55 research outputs found

    Small for gestational age in mild and moderate preterm delivery at Split University Hospital Centre: effect of delivery mode on neonatal outcome a three year retrospective study

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    In the present study, we aim to assess whether there is a difference in cesarean delivery incidence in moderate and mild preterm birth. This retrospective study included singleton pregnancies with moderate and mild preterm birth in the period from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2017. The following variables were investigated: maternal age (years), parity, week of pregnancy (≤32-33+6/7 and 34-36+6/7 ), and mode of delivery (vaginal and cesarean section), birth weight (grams) and 5 min Apgar score (≤7, 8-10). Five hundred and eighty six women had preterm delivery in that period and 521 met inclusion criteria. Sixty-nine were born from 32-33+6/7 and 452 from 34-36+6/7 weeks of pregnancy. There was not a statistically significant difference in the age and parity between groups (p=0.6406). There was a statistically significant difference in delivery mode (χ2=21.5634; p<0.001), the rate of small for gestational age (SGA) neonates (χ2=22.6002; p<0.001) and Apgar score (χ2=77.8317; p<0.01) between the study groups. Statistical analysis revealed the difference in APGAR score according to delivery mode between moderate and mild SGA newborns (χ2=16.2398; p<0.0001). We found a difference in incidence of cesarean delivery according to the relation of newborn weight with gestational age between the investigated groups. (χ2=43.8247; p<0.0001). We found a correlation of APGAR score and mode of delivery in mild (χ2=24.3262; p<0.0004) but not in moderate (χ2=5.8245; p<0.4413) newborns. There was a statistical difference in APGAR score according to mode of delivery in mild and moderate SGA newborns (χ2=16.2398; p<0.001). In conclusion, we found that the delivery mode has no impact on perinatal outcome according to APGAR score in the 5th minute. There is increased incidence of SGA and cesarean delivery in moderate preterm group. There is a difference in APGAR score in 5th minute between mild and moderate preterm infants. In subgroup of SGA newborns, delivery mode has an impact on APGAR score in the 5th minute. Increased incidence of SGA babies in moderate preterm birth group could be an indicator of hostile intrauterine environment and preterm birth could be seen as a protective mechanism

    Severe preterm preeclampsia - associated posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome

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    Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome (PRES) is a clinical syndrome which causes non-specific neurological symptoms such as visual impairment (cortical blindness, diplopia, hemianopia), acute headaches, seizures (focal or general tonic-clonic), vomiting, altered mental status, focal neurologic deficit as a complication of preeclampsia. Preeclampsia is a serious complication specific for pregnancy, characterized by hypertension (systolic > 140 mm Hg and/or diastolic > 90 mm Hg) and proteinuria (> 300 mg u 24-h urine sample , > 1 +) at or after 20th week of gestation. It is one of the leading causes of perinatal morbidity and mortality. We present a 38-year-old pregnant woman, gravida 1 para 0 with PRES which was manifested on the second day after delivery by Cesarean section at 32 weeks of gestation with aphasia and blindness caused by severe preeclampsia. We confirmed the diagnosis by MRI which revealed white matter edema in the posterior cerebral area in a symmetric fashion, hyper intense cortical foci in the right occipital lobe and punctiform lesions in the bilateral occipital lobe. We treated her promptly in the intensive care unit (ICU) with antihypertensive and anticonvulsant therapy after which she fully recovered. PRES should always be kept in mind when a patient in the postpartum period develops one of the above symptoms. If timely recognized and promptly treated, full recover usually follows

    Student relationship management model in e-education

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    савременим системима електронског образовања студент представља кључни субјекат који има најзначајнији утицај на исход образовног процеса. Управљање односима са студентима се разматра као један од метода за унапређење процеса комуникације између образовне институције и студената. Развој и свеприсутност информационо-комуникационих технологија омогућује примену напредних алата и сервиса за управљање односима са студентима. Системи електронског образовања обезбеђују нове начине комуникације и сарадње са студентима. Предмет истраживања докторске дисертације је развој модела за управљање односима са студентима у електронском образовању. Главна хипотеза која је развијена и доказана у оквиру докторске дисертације јесте да се имплементацијом система за управљање односима са студентима и његовом интеграцијом у систем електронског образовања побољшавају перформансе образовног процеса, остварује висок степен колаборације међу учесницима у образовању и постиже веће задовољство и лојалност студената. Систем за управљање односима са студентима обезбеђује низ сервиса и алата који омогућују комуникацију и сарадњу свих учесника у образовном процесу, промоцију образовних институција и одржавање успешних односа са студентима током и након студирања. У дисертацији се разматрају различите технологије и платформе које се могу применити у развоју система за управљање односима са студентима: cloud computing, управљање дигиталним идентитетима, друштвени медији, технологије за аналитику, мобилне технологије. Анализирана су софтверска решења за управљање односима са студентима и системи за управљање учењем на даљину. Дата је детаљна анализа досадашњих резултата истраживања из области управљања односима са студентима. У централном делу дисертације дефинисан је модел за управљање односима са студентима, као и метод за интеграцију са постојећим системом за управљање учењем. Предложени модел обухвата Докторска дисертација: Модел управљања односима са студентима у електронском образовању инфраструктуру и архитектуру система за управљање односима са студентима, модел реализације пословних процеса, као и модел евалуације система...In modern e-learning systems student is the key subject that has the most important impact on learning process outcome. Student relationship management is considered as one of the methods for improving process of communication between educational institutions and students. Development and ubiquity of ICT foster application of sophisticated tools and services for student relationship management. Further, e-learning systems provide new ways of communication and collaboration with students. The subject of this thesis is development of model for student relationship management in e-education. Main hypothesis that is developed and proved in the dissertation is that implementation of system for student relationship management and integration into a learning management system improve performance of the educational process, provide high degree of collaboration among stakeholders in education and increase student satisfaction and loyalty. System for student relationship management provides plethora of services and tools that enable communication and collaboration among all entities in educational process, promotion of educational institutions and maintaining good relationships with students before and after graduating. Different technologies and platforms are discussed as solutions for development of system for student relationship management: cloud computing, digital identity management, social media, technologies for data analytics and mobile technologies. Software solutions for student relationship management and learning management systems are analyzed. Detailed analysis of scientific researches and results within the area of student relationship management was provided. In the central part of the dissertation, model for student relationship management was defined in details. Further, method for integration of the model and existing learning management system, Moodle. Suggested model included both infrastructure and architecture of the system for student relationship management, model for business processes realization, as well as model for evaluation. Докторска дисертација: Модел управљања односима са студентима у електронском образовању In experimental part of the doctoral thesis developed model for student relationship management was used in realization of educational process at Laboratory for e- Business, Faculty of Organizational Sciences. The research results showed that implemented model and its integration with system for e-learning contribute to better collaboration and communication between students and educational institution and increase performances of the educational process. Analysis of results showed that model was flexible, extensible, modular and enabled integration of different services within student relationship management system. The model can be applied as standard system and pattern for improvement of e-education process within higher institutions for higher education in Serbia..

    Etiologija preeklampsije

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    Preeklampsija (PE) je najčešći oblik hipertenzivne bolesti u trudnoći, a javlja se s učestalošću od 2–7% te značajno doprinosi perinatalnom mortalitetu i morbiditetu. Klinički se manifestira kao pojava hipertenzije nakon 20. tjedna trudnoće u prethodno normotenzivnih žena, s vrijednostima sistoličkog i dijastoličkog tlaka većim od ≥18,7 kPa (≥140 mmHg) i ≥12 kPa (≥90 mmHg) u dva mjerenja u razmaku većem od 6 sati te proteinurijom. Točna patofiziologija bolesti nije jasna, ali se najčešće smatra da je riječ o poremetnji placentacije koja u konačnici dovodi do disfunkcije endotela. Jedina konačna terapija preeklampsije je porođaj

    Diskordantni rast u dikorionskih blizanaca i rizik prijevremenog porođaja

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    The aim was to determine whether discordant twin growth has an impact on preterm birth in dichorionic pregnancies. This retrospective study included dichorionic twin pregnancies in the period from January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2015. The following variables were investigated: maternal age (years), parity, body mass index (kg/m2), week (≤366/7 and ≥37) and mode of delivery (vaginal and cesarean section), birth weight (grams) and Apgar score (≤7, 8-10). Discordant twin growth in dichorionic pregnancies was found to be associated with preterm birth (χ2=4.74; p=0.03) but had no impact on the mode of delivery (χ2=0.119; p=0.73). There was a statistically significant difference in the rate of small for gestational age (SGA) neonates (χ2=16.4556; p=0.000267) and Apgar score (χ2=7.9931; p<0.05) between the study groups. Mode of conception in dichorionic pregnancies was not a risk factor for preterm delivery (χ2=1.417; p=0.23). In conclusion, discordant twin growth in dichorionic pregnancies is a risk factor for preterm delivery and has no impact on the mode of delivery but has an impact on the rate of SGA and Apgar score.Cilj istraživanja je bio ustanoviti ima li diskordantni rast blizanaca u dikorionskim blizanačkim trudnoćama utjecaja na pojavnost prijevremenog porođaja. U studiju su uključene dikorionske blizanačke trudnoće u razdoblju od 1. siječnja 2013. do 31. prosinca 2015. Istraživane varijable su bile majčinska dob (godine), paritet, indeks tjelesne mase (kg/m2), način po-rođaja (vaginalno i carski rez), porođajna masa (grami) i zbroj APGAR (≤7, 8-10). U blizanačkim trudnoćama s diskordantnim rastom bila je veća učestalost prijevremenog porođaja (χ2=4,74; p=0,03), ali nije bilo razlike u načinu dovršetka trudnoće ­između istraživanih skupina (χ2=0,119; p=0,73). Utvrđena je statistički značajna razlika u pojavnosti hipotrofične djece (χ2=16,4556; p=0,000267) i zbroju APGAR (χ2=7,9931; p<0,05) između istraživanih skupina. Način zanošenja u dikorionskim trudnoćama nije bio činitelj rizika za prijevremeni porođaj u istraživanim skupinama (χ2=1,417; p=0,23). Zaključno, diskordantni rast blizanaca u dikorionskim trudnoćama predstavlja činitelj rizika za prijevremeni porođaj, hipotrofiju novorođenčadi i niži zbroj APGAR, ali nema utjecaja na način dovršetka trudnoće

    Developing service-oriented application for the educational cloud

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    In this paper we present an application which is used for cloud computing infrastructure management. The application is based on web services and it is integrated with an existing e-learning system. Main users of the applications are teachers and students and the application consists of two main parts which are web application and mobile application. The application is successfully implemented at the e-Business Laboratory of the Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Belgrade

    O riječima hrvatskoga književnoga jezika

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    Field survey and trial excavations during the construction of the Vinkovci bypass route

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    U terenskom pregledu i probnim iskopavanjima na izgradnji dijela istočne obilaznice grada Vinkovaca između Mirkovaca i Nuštra zabilježeno je postojanje nekoliko arheoloških nalazišta. Trasa obilaznice prolazi sjeveroistočnim rubom grada te prelazi preko blagih uzvišenja na čijim su površinama prikupljeni malobrojni keramički nalazi. S područja Vinkovaca i okolice dosad su poznata brojna arheološka nalazišta koja ukazuju na iznimno gustu naseljenost tijekom svih razdoblja, čemu se uzrok pronalazi kako u postojanju povoljnih uvjeta za poljodjelstvo, tako i u položaju na važnim komunikacijskim pravcima koji su vodili jugom Panonske nizine.The Institute of Archaeology, in collaboration with the Archaeological Department of the Vinkovci Municipal Museum, carried out a field survey and trial excavation for the construction of a part of the eastern bypass around the Vinkovci. The route of the bypass runs along the north-eastern edge of the town, across gentle elevations placed between Mirkovci and Nuštar (Fig. 1). It is a part of the town where archaeological sites are already known, primarily on the basis of the collected surface finds and conducted minor rescue excavations. In a field survey and trial excavations three archaeological sites were found which confirms the dense population of the Vinkovci area during all time periods


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    Pojedine riječi koje se susreću u čakavskom ili u kajkavskom narječju, vrlo se često smatraju posebnošću toga narječja, bez potrebne provjere njihove upotrebe u organskim idiomima ostalih hrvatskih narječja. U ovom se radu, na temelju konkretnih primjera, pozornost posvećuje riječima koje su zajedničke čakavskim i kajkavskim organskim idiomima, odnosno čakavskim i štokavskim mjesnim govorima, ili pak govorima svih triju hrvatskih narječja. Zaključuje se da je takav zajednički temeljni hrvatski leksik znatan, ali do sada nedovoljno istraživan.Certain words that can be found in the Chakavian or Kajkavian dialects are very often considered to be a particularity of that dialect without the necessary verification of their use in the organic idioms of other Croatian dialects. This paper, based on specific examples, pays attention to those words that are common to both the Chakavian and Kajkavian organic idioms, i.e. the Chakavian and Shtokavian vernaculars, and the vernaculars of all three Croatian dialects. The work ends with the conclusion that this common basic Croatian lexis is substantial, but that so far, it has been insufficiently researched.Alcune parole che s’incontrano nel dialetto ciacavo o caicavo si ritengono molto spesso particolaritŕ di quei dialetti, senza il necessario riscontro del loro uso negli idiomi organici degli altri dialetti croati. In questo lavoro, sulla base di esempi concreti, si rivolge l’attenzione alle parole che sono comuni agli idiomi organici ciacavi e caicavi, alle parlate locali ciacave e stocave, o alle parlate di tutti e tre i dialetti croati. Si conclude che questo lessico comune di base croato č rilevante, ma finora insufficientemente studiato