54 research outputs found

    Static analysis of continuous beam with numerical method (FEM)

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    Finite element method is a method of analysis and simulation of current real phenomena. This paper focuses on this method, applied through finite element analysis program Matlab, presenting a structural analysis application useful in the field of forest, mechanical and structural engineering. Program designed by the authors using the finite element tool engineer put in hand work necessary to optimize the design, with positive effects on the complete analysis of stress and tensions in continuous beams

    One-Cycle Pruning: Pruning ConvNets Under a Tight Training Budget

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    Introducing sparsity in a neural network has been an efficient way to reduce its complexity while keeping its performance almost intact. Most of the time, sparsity is introduced using a three-stage pipeline: 1) train the model to convergence, 2) prune the model according to some criterion, 3) fine-tune the pruned model to recover performance. The last two steps are often performed iteratively, leading to reasonable results but also to a time-consuming and complex process. In our work, we propose to get rid of the first step of the pipeline and to combine the two other steps in a single pruning-training cycle, allowing the model to jointly learn for the optimal weights while being pruned. We do this by introducing a novel pruning schedule, named One-Cycle Pruning, which starts pruning from the beginning of the training, and until its very end. Adopting such a schedule not only leads to better performing pruned models but also drastically reduces the training budget required to prune a model. Experiments are conducted on a variety of architectures (VGG-16 and ResNet-18) and datasets (CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100 and Caltech-101), and for relatively high sparsity values (80%, 90%, 95% of weights removed). Our results show that One-Cycle Pruning consistently outperforms commonly used pruning schedules such as One-Shot Pruning, Iterative Pruning and Automated Gradual Pruning, on a fixed training budget.Comment: Accepted at Sparsity in Neural Networks (SNN 2021

    Influence of variety and fertilizers on 1000-grain weight in winter wheat, under conditions of Dobrogea

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    1000-grain weight is a polygene determinism trait, highly influenced by environment. Therefore, establishing a soil background on which 1000-grain weight is the highest, has a special importance. The genetic component involved in controlling the grain size was important in breeding this trait. In achieving 1000-grain weight, the specific interaction between variety x fertilization level pointed out the following aspects: some varieties, like Romulus and Dor, did not react at increased nitrogen and phosphorus rates; on N80P70 soil background, as compared to N0P0, Alex and Flamura 85 varieties achieved bigger grains, with 2.3 g and 1.8 g, respectively, significantly assured differences, while the Rapid variety achieved bigger grains with 4.8 g, very significantly assured differences. On N120P70 soil background, as compared to N0P0, Alex, Boema, Delabrad and Lovrin 34 varieties achieved bigger grains, with 1.8 and 2.2 g, respectively, significantly assured differences. As compared to unfertilized N0P0 background, only one variety, Lovrin 34 achieved the biggest grains with 2.0 g, significantly assured differences. The highest 1000-grain weight was obtained at the variant fertilized with N80P70 (41.7 g), and among varieties, we noticed Rapid, on N80P70 soil background

    Influence of fertilization on winter wheat yield, under the ecological conditions from the agricultural Research Station of Valu Lui Traian, Constanţa County

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    Winter wheat is a crop, which capitalizes very efficiently high fertilizer levels. Therefore, applying 80 kg/ ha active ingredient of N, together with 70 kg/ha active ingredient of P, has resulted in a statistically assured very significant yield increases of 1550 kg/ha (143 %), the average of the nine tested wheat varieties. Maintaining a constant phosphorus soil background (70 kg/ha active ingredient), corroborated to the application of other two nitrogen levels, higher with 40 kg/ha active ingredient of N, led to significant yield increases. From the N0P0 unfertilized background to the N80P70 background, a yield increase of 1550 kg/ha can be achieved. It diminished until 1090 kg/ha between N80P70 and N120P70 soil background and until 430 kg/ha between N120P70 and N160P70 soil background. The interaction between wheat varieties and fertilization rates pointed out the Alex Variety and the N160P70 fertilization rate, with a yield of 7800 kg/ha

    Comments on the useful and harmful entomofauna according to some treatment seed corn and wheat lots of years, 2011-2012, Trifeşti SC Astra SRL, Iaşi

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    In this paper we propose to make some observations on the useful and harmful entomofauna semnicere two lots and two lots of wheat seed corn. Observations were made in 2012. The culture of wheat seedlings, observations were made in spring varieties and drop, and two varieties of corn produced by a multinational. The research was took place and during 2012, especially Phases of growth 0 – (Sprouting - East) Phases of growth 0,5 - (two leaves fully formed) Phases of growth 1 - (four leaves fully formed). The study was conducted in order to track and have followed the main pests of this crop, it was made regular observations directly on the farm. In addition to direct observations on the farm, also harvesting samples and evidence using the beeing method and traps soil type Barber. Specify that in the stationary from the SC Astra Trifesti, Iasi County, samples collected was made from different seed lots in terms of cultivation technology

    The effect of the compost used as fertilizer upon the production of some maize hybrids

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    In the climatic conditions of 2005-2007 years, with higher temperatures than the multi-annual average (0.4 – 1.4 o C) and precipitations with higher values in 2005 (with 157.7 mm) and smaller in 2006 and 2007 (with 139.1 respective 220.3 mm) compared with the multi-annual average, on a gleic faeoziom soil from Caraclău, Bacău district, it was organized a experience with three factors regarding increasing dozes of compost, compared with chemical fertilization and without fertilization, at three maize hybrids (Dana, Elan and Turda SU 210) and two sowing density (48000 and 60000 germinal seeds/ha), in order to practice biological agriculture. After researches were accomplished it was observed that grain production (the average 2005-2007) had the higher value at the variant which was fertilized with 30 t/ ha compost, 6671 kg/ha, with a significant difference of 1883 kg/ha compared with the variant which was unfertilized and a difference of 939 kg/ha compared with the variant which was chemical fertilized (N160P80K80). Turda SU 210 hybrid realized the biggest production of 6671 kg/ha, with a very significant difference than the hybrids Dana and Elan, and density of 60000 germinal seeds/ha determined a significant difference of 317 kg/ha than the 48000 germinal seeds/ha. The interaction between compost 30t/ha X Turda SU 210 X 60000 germinal seeds/ha realized the higher grain production, with an average on the three years, of 6847 kg/ha

    Research on the influence of organic products number of tubers/nest ecological conditions at SC Astra Trifesti SRL, Iaşi

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    In this paper we propose to determine the number of tubers / nest from three potato varieties grown in organic conditions Bivolari micro area, village Trifesti The experience was located within Agricole Society Trifesti Astra, company standard of agriculture in Romania. From a climate perspective, the area is characterized by cold winters and hot summers.It was installed on trifactorial experiences in 3 repetitions of the type 4Ax3Bx2C, being studied five varieties of potato. In this paper we present partial results of three varieties Factors are studied, A Factor – Foliar fertilizing, with graduations, a1- not fertilized,a2 – NPK,a3- ECO 1,a4- ECO 2, B Factor– Foliar fertiliozing : b- Adora A, România, variety, b2 - Adora E, Olanda, variety, b3- Velox A, Factorul C – vegetation treatment with organic herbicide: c1- treatment with Novodor ( 4l/ha),c2 treatment with NeemAzal (2l/ha). The analysis of data, it was found that the three varieties, Adora A, România, variety, b2 - Adora E, Olanda, variety, b3- Velox A,România, behaved positively registering positive differences from not fertilized var

    Observation on useful and harmful entomofauna according to some treatment applied to maize seeds lots for hybridation in environmental conditions of Astra Trifesti Srl Iaşi

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    The research is aimed at achieving a study on harmful and useful Entomofauna in some agricultural crops seed located in the territory of SC Astra Trifesti, Iasi County. The objectives fall within the current directions of biological research on biodiversity knowledge and different groups of insects in horticultural research on knowledge entomofauna useful and trophic relations established between parasites and their hosts represented by insect pests in agriculture. Mainly these issues will follow the corn seed lots produced in different Socet companies. The research was took place and during 2011, especially Phases of growth 0 – (Sprouting - East) Phases of growth 0,5 - (two leaves fully formed) Phases of growth 1 - (four leaves fully formed) Phases of growth 1,5 - (six leaves fully formed), Phases of growth 2 - eight fully formed leaves), Phases of growth 2,5 -(ten leaves fully formed). The main pests of this crop are: Tanymecus dilaticolli, Agriotes spp., Scotia segetum Schiff, Ostrinia nubilalis Hb, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera Le Conte, Anoxia villosa L. The study was conducted in order to track and have followed the main pests of this crop, it was made regular observations directly on the farm. In addition to direct observations on the farm, also harvesting samples and evidence using the beeing method and traps soil type Barber. Specify that in the stationary from the SC Astra Trifesti, Iasi County, samples collected was made from different seed lots in terms of cultivation technology