42 research outputs found

    Innovative methods of atomic force microscopy in oncology diagnostics

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    The purpose of this work is to study the morphological forms of erythrocytes, and also pathomorphological changes in prostate gland and kidneys with the use of atomic force microscopy (AFM) during oncological processes. Results: The decrease of discocytes was observed, and the number of transitional, pre-hemolytic and degenerative forms of erythrocytes increased. During the study of the external level of erythrocytes using AFM, it was established that the depth of the discocyte cavity counted by the study of a cell profile changed significantl

    Studying effects of external conditions of electrochemical measurements on the photoelectrochemical properties of semiconductors: cyclic voltammetry, impedance spectroscopy, and Mott – Schottky method

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    In this paper, the dependences of the semiconductors’ photoelectrochemical properties on the experimental conditions were studied for the solid solution of CdS and ZnS, graphitic carbon nitride, and the platinized carbon nitride. The cyclic voltammograms were obtained under different scan rates. The sample investigations were carried out by two ways, at the constant external voltage and varied amplitudes and at different external voltages and the fixed amplitude. The Mott – Schottky dependences were studied at different frequencies. The basic dependences of the changes in the photoelectrode target characteristics on the experimental condition were found. Some recommendations for the correct comparison of qualitative and quantitative photoelectrochemical data were formulated.https://doi.org/10.15826/elmattech.2023.2.01

    Application of the similarity theory to analysis of photocatalytic hydrogen production and photocurrent generation

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    In this research some methods of the similarity theory were quantitatively applied to the description of the relationship between the efficiencies of the photocatalytic hydrogen production and photocurrent generation for the first time. Two possible similarity criteria, namely, such as the ratio of the number of electrons involved in the photocatalytic reaction to the generation of photocurrent ones and the ratio of energies transformed in the case of photocatalytic hydrogen evolution to the photocurrent, were obtained by the dimensional analysis. The literature data allow checking the first criterion. The application of the first possible similarity criterion to the samples with different chemical nature, solid solutions, series, in which the synthesis time or the ratio of catalyst components, electrolyte amount or its nature is changed, was analyzed. It was shown that the ratio of electrons may serve as the similarity criterion only under the conditions of geometric and physical similarities

    New approaches to the study of elementosis in obstetrics

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    To study macro- and micronutrients in the tissues of the placenta, umbilical cord, and uterus, as well as the erythrocytes of the mother-placenta-fetus system during pregnancy against the background of thyroid gland (TG) pathology of various origins, diabetes I, and gestational diabetes mellitus (DM

    Photoelectrochemical Properties of Pt- and Ir-Modified Graphitic Carbon Nitride

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    Received: 08.04.2024. Revised: 27.04.2024. Accepted: 27.04.2024. Available online: 07.05.2024.0.5 M Na2SO4 is an ideal electrolyte for testing g-C3N4-based photoelectrodes.Pt- and Ir- modified samples are more active than ones modified with Ir and Pt simultaneously.Noble metal deposition leads to the increase in open circuit voltage.In this work, the photoelectrochemical properties of g-C3N4 modified with Pt, Ir and Ir/Pt bimetallic co-catalysts were studied. All prepared photoelectrodes were tested in a two-electrode cell by cyclic voltammetry, impedance spectroscopy, and the Mott-Schottky method. First, the optimal electrolyte (triethanolamine, NaCl, NaOH, Na2SO4) was selected. The highest photocurrents were recorded in 0.5 M Na2SO4. This electrolyte was used for the subsequent tests. Second, the photoelectrodes loaded with the noble metals are studied. It was shown that in case of monometallic co-catalysts, the deposition of noble metal is accompanied by the decrease of the shortcircuit current density and the growth of open-circuit voltage. The simultaneous presence of bimetallic co-catalysts can significantly affect the semiconductor electron structure and photogalvanic properties. Some correlations between the short-circuit current density and the oxidation state of the noble metals were found. A linear correlation between Pt0/Pt0+Pt2+ and Jsc was observed. It was also shown that the presence of iridium in Ir3+ form favors the photocurrent generation. The highest values of the photocurrent were obtained for g-C3N4 and were equal to 0.57 mA/cm2.This work was funded by the Russian Science Foundation (Grant No. 21-13-00314; https://rscf.ru/en/project/21-13-00314/).The authors thank Sidorenko N. D. for the preparation of Ir-containing photocatalysts, Dr. Vasilchenko D. B. for the synthesis of Pt-contained samples and g-C3N4, Dr. Saraev A. A. for the XPS analysis

    Cell wall functional activity and metal accumulation of halophytic plant species Plantago maritima and Triglochin maritima on the White Sea littoral zone (NW Russia)

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    The presented study supplements the knowledge on ion-exchange capacity, swelling capacity (elasticity) of the plant cell wall, and the accumulation of heavy metals in halophytic species Plantago maritima and Triglochin maritima in the tidal zone of the White Sea western coast. The littoral soils of the coastal territories are sandy or rocky-sandy, medium and slightly saline with poor content of organic substances, Mn, Zn, Ni, and Pb. Studied soils are considered as uncontaminated by heavy metals because they contain background amounts of Fe and Cu. Sea water is significantly polluted by Fe (3.8 MPC) and Ni (55 MPC), has poor content of Zn and Cu and background level of Pb and Mn. The coastal dominant plant species P. maritima and T. maritima were characterized by intensive metals accumulation which was reflected in the coefficient of biological absorption (CBA) of metal by a whole plant. For P. maritima the following metal accumulation series was obtained: Cu (3.29)> Zn (2.81)> Ni (1.57)> Pb (1.30)> Mn (1.21)> Fe (0.97), and for T. maritima: Ni (3.80)> Fe (2.08)> Cu (1.91)> Zn (1.84)> Pb (1.51)> Mn (1.31). Roots accumulated 50–70% of Ni, Cu, Zn, Pb and Mn of the total metal content in the plant while leaves and stems contained 30–50%. Fe was allocated mainly in the roots (80%). The ion-exchange capacity of the plant cell wall for P. maritima and T. maritima was established as follows correspondingly: 3570–3700 and 2710–3070 μmol g-1 dry cell weight per leaf; 2310–2350 and 1160–1250 μmol g-1 dry cell weight per root

    The past, present, prospects and problems of improving the specifi c prevention of brucellosis

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    Brucellosis remains the most widespread zoonotic infection in the world. Th e spread of the infection is controlled by animals vaccination because the high morbidity rate of the population is associated with the spread of infection among livestock. Th e research is ongoing on a commercial preparation of an eff ective and safe vaccine for immunization of humans and animals against brucellosis. Th e review is devoted to the prospects and problems of improving the specifi c prevention of brucellosis. Th e authors analyzed scientifi c publications from various databases of electronic libraries, such as PubMed, e-library, CyberLeninka, etc

    Geriatric aspects in the study of red blood cells

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    The increase of life expectancy is important national task. It is necessary to note, that solving of this problem is impossible without use of innovative approaches. The search of grading scales for qualitative analysis of problem of premature aging of cardiovascular system, which leads to invalidation as well as mortality, is needed. Also, such question is caused by increasing of life expectancy in a number of countries, such as Russian Federation.Увеличение продолжительности жизни является важной общегосударственной задачей. Следует отметить, что решение этой проблемы невозможно без применения инновационных подходов. Необходим поиск оценочных шкал для качественного анализа проблемы преждевременного старения сердечно-сосудистой системы, приводящей как к инвалидизации, так и к смертности. Данный вопрос обусловлен также тем, что в ряде стран, к которым в последнее время можно отнести и Российскую Федерацию, наблюдается увеличение продолжительности жизни


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    Te scientific thematics of all the Anti-Plague institutes, fulfilled within the framework of activity of Commission for the problem “Cholera and human pathogenic vibrios” of the Coordination Scientific Council on sanitary-epidemiological protection of the territory of the Russian Federation, has been adjusted with the aim to enhance effectiveness and practical significance as well as to optimize the time frames and comprehensiveness of research works. In the result, to exclude topic duplication, a decision has been taken about integrated interinstitute development of the most currently actual priority directions of investigations on the problem “Cholera and human pathogenic vibrios”


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    The Rostov-on-Don Anti-Plague Research Institute interacts with a number of health and scientific institutions of the Federal Service on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare Supervision. The basis of this interaction is formed by the activity on execution of existing and development of new regulatory guidance documents; the work of the Reference Center for cholera monitoring; monitoring of the state of natural focal infections in the Rostov Region; the assessment of anti-epidemic preparedness of health care centres; professional training; guidance and practical assistance to comply with biological safety requirements; as well as the fulfillment of relevant scientific research themes