15 research outputs found

    Optically levitated nanoparticle as a model system for stochastic bistable dynamics

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    Nano-mechanical resonators have gained an increasing importance in nanotechnology owing to their contributions to both fundamental and applied science. Yet, their small dimensions and mass raises some challenges as their dynamics gets dominated by nonlinearities that degrade their performance, for instance in sensing applications. Here, we report on the precise control of the nonlinear and stochastic bistable dynamics of a levitated nanoparticle in high vacuum. We demonstrate how it can lead to efficient signal amplification schemes, including stochastic resonance. This work contributes to showing the use of levitated nanoparticles as a model system for stochastic bistable dynamics, with applications to a wide variety of fields.inancial support from the ERC- QnanoMECA (Grant No. 64790), the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, under grant FIS2016-80293-R and through the ‘Severo Ochoa’ Programme for Centres of Excellence in R&D (SEV-2015-0522), Fundació Privada CELLEX and from the CERCA Programme/Generalitat de Catalunya. J.G. has been supported by H2020-MSCA-IF-2014 under REA grant Agreement No. 655369. L.R. acknowledges support from an ETH Marie Curie Cofund Fellowship

    Local cochlear correlations of perceived pitch

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    Pitch is one of the most salient attributes of the human perception of sound, but is still not well understood. This difficulty originates in the entwined nature of the phenomenon, in which a physical stimulus as well as a psychophysiological signal receiver are involved. In an electronic realization of a biophysically detailed nonlinear model of the cochlea, we find local cochlear correlates of the perceived pitch that explain all essential pitch-shifting phenomena from physical grounds

    Phase-locking and Arnold coding in prototypical network topologies

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    Phase- and frequency-locking phenomena among coupled biological oscillators are a topic of current interest, in particular to neuroscience. In the case of mono-directionally pulse-coupled oscillators, phase-locking is well understood, where the phenomenon is globally described by Arnold tongues. Here, we develop the tools that allow corresponding investigations to be made for more general pulse-coupled networks. For two bi-directionally coupled oscillators, we prove the existence of three-dimensional Arnold tongues that mediate from the mono- to the bi-directional coupling topology. Under this transformation, the coupling strength at which the onset of chaos is observed is invariant. The developed framework also allows us to compare information transfer in feedforward versus recurrent networks. We find that distinct laws govern the propagation of phase-locked spike-time information, indicating a qualitative difference between classical artificial vs. biological computation

    Emergence of intricate dynamical response by supercritical parametrically driven or ringwise coupled subcritical hopf oscillators

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    Parameter properties of biochemical systems

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    Shrimps: Occurence, Scaling and Relevance

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    Shrimps are islands of periodicity within a chaotic sea in phase and parameter spaces of dimensions larger than one. Islands of different periodicities have recently been shown to be connected by spirals that emanate from a joint focal point, paving ways to wander around in parameter space without ever crossing the chaotic sea. We discuss the shrimp building and scaling principles as well as the influence of individual system properties. While the emergence of shrimps has abundantly been demonstrated for artificial systems, we discuss here in detail evidence of rich hierarchies of shrimps in experimental systems. We finally pinpoint the importance of shrimps in the field of bioinformatics

    Pitch sensation involves stochastic resonance

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    Pitch is a complex hearing phenomenon that results from elicited and self-generated cochlear vibrations. Read-off vibrational information is relayed higher up the auditory pathway, where it is then condensed into pitch sensation. How this can adequately be described in terms of physics has largely remained an open question. We have developed a peripheral hearing system (in hardware and software) that reproduces with great accuracy all salient pitch features known from biophysical and psychoacoustic experiments. At the level of the auditory nerve, the system exploits stochastic resonance to achieve this performance, which may explain the large amount of noise observed in the working auditory nerve