260 research outputs found

    Paesaggi temporanei, architetture limite

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    Neolithic settlement and paleopedological changes during the Middle Holocene in northern Sardinia (Italy)

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    Sardinia is the second biggest island in the Mediterranean region and has been intensely settled since the Middle Holocene (c.7750 BP). Despite a large number of documented Neolithic archaeological sites, very little is known about human-environmental interactions, including land use and domestic activities associated with the emergence and expansion of Neolithic settlements (c. 7750 and 5500 BP). To shed new light on these issues, we carried out new geoarchaeological analyses on buried soils and archaeological sequences exposed at the Neolithic site of Contraguda, northern Sardinia. Physical-chemical analyses combined with a micromorphological study of 24 thin sections from archaeological deposits and buried soil horizons were performed to evaluate the formation processes of archaeological deposits and paleosols. Soil micromorphology detected the presence of pedofeatures originating from land clearance and agricultural activities from the buried Vertisol. Vertisol and Entisol formation largely resulted from the anthropic impact on the landscape, which changed the trajectories of soil development and caused desertification of the environment. Furthermore, sediment fabric and pedofeatures also allowed us to reconstruct Neolithic domestic practices, showing that household maintenance waste debris, which also included animal penning refusal, was dumped into pit structures. Together, our results provide the first geoarchaeological evidence of human impact on soil development within the island during the Middle Holocene and give new insight into the Middle Neolithic (c. 6500-6000 BP) domestic behaviour and land use activities. These findings have significant implications for understanding the island's pedological history and offer a valuable insight on the settlement organization of the Neolithic farming communities and their impacts on the paleoenvironment of Sardinia

    Confronto fra cultivar di soia: un biennio di sperimentazione in Sardegna

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    During the years 1981 and 1982 a comparison trial among different late planted soybean cultivars has been carried out in the experimental field of «S. Lucia» (OR). Two sowings took place: the first one within the end of May and the second one in the end of June. Fourteen cultivars belonging to the I, II, III and IV ripeness groups have been used in the first sowing, whereas in the second sowing the cultivars were eleven and they belonged to the I, II and III groups. Variable grain yields (tram 30 up to 41 q/ha) have been provided by the I, II and III maturation groups in both sowings. A drying process of grain could be avoided because of the low humidity at the harvesting of the varieties belonging to the I and II groups. The achievements show the real possibility to insert soybean instead of summer sowing cultivation of maize because of maize sensitivity to insects

    Paglia micronizzata e fertilizzante organico quali supporti alimentari nell'allevamento di <i>Daphnia obtusa</i>

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    Experimental results from a culture of a microcrustacean, Daphnia obtusa Kurz emend. Scourfleld (Cladocerans), are presented. The experiments have been realized at an aquaculture farm using the thermal discharge of a thermoelectic power plant, in tanks whose volume was suitable for a production of biomass consistent with the needs of a small size fry farm. Two different feeding combinations have been supplied with standard concentrations of algal cells integrated by cellulose and organic fertilizer respectively. Numerical production from data of population density has been used to determine the relative efficiencies of the different feeding combinations, while the remaining estimated population parameters have been reserved to characterize the density fluctuations of the population

    Atlante degli allegati grafici alle schede d’ambito paesaggistico

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    L’Atlante degli allegati grafici alle schede d’ambito paesaggistico è uno strumento complementare agli elaborati del Piano Territoriale a valenza paesaggistica della Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia che, attraverso elaborazioni grafiche e apparati iconografici selezionati, consente una visualizzazione immediata dei caratteri molteplici del paesaggio regionale. Nelle tavole dell’Atlante le informazioni contenute nella prima sezione delle schede degli ambiti paesaggistici - Analisi del territorio ed individuazione di valori e fattori di rischio paesaggistico (art. 143, comma 1, lett. a), c), D. Lgs. 42/2004), sono associate a materiali iconografici e diagrammi che descrivono la morfologia dei luoghi. Le planimetrie schematiche di ciascun ambito consentono un’agevole localizzazione di questo all’interno del territorio regionale, e nel contempo evidenziano le relazioni che all’interno di quest’ultimo derivano dalla rete delle infrastrutture. Le sezioni diagrammatiche degli elementi notevoli del paesaggio, mediante simboli e didascalie, consentono di leggere nel dettaglio configurazioni specifiche, modificazioni del suolo e assetti insediativi. La cartografia storica, che comprende la Kriegskarte (redatta tra il 1798 ed il 1805) e la Carta Corografica del Litorale (risalente alla prima metà del XIX sec.), consente una lettura della morfologia e degli elementi caratterizzanti del paesaggio in una fase precedente alle grandi trasformazioni insediative del secolo scorso. I caratteri naturali, agricoli e insediativi sono documentati attraverso una selezione della documentazione fotografica predisposta dal personale del Servizio Tutela Beni Paesaggistici della Regione, integrata ove necessario da materiali originali. I valori e i fattori di rischio paesaggistico, anch’essi esplicitati nelle schede d’ambito, sono visualizzati mediante documentazione fotografica e localizzati graficamente sullo stralcio planimetrico dell’ortofoto

    Educational robotics studies in Italian scientific journals: A systematic review

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    In recent years, there has been increasing attention to applying educational robotics (ER) in learning settings and, consequently, it has concerned and involved the entire pedagogical field, giving rise to a large amount of experimentation and research. Educational robots are used within the school curriculum and in extra-curricular activities to improve student interest, engagement and academic achievement in various fields, such as STEM and digital literacy, and in many other ways, for example fostering specific cognitive and socio-relational skills. In Italy, as in many other countries, an increasing number of publications are featuring this subject. While there are also some reviews, none of them has been interested in reviewing studies published in Italian journals. The aim of this work is to provide a systematic review of the literature regarding studies investigating educational robotics and provide suggestions for further research and teaching practices. To do this we used the PRISMA statement process. In total, 28 studies published between 2011 and 2021 in 49 Italian journals were analyzed. The main findings from this review provide the current state of the art on research in ER. Furthermore, the paper discusses trends and the vision toward the future and opportunities for further research

    G6PD deficiency does not enhance susceptibility for acquiring <i>Helicobacter pylori</i> infection in Sardinian patients

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    Background: Subjects with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency may be more susceptible to infections due to impaired leukocyte bactericidal activity. The disorder is common in the Mediterranean area. The aim of this study was to investigate whether G6PD deficiency may be a risk factor for acquiring H. pylori infection. Methods: We performed a retrospective study. Data from clinical records of 6565 patients (2278 men and 4287 women, median age 51, range 7‒94) who underwent upper endoscopy between 2002 and 2014 were collected. H. pylori status, assessed by histology plus rapid urease test or 13C-urea breath test, and G6PD status were also reported. A multiple logistic regression model was used to investigate the association between G6PD deficiency and H. pylori infection. Results: Enzyme deficiency was detected in 12% (789/6565) of the entire cohort, and more specifically in 8.3% of men and in 14.0% of women. Overall, the proportion of patients positive for H. pylori was 50.6% and 51.5% among G6PD deficient and non-deficient patients (χ² = 0.271; p = 0.315). Moreover, among G6PD-deficient and normal patients the frequency of previous H. pylori infection was similar. After adjustment for age and gender the risk for acquiring H. pylori infection was similar in G6PD-deficient and normal patients. Only age was a strong statistically significant risk predictor. Conclusions: These results demonstrate for the first time that G6PD deficiency does not enhance patients’ susceptibility to acquire H. pylori infection in Sardinia

    Il «Robotics Interest Questionnaire» (RIQ): uno strumento per rilevare i fattori sottesi all’insegnamento della robotica

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    The growing interest of the scientific and educational community in Educational Robotics (ER) is linked to the need to develop digital skills and computational thinking in the younger generation. Through ER it is possible to train multiple cognitive skills and not only programming skills. To this end, it is decisive to outline a new competence profile for teachers that can influence this aspect by activating ER training courses. The paper presents the «Robotics Interest Questionnaire» (RIQ), a validated questionnaire in Italian able to measure with some precision the factors involved in teaching robotics, and discusses the data collected on teachers of all levels (823 teachers). The results provide normative values useful, for example, to allow the diagnostic use of the RIQ in the startup phase of teacher training, in order to hypothesize the level possessed by the participants and orientate the didactic design and the content-methodological choices of the intervention, as well as the final evaluation of the training outcomes thanks to its ability to highlight, when used before and after, improvements in the dimensions investigated: knowledge and interest, sense of self-efficacy, problem solving and collaboration

    Applicazione della classificazione National Health Service Breast Screening Pathology (NHSBSP) nella comparazione cito-istologica dei tumori mammari della cagna = NHSBSP classification use in the correlation of canine mammary tumour cytology and histopathology

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    Canine mammary tumours (CMT) are the most common neoplasia in bitches. Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) is a fast and inexpensive technique well-tolerated by animals. Few reports have shown how difficult cytological diagnosis of CMT is and how difficult benign or malignant tumours are to classify using FNAC. Cytological diagnosis has often been inconclusive in veterinary pathology. In the diagnosis of human breast cancer, FNAC efficacy is beyond doubt due to its high specificity. In this preliminary study, our aim is to evaluate the efficacy of NHSBSP classification, applied to CMT. Secondly, we wish to test the usefulness of H&amp;H stain in FNAC for CMT diagnosis. 75 FNAC specimens, from 41 dogs with mammary tumours were examined. 72/75 underwent the NHSBSP classification Histological examination of the tumours was performed in each case for comparison purposes. All the CMTs fell under the five categories: C1 (3 cases), C2 (7 cases), C3 (38 cases), C4 (15 cases), C5 (9 cases). As regards H&amp;H staining in our view it was more efficacious than M.G.G. staining in distinguishing morphological cell details. Our results showed that the NHSBSP classification gave a 94.4% correspondence level between cytological and histological findings
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