19 research outputs found

    Photos of study area at the Digital Camera Platform VENUS location in Saanich Inlet.

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    <p>The pictures show bacterial mats and megafauna. A. Oct 6′09– Medium <i>Munida</i> on dense mat; thick bands on white scale are 10 cm apart. B. Nov 18′09– Tiny <i>Spirontocaris</i>, large <i>Munida</i>, <i>Lyopsetta</i> in pits created by the flatfish (and a fir cone); note diminishing mat. C. Dec 14′09– Maximum <i>Spirontocaris</i> abundance; medium <i>Munida</i> and one <i>Lyopsetta</i> in the image. D. Feb 12′10– Large <i>Munida</i> on a smoothed seafloor with no mat; zooplankton include euphausiids and amphipods. E. Apr 1′10– Abundant large and medium <i>Munida</i> beside camera leg. F. May 28′10– Image illustrates a turbid event (caused by resuspended sediment) that obscures distal areas. G. Jul 10′10– Seafloor has diatom layer and bacterial mat; the black area is lifted mat that reveals likely sulphidic sediment. Small Munida on camera foot where animal activity has cleared the sediment. H. Sep 24′10– Visibility now reduced by biofilm on camera.</p

    Dissolved oxygen levels at 102 m depth on the camera platform (DCF) in Saanich Inlet for the time of the study.

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    <p>Plotted values are averages of the measurements every minute in the hour encompassing the image capture. Horizontal bars are mean values representing three distinct periods of progressively less severe hypoxia, from October 13, 2009 to January 1, 2010 (average O<sub>2</sub> = 0.81 kPa), from January 4, 2010 to May 3, 2010 (average O<sub>2</sub> = 1.24 kPa) and from May 5, 2010 to September 20, 2010 (average O<sub>2</sub> = 2.17 kPa).</p

    Results of the Principal Component of Neighbor Matrices (PCNM).

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    <p>The PCNM was conducted on the 3 main species encountered in the study area (Squat lobster <i>Munida quadrispina</i>, the flatfish <i>Lyopsetta exilis</i> and the shrimp <i>Spirontocaris sica</i>). Values in the lower part of the table are the exact p-values (* p<0.05, ** p<0.01).</p

    Temperature and dissolved oxygen recorded at the 95 m seafloor instrument platform (VIP) on VENUS in Saanich Inlet.

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    <p>Black line = temperature and grey line = oxygen. The period of this study is circumscribed by the box.</p

    Criteria defined to estimate the visibility in the study area.

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    <p>Criteria defined to estimate the visibility in the study area.</p

    The common species recorded by the camera on VENUS in Saanich Inlet.

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    <p>The right image (Nov. 25, 2009) with <i>Spirontocaris</i> (A), <i>Lyopsetta exilis</i> (B), <i>Munida quadrispina</i> (C), <i>Plectobranchus evides</i> (D) and traces of bacterial mat (E). The left image with numerous <i>Spirontocaris sica</i> was taken on Dec 09, 2009. Images about 20 and 30 cm across.</p

    Redundancy analysis correlation biplot of the observations dates, species and environmental variables.

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    <p>Saanich Inlet. Canonical redundancy analysis is based on the transformed species abundance of macrobenthic communities reported in the camera field of view in Saanich Inlet. Ave 1 hr: hourly average, Max 1 hr: hourly maximum, Median 1 hr: hourly median, Min 1 hr: hourly minimum, Range 1 hr: hourly range, STD1hr: hourly standard deviation.</p

    Densities of <i>M. quadrispina</i> life stages between October 2009 and October 2010 in the camera field of view in Saanich Inlet.

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    <p>The black curve depicts the levels of oxygen saturation and the black lines the presence of bacterial mats. The notable abundance decrease around June 1<sup>st</sup> occurs at a time of very low visibility and may be an artifact.</p

    Study site.

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    <p>A. Saanich Inlet is on southern Vancouver Island, British Columbia on the Canadian Pacific coast. B. In Patricia Bay the <i>Camera,</i> located on a muddy bottom, was connected to a seafloor platform (<i>DCF</i>) that held the power controller and a CTD and O<sub>2</sub> sensor; the <i>Cable</i> connects the VENUS Saanich <i>Node</i> to the Shore Station. The Node also serves the nearby instrument platform (<i>VIP</i>).</p