12 research outputs found

    Modulation Processes in Power Electronic Converters

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    Comparative Analysis of High Voltage Battery Pack Cells for Electric Vehicle

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    Improving the lifetime of electric vehicles is inevitably required for the widely commercializing. This paper attributes the lithium battery cell (LIB) as an electrical energy storage unit for electrically powered motor vehicles. A comparative analysis for 5 lithium cells from different manufacturers has been investigated and analysed. The comparisons have been prepared for Start Voltage, End Voltage, Current, and the use of active cooling under different test conditions, that includes charging and discharging, with and without cell cooling system

    Virtual Power Electronics Labs for Online Teaching

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    A textbook and traditional classroom only approach in teaching power electronics can mean that design of power electronic circuits could be isolated and will be difficult to absorb by students. If we add to this, the sudden switch to virtual delivery of lectures then the challenge to engage the students in the learning process of power electronics could be even more complicated. In this paper, a virtual way of teaching power electronic circuits without much compromise with real practical environment is presented. A boost and flyback converter circuits are presented as a case study where all practical parameters are considered in the 'virtual' practical circuit

    Comparison of a PWM Inverter and a Multilevel Inverter using the Switching Function Analysis for Harmonic Content and Efficiency

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    A conventional 3-level PWM Inverter and a Cascaded Multilevel Inverter, both rated at 230Vrms voltage output and 3KW are analysed using the Switching Function. The PWM signal for the 3-level inverter is derived by applying the Switching Function Technique to the equal area principle. For the Cascaded Multilevel Inverter the Switching Function Technique is initially applied to each H-bridge, and then added to derive the overall Switching Function for the Multilevel Inverter output. A new technique is employed to derive the pulse width of each H-bridge converter in order to construct the output voltage. Voltage expressions of the output voltages are derived for both topologies. The switching frequency is chosen to be the same for both inverters. To ensure the same number of commutations over a fundamental cycle for both inverters, the levels of the Multilevel Inverter must be properly selected to meet the PWM frequency of the conventional inverter. Frequency spectrum and expressions of THD of the output voltage are derived. The two inverters are compared in terms of THD and harmonic content of the output voltage. The efficiency is concluded from the number of switching instances and other parameters of the circuit

    A solid-state fault current limiting and interrupting device (FCLID) with power factor correction

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    A Solid-State Fault Current Limiter and interrupting device (FCLID) with power factor correction suitable for low-voltage distribution networks employing the Switched Capacitor (SC) Circuit is presented. Some design parameters are investigated and some optimisation is applied. In this application the Switched Capacitor (SC) is inserted in series with the supply line via an isolating transformer, providing both power factor correction and limitation of the current to a pre-set value in the event of a fault. Interruption of the fault is also possible by setting both semiconductor switches in the off state. The voltage across the load is increased. Optimisation is applied to correct the power factor to an acceptable value of 0.85 and keep the load voltage within acceptable limits. Losses are estimated and rating of components is discussed

    Efficiency Investigation of A Protection and Correction Solid State Device for Low-Voltage Distribution Networks

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    © 2020 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works

    Efficiency Investigation of a Grid Connected PV System with Power Smoothing

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    © 2019 IEEE. Efficiency is of paramount importance in renewable energy technologies as the energy loss is converted into financial loss to the investor. A thorough investigation of efficiency is attempted in a grid connected photovoltaic (PV) system employing smoothing. Smoothing is necessary due to cloud movements and other reasons where the produced power is fluctuating. Partial controlled storage in a small lithium battery is applied to alleviate the problem of stability and voltage flickering of the grid. Losses in such systems are identified in the switching transistors, diodes and inductors. The grid connected system consists of the PV modules, the MPPT and the inverter. A bidirectional DC-DC converter and a lithium battery are used for smoothing. For the purpose of this research, PSIM is employed as it contains all the elements for simulating a grid connected PV system. Furthermore, it simulates transistors, diodes and inductors with their characteristics derived from the datasheets

    Energy Efficient Snubber Networks

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    © 2020 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works