemporary samples from South Africa and historical samples from Australia.

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    <p>The proportion of haplotypes found at each sampled site in South Africa (A); haplotypes from all herbarium records in Australia, according to their position in either the south-eastern Australian population P1 or mid-eastern Australian population P2 (B). Size of pie charts are proportional to the number of individuals sampled; median joining network of S. madagascariensis, where the smallest connector length represents one character change (C); map extents (D). Colour codes for haplotypes are consistent throughout.</p

    Results of structure analyses.

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    <p>Graphical outputs of all structure analyses undertaken; all samples (top) showing K = 3 genetic clusters; Australia only (middle) showing K = 2 clusters; and South Africa only (bottom) showing K = 2 clusters. Sampling site names are listed above their respective outputs.</p

    Senecio madagascariensis sampling locations.

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    <p>Geographic locations of: herbarium records sampled in Australia (A); contemporary collections in Australia (B, C) and South Africa (F). Extent maps indicating sampling areas in country-wide context (D, E).</p

    Maps illustrating the spread of Senecio madagascariensis in Australia through time.

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    <p>Density of herbarium records and location of chloroplast haplotypes (A-C); location of P1 and P2 derived from nuclear microsatellite data from contemporary field collections (as defined by clusters in the program structure<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0106874#pone.0106874-Pritchard1" target="_blank">[44]</a>) (C, D); clustering of sites in Far North Queensland with P1 and P2 (D); extent of maps in relation to Australia as a whole (E).</p