9 research outputs found

    Variablity of Mechanical or Tissue Valve Implantation in Patients Undergoing Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement in Spain: National Retrospective Analysis from 2007 to 2018

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    Background: There is no robust evidence regarding the types of valves implanted among patients undergoing surgical aortic valve replacement (SAVR) in Spain. Methods: All cases of patients undergoing SAVR ± coronary artery bypass grafting from January 2007 to December 2018 in the public Spanish National Health System were included. We analyzed the trends of SAVR volume, risk profile and type of implanted valve across time and place. Using multivariable logistic regression, we identified factors associated with biological SAVR. Results: In total, 62,870 episodes of SAVR in 15 Spanish territories were included. In 35,693 (56.8%), a tissue valve was implanted. The annual volume of procedures increased from 107.3/million (2007) to 128.6 (2017). In 2018, it fell to 108.5. Age increased and Charlson’s comorbity index worsened throughout the study period. Tissue valve implantation increased in most regions. After adjusting for other covariates, we observed a high variability in aortic valve implantation across different regions, with differences of as much as 20-fold in the use of tissue valves. Conclusions: Between 2007 and 2018, we detected a significant increase in the use of bioprostheses in patients undergoing SAVR in Spain, and a great variability in the types of valve between the Spanish territories, which was not explained by the different risk profiles of patients

    Estudio proteómico de la orejuela cardiaca humana

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    Depto. de CirugíaFac. de MedicinaTRUEpu

    One-Year Hemodynamic Performance of Three Cardiac Aortic Bioprostheses: A Randomized Comparative Clinical Trial

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    Background: We aimed to compare 1 year the hemodynamic in-vivo performance of three biological aortic prostheses (Carpentier Perimount Magna EaseTM, Crown PRTTM, and TrifectaTM). Methods: The sample used in this study comes from the “BEST-VALVE” clinical trial, which is a phase IV single-blinded randomized clinical trial with the three above-mentioned prostheses. Results: 154 patients were included. Carpentier Perimount Magna EaseTM (n = 48, 31.2%), Crown PRTTM (n = 51, 32.1%) and TrifectaTM (n = 55, 35.7%). One year after the surgery, the mean aortic gradient and the peak aortic velocity was 17.5 (IQR 11.3–26) and 227.1 (IQR 202.0–268.8) for Carpentier Perimount Magna EaseTM, 21.4 (IQR 14.5–26.7) and 237.8 (IQR 195.9–261.9) for Crown PRTTM, and 13 (IQR 9.6–17.8) and 209.7 (IQR 176.5–241.4) for TrifectaTM, respectively. Pairwise comparisons demonstrated improved mean gradients and maximum velocity of TrifectaTM as compared to Crown PRTTM. Among patients with nominal prosthesis sizes ≤ 21, the mean and peak aortic gradient was higher for Crown PRTTM compared with TrifectaTM, and in patients with an aortic annulus measured with metric Hegar dilators less than or equal to 22 mm. Conclusions: One year after surgery, the three prostheses presented a different hemodynamic performance, being TrifectaTM superior to Crown PRTTM

    Early surgery for acute-onset infective endocarditis

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    Objectives: Acute onset of infective endocarditis has been previously linked to the development of septic shock and a worse prognosis. The purpose of this study was to analyse the clinical features and in-hospital evolution of patients with acute-onset endocarditis as well as the potential role of early surgery in the treatment of these patients. Methods: From 1996 to 2014, 1053 consecutive patients with left-sided endocarditis were prospectively included. Patients were classified into 2 groups according to the clinical presentation: patients with acute-onset endocarditis (n = 491) and patients with non-acute endocarditis (n = 562). Acute-onset endocarditis was considered when the time between the appearance of symptoms and diagnosis was <15 days. Results: At admission, acute renal failure, septic shock and cerebral embolism predominated among patients with acute-onset endocarditis. Staphylococcus aureus was more frequently isolated in patients with an acute onset (27.7% vs 7.8% P < 0.001). During hospitalization, patients with acute onset developed systemic embolism and septic shock more frequently. Death was much more common in this group (42.7 vs 30.1%, P < 0.001). Paravalvular complications, nosocomial infection, heart failure, S. aureus and septic shock were predictors of mortality. Acute-onset presentation of endocarditis was strongly associated with increased mortality. Among patients with acute-onset endocarditis, early surgery, performed within the first 2 days after diagnosis, was associated with a 64% of reduction in mortality. Conclusions: Patients with endocarditis and acute onset of symptoms are at high risk of septic in-hospital complications and mortality. Early surgery, performed within the first 2 days after diagnosis, plays a central role in the treatment of these patients.Depto. de MedicinaFac. de MedicinaTRUEpu

    Jornadas Nacionales de Robótica y Bioingeniería 2023: Libro de actas

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    Las Jornadas de Robótica y Bioingeniería de 2023 tienen lugar en la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Industrial de la Universidad Politécnica de IVIadrid, entre los días 14 y 16 de junio de 2023. En este evento propiciado por el Comité Español de Automática (CEA) tiene lugar la celebración conjunta de las XII Jornadas Nacionales de Robótica y el XIV Simposio CEA de Bioingeniería. Las Jornadas Nacionales de Robótica es un evento promovido por el Grupo Temático de Robótica (GTRob) de CEA para dar visibilidad y mostrar las actividades desarrolladas en el ámbito de la investigación y transferencia tecnológica en robótica. Asimismo, el propósito de Simposio de Bioingeniería, que cumple ahora su decimocuarta dicción, es el de proporcionar un espacio de encuentro entre investigadores, desabolladores, personal clínico, alumnos, industriales, profesionales en general e incluso usuarios que realicen su actividad en el ámbito de la bioingeniería. Estos eventos se han celebrado de forma conjunta en la anualidad 2023. Esto ha permitido aunar y congregar un elevado número de participantes tanto de la temática robótica como de bioingeniería (investigadores, profesores, desabolladores y profesionales en general), que ha posibilitado establecer puntos de encuentro, sinergias y colaboraciones entre ambos. El programa de las jornadas aúna comunicaciones científicas de los últimos resultados de investigación obtenidos, por los grupos a nivel español más representativos dentro de la temática de robótica y bioingeniería, así como mesas redondas y conferencias en las que se debatirán los temas de mayor interés en la actualidad. En relación con las comunicaciones científicas presentadas al evento, se ha recibido un total de 46 ponencias, lo que sin duda alguna refleja el alto interés de la comunidad científica en las Jornadas de Robótica y Bioingeniería. Estos trabajos serán expuestos y presentados a lo largo de un total de 10 sesiones, distribuidas durante los diferentes días de las Jornadas. Las temáticas de los trabajos cubren los principales retos científicos relacionados con la robótica y la bioingeniería: robótica aérea, submarina, terrestre, percepción del entorno, manipulación, robótica social, robótica médica, teleoperación, procesamiento de señales biológicos, neurorehabilitación etc. Confiamos, y estamos seguros de ello, que el desarrollo de las jornadas sea completamente productivo no solo para los participantes en las Jornadas que podrán establecer nuevos lazos y relaciones fructíferas entre los diferentes grupos, sino también aquellos investigadores que no hayan podido asistir. Este documento que integra y recoge todas las comunicaciones científicas permitirá un análisis más detallado de cada una de las mismas