72 research outputs found

    Periodic Monitoring and Recovery of Resources in Information Systems

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    This section deals with the issues of business continuity and recovery after disasters. The authors analyzed standards, laws, and regulations pertaining to the parameters of periodic monitoring and recovery in information systems. This section includes mathematical models of resources and environment periodic monitoring as well as periodic backup and recovery after interruptions or disasters. The work demonstrates that the well-known deterministic periodic monitoring and backup models do not take into account stochastic peculiarities of ergatic systems to the full extent. The authors developed new stochastic models of restricted monitoring and backup that allow taking into consideration resources constrains and random factors of information systems operation. The notion of Bernoulli stream has been introduced. This section suggests the criteria for selecting deterministic or stochastic monitoring and backup models and their combinations. A solution of direct and reverse task of the calculation of control and monitoring procedures frequency is offered. This section also provides a methodology for information system stability management, considering periodic monitoring, rollback, and recovery in case of interruption

    Models for Testing Modifiable Systems

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    The work describes reliability and security growth models for modifiable software systems as a result of revisions and tests performed for specified input data areas. The work shows that the known reliability growth models are of monotonically increasing type, which is not in line with current multi-version team technologies of software development that are primarily based on the open-source code. The authors suggest new non-monotonically increasing models of software reliability evaluation and planning that allow taking into account the effect of decreased reliability resulting from updates or wavefront errors. The work describes the elaborated bigeminal and generic reliability evaluation model as well as the models and test planning procedures. The work includes calculated expressions for the evaluation of the model accuracy and shows that the developed models are adequate to real data. An example is given of transition from probability models to fuzzy models in case of incomplete basic data. The work provides general recommendations for selection of software tool testing models

    Synthesis of a Cr-Cu surface alloy using a low-energy high-current electron beam

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    A Cr-Cu surface alloy is synthesized using successive operations of Cr film deposition followed by mixing in a melted phase with the Cu substrate by a low-energy, high-current electron beam (LEHCEB). The parameters of LEHCEB are as follows: electron energy 20–30 keV and pulse duration 2–4 μs. Depending on the LEHCEB energy density, the concentration of Cr in the alloy is in the range from 60 to 20 at.%. The alloy microstructure has been analyzed, and its morphology is shown to represent nanosized chromium particles measuring 10–30 nm uniformly distributed in the copper matrix. The synthesized Cr-Cu surface alloys demonstrate a more than a factor of 3 a decrease in wear coefficient, which is nearly as low as the wear coefficient of Cr coatings. Some defects such as networks of cracks and pores, are observed in the lengthy regions of chromium. They are attributed to the tensile thermal stresses taking place during solidified melt cooling due to a large difference between the thermal expansion coefficients of copper and chromium. Keywords: Surface alloy, Cr-Cu alloy, Pulsed electron beam, Wear resistance, Nanostructurin

    Computing unite of a mobile computer vision system

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    The work is devoted to the computing unite of a mobile computer vision system and developing his algorithmic software. We developed hardware-implemented the convolutional neural networks on a field programmable gate array. A study of the performance and power consumption of variants of the computing unite

    Особенности решения уравнений метода обратной задачи для синтеза устойчивого управляемого движения шагающих роботов

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    Рассматривается задача синтеза управляемого движения шагающих роботов методом обратной задачи. Уравнения метода обратной задачи представляются с помощью методов динамики связанных систем тел, как уравнения движения свободных тел и уравнения связей. Введены различные группы уравнений связей — для задания походки робота, для выполнения условий устойчивости робота и для согласованного движения заданных звеньев робота. Ключевая особенность уравнений метода обратной задачи в такой постановке состоит в наличии вторых производных координат системы в уравнениях связей, обеспечивающих поддержание роботом вертикального положения. Однозначное решение таких уравнений в общем случае невозможно из-за неопределенности начальных условий для множителей Лагранжа. Рассмотрен приближенный метод решения обратной задачи без учета инерционных составляющих в уравнениях связей, определяющих устойчивость робота. Выписаны уравнения связей, которые определяют согласованное движение отдельных звеньев робота и необходимые для однозначного решения задачи на основе приближенных уравнений. Представлена реализация методов синтеза программного движения в системе управления робота андроида АР600. Выполнено сравнение теоретических и экспериментальных показателей управляемого движения. Установлено, что при достигнутой высокой точности управления следящими приводами относительными движениями звеньев робота с погрешностью несколько процентов, показатели абсолютных движений робота, в частности, углы крена, рыскания и тангажа, отличаются от программных на 30-40%. Показано, что предложенный метод позволяет синтезировать управление роботом в квазистатическом режиме для различных типов движений — вперед, вбок, движение по ступенькам, наклоны и так далее