11 research outputs found

    Evidence and mineralogical and physico-chemical properties of chernozem and chernozem-like soils in Croatia

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    The aim was to determine possible local differences between the parent materials of recent leoss-derived soils in eastern Croatia (Dalj, Zmajevac). Furthermore, it highlights the existence of chernozem and chernozem-like soils in Croatia and describes their basic physical, chemical and mineral properties. For this purpose, two soil profiles (P-3 and P-6) south of the Dalj settlement and one soil profile (P-10) near the Zmajevac settlement were excavated. The investigation included a detailed pedological analysis, a modal analysis of the heavy and light mineral fraction and a mineralogical analysis of bulk samples (the < 2 mm fraction) and the fraction < 2 Ī¼m. By comparing the obtained results with the criteria of the Croatian Soil Classification and the World Reference Base for Soil Resources, the soil profiles P-3 and P-6 can be defined as Chernozem on Loess or Hortic Calcic chernozem (Epiloamic, Endosiltic, Aric, Humic). The systematic unit for profile P-10 was defined as Rendzina according to the Croatian Soil Classification or Calcic Chernozem (Siltic) according to the WRB. Based on the results of the pedological analysis of the soil profile horizons, a gradual degradation of the chernozem was observed as a result of anthropogenic influence, but also due to recent climate change. The degradation is particularly evident in the form of a reduction in organic matter and the relocation of carbonates from the surface to deeper zones. Due to the increasing degree of weathering caused by recent climate changes, some differences in the mineralogical composition of the studied soils were also observed. The progressive degradation of the chernozem due to the effects of recent weathering processes is indicated mainly by the presence of goethite in the fraction < 2 Ī¼m as a weathering product of iron minerals (magnetite, pyroxenesā€¦). Although the parent material of all three profiles is loess sediments, the reason why the soil material of profile P-10 has not developed a chernic horizon is the constant contribution of aeolian material and a short period of exposure to pedogenetic processes

    Mineralogical and Physical Properies of Typical Soils from Zagreb Podsljeme Area

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    Zbog specifične geomorfologije, složene geoloÅ”ke građe, te uslijed nagle i često neodgovarajuće izgradnje građevina, na području podsljemenske zone grada Zagreba prisutan je problem vezan uz stabilnost padina.Brojna kliziÅ”ta predstavljaju prijetnju lokalnom stanovniÅ”tvu i imovini. Na inženjerskogeoloÅ”ke uvjete u podsljemenskoj zoni najveći utjecaj imaju sitnozrnasta tla pleistocenske i gornjomiocenske starosti koja zauzimaju oko 70 % ukupne povrÅ”ine ovog područja. U okviru projekta ā€žDetaljna inženjerskogeoloÅ”ka karta Podsljemenske urbanizirane zone M 1:5000 ā€“ FAZA Iā€œ (skraćeno DIGK ā€“ FAZA I) provedena su istraživanja s ciljem utvrđivanja fizičko - mehaničkih svojstava tala u povrÅ”inskom dijelu cijele podsljemenske zone do maksimalne dubine od 5 m, kao i dubljih profila tala na odabranim lokacijama. Istraživanja su obuhvaćala geomehanička ispitivanja i mineraloÅ”ke analize. Analizom svih rezultata ispitivanjadobiven je uvidu vrste tala i njihovu relativnu zastupljenost u podsljemenskoj zoni s naglaskom na sitnozrnaste vrste tla te njihove sličnosti i razlike u odnosu na fizička svojstva, litostratigrafsku pripadnost ovisno o pripadnost i mineralni sastav.Due to the specific geomorphology, complex geological structures and as a consequence of quick and inadequate construction of buildings, there is a problem with the stability of the slopes in the Podsljeme area of Zagreb. The numerous landslides pose a threat to the local population and their property. The greatest influence on the engineering geological conditions in Podsljeme area have fine ā€“ grained soils which occupy about 70 % of total area. Within the framework of the project "Detailed engineering geological map of Zagreb Podsljeme area M 1: 5000 - PHASE I" (abbreviated DIGK ā€“ PHASE I), research was carried out to determine the engineering geological properties of soil in the surface area of the entire sub zone up to a maximum depth of 5 m as well as deeper profiles on selected locations. The investigations included geomechanical and mineralogical analyses. Based on the obtained data and their analyzes the authors represent a clear picture of the engineering soils in the Podsljeme area and their similarity and differences in relation to the physical and mechanical properties, the lithostratigraphic affiliation and the mineralogical composition

    The influence of clay minerals on the physical properties of fine-grained soils from the Zagreb Podsljeme area : doctoral thesis

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    Veliki dio povrÅ”ine podsljemenske zone u gradu Zagrebu prekriven je sedimentima pliokvartarne (PLQ) i gornjomiocenske (GM) stratigrafske pripadnosti. U inženjerskogeoloÅ”kom smislu to su uglavnom sitnozrnasta tla, karakterističnih fizičko-mehaničkih svojstava i inženjerskog ponaÅ”anja. Mehanička svojstva tla prvenstveno ovise o osnovnim fizičko ā€“ kemijskim svojstvima tla te faktorima koji na njih utječu. Vrlo veliki utjecaj na navedena svojstva ima udjel glinovite frakcije u tlu te vrste i relativni udjel minerala glina. Cijelo istraživanje temeljeno je na pretpostavci da mehanička svojstva sitnozrnastih tala u podsljemenskoj zoni ovise o količini glinovite frakcije i njezinom mineralnom sastavu te vrsti i relativnom udjelu minerala glina. Cilj istraživanja bio je analizirati i kvantificirati detaljni mineralni sastav spomenutih naslaga te kvantificirati njihova osnovna fizička svojstva kako bi se mogli definirati njihovi statistički odnosi na temelju kojih bi se dobio uvid kako i na koji način utječe mineralni sastav na fizička svojstva sitnozrnastih vrsta tla. Istraživanje je provedeno na ukupno 59 uzoraka sitnozrnastih tala (39 uzoraka PLQ) i (20 uzoraka GM) prikupljenih iz istražnih buÅ”otina na kojima je određen detaljni mineralni sastav, kapacitet kationske izmjene (CEC), granulometrijski sastav, Atterbergove granice i indeks plastičnosti te je izračunata vanjska specifična povrÅ”ina cjelovitih uzoraka (SSA). S obzirom na veliki broj dobivenih podataka za opis i interpretaciju rezultata koriÅ”teni su jednostavni statistički testovi (t-test i analiza varijance), multivarijatna diskriminantna analiza te jednostavna korelacijska analiza. Dobiveni rezultati pokazali su kako se PLQ i GM tla razlikuju u vrstama tla prema geomehaničkoj klasifikaciji, fizičkim svojstvima tala, mineralnom sastavu te zastupljenosti i udjelima minerala glina. Isto tako, korelacijskom analizom pokazalo se kako i na koji način pojedine vrste minerala glina utječu na određena fizička svojstva sitnozrnastih tala podsljemenske zone grada Zagreba.About 70% of the Zagreb Podsljeme area is occupied with sediments of Plioquaternary and Upper Miocene age. From an engineering geological point of view, their are mostly fine-grained soils (clays and muds of low and high plasticity) with characteristic properties and engineering geological conditions. Their physical and mechanical properties primarily depend on the basic physico-chemical properties of soil particles and factors that affect them. One of these basic factors that have greatest influence on the main properties of fine-grained soils is the proportion of the clay fraction as well as type and relative proportion of clay minerals. Based on preliminary investigations it has been found that between Plioquaternary and Upper Miocene fine-grained soils in Podsljeme area occurred some differences in particle size distribution, Atterberg limits and plasticity index. It is assumed that these differences are present due to different lithological and mineral composition, especially in amount of clay minerals, because of two different environmental regimes that prevailed at the time of deposition; Upper Miocene lake environment and Plioquaternary alluvial and continental sedimentation environment. Which type of clay minerals and how they affect the physical properties of fine-grained soils was interpreted on the basis of obtained statistical relationships with the Atterberg limits, plasticity index, soil surface area (SSA) and cation exchange capacity (CEC). According to this, it have been set the four research hypotheses: 1. The relative presence of certain types of clay minerals in the Plioquaternary and Upper Miocene fine-grained soils of Zagreb Podsljeme area is different 2. The greatest influence on the Atterberg limits and specific surface area of Plioquaternary fine-grained soils have vermiculites and in Upper Miocene fine-grained soils smectites. 3. Fine-grained soils that do not contain expandable types of clay minerals can also have a large specific surface area and high values of the Atterberg limits. 4. The dependence of the physical properties on the amount and mineral composition of the clay fraction can be described by statistical models. According to these, the main research objectives were to analyze and quantify mineral composition of fine-grained soils, as well as their physical properties and to define statistical relationships between physical properties of soil and relative proportions of clay minerals. For this purpose, 59 samples (39 Plioquaternary fine-grained soils and 20 Upper Miocene fine-grained soils) were collected and laboratory tested. The first step, before laboratory testing, was to classify the samples according to relative geological age and litostratigraphic affiliation. The first phase of laboratory testing involved determining of the particle size distribution and Atterberg limits. Results of these tests served as input data for geomechanical classification according to USCS method and for calculating of specific surface area. The second phase of laboratory testing involved determining the mineral composition of samples by X-ray powder diffraction and measuring of cation exchange capacity by Cu-trien method. In order to find differences in clay mineralogy between two stratigraphic different sets of samples (PLQ and GM), a t-test and analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed. The next step in the analysis of the obtained data was to define the difference in mineral composition and physical properties between four a priori defined soil classes based on geomechanical classification and stratigraphic affiliation. For this purpose it was used a multivariate discriminant analysis based on the calculations of a series of linear combinations of the observed variable that represent physical properties and mineralogical composition. In order to find whether clay minerals affect the physical properties of fine-grained soils and in which way, it was used a simple linear correlation analysis. The analysis was performed on several soil groups classified based on relative geological age and geomechanical classification. An original scientific contribution of this research lies in a definition and detail knowledge of the mineral composition of Plioquaternary and Upper Miocene fine-grained soils of the Zagreb Podsljeme area. In addition, the scientific contribution is reflected in interpretation of the influence of clay minerals and their proportions in clay fraction on the main physical properties of observed fine-grained soils. And the last, the certain scientific contribution lies in the development of a method for defining the dependence of physical properties and mineral composition of fine-grained soils of Podsljeme area

    The influence of clay minerals on the physical properties of fine-grained soils from the Zagreb Podsljeme area : doctoral thesis

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    Veliki dio povrÅ”ine podsljemenske zone u gradu Zagrebu prekriven je sedimentima pliokvartarne (PLQ) i gornjomiocenske (GM) stratigrafske pripadnosti. U inženjerskogeoloÅ”kom smislu to su uglavnom sitnozrnasta tla, karakterističnih fizičko-mehaničkih svojstava i inženjerskog ponaÅ”anja. Mehanička svojstva tla prvenstveno ovise o osnovnim fizičko ā€“ kemijskim svojstvima tla te faktorima koji na njih utječu. Vrlo veliki utjecaj na navedena svojstva ima udjel glinovite frakcije u tlu te vrste i relativni udjel minerala glina. Cijelo istraživanje temeljeno je na pretpostavci da mehanička svojstva sitnozrnastih tala u podsljemenskoj zoni ovise o količini glinovite frakcije i njezinom mineralnom sastavu te vrsti i relativnom udjelu minerala glina. Cilj istraživanja bio je analizirati i kvantificirati detaljni mineralni sastav spomenutih naslaga te kvantificirati njihova osnovna fizička svojstva kako bi se mogli definirati njihovi statistički odnosi na temelju kojih bi se dobio uvid kako i na koji način utječe mineralni sastav na fizička svojstva sitnozrnastih vrsta tla. Istraživanje je provedeno na ukupno 59 uzoraka sitnozrnastih tala (39 uzoraka PLQ) i (20 uzoraka GM) prikupljenih iz istražnih buÅ”otina na kojima je određen detaljni mineralni sastav, kapacitet kationske izmjene (CEC), granulometrijski sastav, Atterbergove granice i indeks plastičnosti te je izračunata vanjska specifična povrÅ”ina cjelovitih uzoraka (SSA). S obzirom na veliki broj dobivenih podataka za opis i interpretaciju rezultata koriÅ”teni su jednostavni statistički testovi (t-test i analiza varijance), multivarijatna diskriminantna analiza te jednostavna korelacijska analiza. Dobiveni rezultati pokazali su kako se PLQ i GM tla razlikuju u vrstama tla prema geomehaničkoj klasifikaciji, fizičkim svojstvima tala, mineralnom sastavu te zastupljenosti i udjelima minerala glina. Isto tako, korelacijskom analizom pokazalo se kako i na koji način pojedine vrste minerala glina utječu na određena fizička svojstva sitnozrnastih tala podsljemenske zone grada Zagreba.About 70% of the Zagreb Podsljeme area is occupied with sediments of Plioquaternary and Upper Miocene age. From an engineering geological point of view, their are mostly fine-grained soils (clays and muds of low and high plasticity) with characteristic properties and engineering geological conditions. Their physical and mechanical properties primarily depend on the basic physico-chemical properties of soil particles and factors that affect them. One of these basic factors that have greatest influence on the main properties of fine-grained soils is the proportion of the clay fraction as well as type and relative proportion of clay minerals. Based on preliminary investigations it has been found that between Plioquaternary and Upper Miocene fine-grained soils in Podsljeme area occurred some differences in particle size distribution, Atterberg limits and plasticity index. It is assumed that these differences are present due to different lithological and mineral composition, especially in amount of clay minerals, because of two different environmental regimes that prevailed at the time of deposition; Upper Miocene lake environment and Plioquaternary alluvial and continental sedimentation environment. Which type of clay minerals and how they affect the physical properties of fine-grained soils was interpreted on the basis of obtained statistical relationships with the Atterberg limits, plasticity index, soil surface area (SSA) and cation exchange capacity (CEC). According to this, it have been set the four research hypotheses: 1. The relative presence of certain types of clay minerals in the Plioquaternary and Upper Miocene fine-grained soils of Zagreb Podsljeme area is different 2. The greatest influence on the Atterberg limits and specific surface area of Plioquaternary fine-grained soils have vermiculites and in Upper Miocene fine-grained soils smectites. 3. Fine-grained soils that do not contain expandable types of clay minerals can also have a large specific surface area and high values of the Atterberg limits. 4. The dependence of the physical properties on the amount and mineral composition of the clay fraction can be described by statistical models. According to these, the main research objectives were to analyze and quantify mineral composition of fine-grained soils, as well as their physical properties and to define statistical relationships between physical properties of soil and relative proportions of clay minerals. For this purpose, 59 samples (39 Plioquaternary fine-grained soils and 20 Upper Miocene fine-grained soils) were collected and laboratory tested. The first step, before laboratory testing, was to classify the samples according to relative geological age and litostratigraphic affiliation. The first phase of laboratory testing involved determining of the particle size distribution and Atterberg limits. Results of these tests served as input data for geomechanical classification according to USCS method and for calculating of specific surface area. The second phase of laboratory testing involved determining the mineral composition of samples by X-ray powder diffraction and measuring of cation exchange capacity by Cu-trien method. In order to find differences in clay mineralogy between two stratigraphic different sets of samples (PLQ and GM), a t-test and analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed. The next step in the analysis of the obtained data was to define the difference in mineral composition and physical properties between four a priori defined soil classes based on geomechanical classification and stratigraphic affiliation. For this purpose it was used a multivariate discriminant analysis based on the calculations of a series of linear combinations of the observed variable that represent physical properties and mineralogical composition. In order to find whether clay minerals affect the physical properties of fine-grained soils and in which way, it was used a simple linear correlation analysis. The analysis was performed on several soil groups classified based on relative geological age and geomechanical classification. An original scientific contribution of this research lies in a definition and detail knowledge of the mineral composition of Plioquaternary and Upper Miocene fine-grained soils of the Zagreb Podsljeme area. In addition, the scientific contribution is reflected in interpretation of the influence of clay minerals and their proportions in clay fraction on the main physical properties of observed fine-grained soils. And the last, the certain scientific contribution lies in the development of a method for defining the dependence of physical properties and mineral composition of fine-grained soils of Podsljeme area

    The influence of clay minerals on the physical properties of fine-grained soils from the Zagreb Podsljeme area : doctoral thesis

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    Veliki dio povrÅ”ine podsljemenske zone u gradu Zagrebu prekriven je sedimentima pliokvartarne (PLQ) i gornjomiocenske (GM) stratigrafske pripadnosti. U inženjerskogeoloÅ”kom smislu to su uglavnom sitnozrnasta tla, karakterističnih fizičko-mehaničkih svojstava i inženjerskog ponaÅ”anja. Mehanička svojstva tla prvenstveno ovise o osnovnim fizičko ā€“ kemijskim svojstvima tla te faktorima koji na njih utječu. Vrlo veliki utjecaj na navedena svojstva ima udjel glinovite frakcije u tlu te vrste i relativni udjel minerala glina. Cijelo istraživanje temeljeno je na pretpostavci da mehanička svojstva sitnozrnastih tala u podsljemenskoj zoni ovise o količini glinovite frakcije i njezinom mineralnom sastavu te vrsti i relativnom udjelu minerala glina. Cilj istraživanja bio je analizirati i kvantificirati detaljni mineralni sastav spomenutih naslaga te kvantificirati njihova osnovna fizička svojstva kako bi se mogli definirati njihovi statistički odnosi na temelju kojih bi se dobio uvid kako i na koji način utječe mineralni sastav na fizička svojstva sitnozrnastih vrsta tla. Istraživanje je provedeno na ukupno 59 uzoraka sitnozrnastih tala (39 uzoraka PLQ) i (20 uzoraka GM) prikupljenih iz istražnih buÅ”otina na kojima je određen detaljni mineralni sastav, kapacitet kationske izmjene (CEC), granulometrijski sastav, Atterbergove granice i indeks plastičnosti te je izračunata vanjska specifična povrÅ”ina cjelovitih uzoraka (SSA). S obzirom na veliki broj dobivenih podataka za opis i interpretaciju rezultata koriÅ”teni su jednostavni statistički testovi (t-test i analiza varijance), multivarijatna diskriminantna analiza te jednostavna korelacijska analiza. Dobiveni rezultati pokazali su kako se PLQ i GM tla razlikuju u vrstama tla prema geomehaničkoj klasifikaciji, fizičkim svojstvima tala, mineralnom sastavu te zastupljenosti i udjelima minerala glina. Isto tako, korelacijskom analizom pokazalo se kako i na koji način pojedine vrste minerala glina utječu na određena fizička svojstva sitnozrnastih tala podsljemenske zone grada Zagreba.About 70% of the Zagreb Podsljeme area is occupied with sediments of Plioquaternary and Upper Miocene age. From an engineering geological point of view, their are mostly fine-grained soils (clays and muds of low and high plasticity) with characteristic properties and engineering geological conditions. Their physical and mechanical properties primarily depend on the basic physico-chemical properties of soil particles and factors that affect them. One of these basic factors that have greatest influence on the main properties of fine-grained soils is the proportion of the clay fraction as well as type and relative proportion of clay minerals. Based on preliminary investigations it has been found that between Plioquaternary and Upper Miocene fine-grained soils in Podsljeme area occurred some differences in particle size distribution, Atterberg limits and plasticity index. It is assumed that these differences are present due to different lithological and mineral composition, especially in amount of clay minerals, because of two different environmental regimes that prevailed at the time of deposition; Upper Miocene lake environment and Plioquaternary alluvial and continental sedimentation environment. Which type of clay minerals and how they affect the physical properties of fine-grained soils was interpreted on the basis of obtained statistical relationships with the Atterberg limits, plasticity index, soil surface area (SSA) and cation exchange capacity (CEC). According to this, it have been set the four research hypotheses: 1. The relative presence of certain types of clay minerals in the Plioquaternary and Upper Miocene fine-grained soils of Zagreb Podsljeme area is different 2. The greatest influence on the Atterberg limits and specific surface area of Plioquaternary fine-grained soils have vermiculites and in Upper Miocene fine-grained soils smectites. 3. Fine-grained soils that do not contain expandable types of clay minerals can also have a large specific surface area and high values of the Atterberg limits. 4. The dependence of the physical properties on the amount and mineral composition of the clay fraction can be described by statistical models. According to these, the main research objectives were to analyze and quantify mineral composition of fine-grained soils, as well as their physical properties and to define statistical relationships between physical properties of soil and relative proportions of clay minerals. For this purpose, 59 samples (39 Plioquaternary fine-grained soils and 20 Upper Miocene fine-grained soils) were collected and laboratory tested. The first step, before laboratory testing, was to classify the samples according to relative geological age and litostratigraphic affiliation. The first phase of laboratory testing involved determining of the particle size distribution and Atterberg limits. Results of these tests served as input data for geomechanical classification according to USCS method and for calculating of specific surface area. The second phase of laboratory testing involved determining the mineral composition of samples by X-ray powder diffraction and measuring of cation exchange capacity by Cu-trien method. In order to find differences in clay mineralogy between two stratigraphic different sets of samples (PLQ and GM), a t-test and analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed. The next step in the analysis of the obtained data was to define the difference in mineral composition and physical properties between four a priori defined soil classes based on geomechanical classification and stratigraphic affiliation. For this purpose it was used a multivariate discriminant analysis based on the calculations of a series of linear combinations of the observed variable that represent physical properties and mineralogical composition. In order to find whether clay minerals affect the physical properties of fine-grained soils and in which way, it was used a simple linear correlation analysis. The analysis was performed on several soil groups classified based on relative geological age and geomechanical classification. An original scientific contribution of this research lies in a definition and detail knowledge of the mineral composition of Plioquaternary and Upper Miocene fine-grained soils of the Zagreb Podsljeme area. In addition, the scientific contribution is reflected in interpretation of the influence of clay minerals and their proportions in clay fraction on the main physical properties of observed fine-grained soils. And the last, the certain scientific contribution lies in the development of a method for defining the dependence of physical properties and mineral composition of fine-grained soils of Podsljeme area

    Stop 1: landslide Kostanjek

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    The Kostanjek landslide is the largest landslide in the Republic of Croatia. It is a reactivated deep-seated translational landslide located in the urbanized area of the City of Zagreb at the base of the southwestern slopes of Medvednica Mt. (Fig. 4). The sliding surface is developed in Sarmatian laminated marl, characterized by alternation of very thin light and dark laminae known as varves (according to WEINHEIMER & BIONDI, 2003). Displaced mass above the Sarmatian sediments consist of Lower Pannonian clayey marls with thin limestone layers and Upper Pannonian massive clayey marls. The width of the displaced mass is 960 m, and the total length of the Kostanjek landslide is 1.26 km. The maximal depth of the sliding surface is 90 m, according to interpretation of ORTOLAN & PLEÅ KO (1992). The total landslide area is approximately 1 km2, and the volume of the sliding mass is evaluated to be 32 Ɨ 106 m3 (STANIĆ & NONVEILLER, 1996). Since its activation in 1963, Kostanjek landslide has caused substantial damage to buildings and infrastructure in the residential (Fig. 5) and in industrial zones. The deep-seated landslide was caused by anthropogenic factors, mainly by excavations in a marl quarry placed in the toe part of the landslide (Fig. 6). Uncontrolled blasting during the 1960s and 1970s in the marl quarry and the limestone quarry, placed approximately 1 km to the north from the upper part of the landslide, were also important destabilizing factors. Surface deformations are mostly expressed as ductile deformations with rare opening of cracks, even at the landslide boundaries. Despite extremely slow to slow landslide movements for 52 years, the risk in the area of the Kostanjek landslide is very high for residential properties (approximately 300 single-family houses and infrastructure networks are placed on the moving landslide mass)

    Stop 1: landslide Kostanjek

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    The Kostanjek landslide is the largest landslide in the Republic of Croatia. It is a reactivated deep-seated translational landslide located in the urbanized area of the City of Zagreb at the base of the southwestern slopes of Medvednica Mt. (Fig. 4). The sliding surface is developed in Sarmatian laminated marl, characterized by alternation of very thin light and dark laminae known as varves (according to WEINHEIMER & BIONDI, 2003). Displaced mass above the Sarmatian sediments consist of Lower Pannonian clayey marls with thin limestone layers and Upper Pannonian massive clayey marls. The width of the displaced mass is 960 m, and the total length of the Kostanjek landslide is 1.26 km. The maximal depth of the sliding surface is 90 m, according to interpretation of ORTOLAN & PLEÅ KO (1992). The total landslide area is approximately 1 km2, and the volume of the sliding mass is evaluated to be 32 Ɨ 106 m3 (STANIĆ & NONVEILLER, 1996). Since its activation in 1963, Kostanjek landslide has caused substantial damage to buildings and infrastructure in the residential (Fig. 5) and in industrial zones. The deep-seated landslide was caused by anthropogenic factors, mainly by excavations in a marl quarry placed in the toe part of the landslide (Fig. 6). Uncontrolled blasting during the 1960s and 1970s in the marl quarry and the limestone quarry, placed approximately 1 km to the north from the upper part of the landslide, were also important destabilizing factors. Surface deformations are mostly expressed as ductile deformations with rare opening of cracks, even at the landslide boundaries. Despite extremely slow to slow landslide movements for 52 years, the risk in the area of the Kostanjek landslide is very high for residential properties (approximately 300 single-family houses and infrastructure networks are placed on the moving landslide mass)

    Evidence of Late Quaternary environmental changes preserved within the Privlaka pedo-sedimentary complex at the eastern Adriatic coast, Croatia

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    The Privlaka pedo-sedimentary succession (Eastern Adriatic coast, Croatia) is a promising archive of palaeoenvironmental changes as it shows a clear alternation of (a) palaeosol(s) and glacio-fluvial deposits. The objective of this study is to describe the palaeosols and sediments, and unravel the nature, magnitude and timing of environmental change preserved within this terrestrial record. To this end, a more than 12 m thick section was investigated in detail, which is divided into four different units of which one is represented by a reddish palaeosol, and the other three by sediment packages, each indicating a different pedosedimentological context. For the purpose of delineating the absolute thickness and lateral extent of the complex, geoelectrical soundings and remote sensing techniques were deployed. The profile was thoroughly described and sampled for the purpose of conducting high-resolution palaeoenvironmental research using mineralogical, geochemical, pedophysical and micromorphological properties. Preliminary results will be presented and discussed in the light of the Late Quaternary palaeoenvironmental evolution of the region and surroundings. The research is funded by the Croatian Science Foundation under the projects ACCENT (IP-2020-02-3274) and DOK-2021-02-9476

    Evidence of Late Quaternary environmental changes preserved within the Privlaka pedo-sedimentary complex at the eastern Adriatic coast, Croatia

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    The Privlaka pedo-sedimentary succession (Eastern Adriatic coast, Croatia) is a promising archive of palaeoenvironmental changes as it shows a clear alternation of (a) palaeosol(s) and glacio-fluvial deposits. The objective of this study is to describe the palaeosols and sediments, and unravel the nature, magnitude and timing of environmental change preserved within this terrestrial record. To this end, a more than 12 m thick section was investigated in detail, which is divided into four different units of which one is represented by a reddish palaeosol, and the other three by sediment packages, each indicating a different pedosedimentological context. For the purpose of delineating the absolute thickness and lateral extent of the complex, geoelectrical soundings and remote sensing techniques were deployed. The profile was thoroughly described and sampled for the purpose of conducting high-resolution palaeoenvironmental research using mineralogical, geochemical, pedophysical and micromorphological properties. Preliminary results will be presented and discussed in the light of the Late Quaternary palaeoenvironmental evolution of the region and surroundings. The research is funded by the Croatian Science Foundation under the projects ACCENT (IP-2020-02-3274) and DOK-2021-02-9476