42 research outputs found

    Inhibition of <i>Paracoccidioides lutzii Pb</i>01 Isocitrate Lyase by the Natural Compound Argentilactone and Its Semi-Synthetic Derivatives

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    <div><p>The dimorphic fungus <i>Paracoccidioides</i> spp. is responsible for paracoccidioidomycosis, the most prevalent systemic mycosis in Latin America, causing serious public health problems. Adequate treatment of mycotic infections is difficult, since fungi are eukaryotic organisms with a structure and metabolism similar to those of eukaryotic hosts. In this way, specific fungus targets have become important to search of new antifungal compound. The role of the glyoxylate cycle and its enzymes in microbial virulence has been reported in many fungal pathogens, including <i>Paracoccidioides</i> spp. Here, we show the action of argentilactone and its semi-synthetic derivative reduced argentilactone on recombinant and native isocitrate lyase from <i>Paracoccidioides lutzii Pb</i>01 (<i>Pb</i>ICL) in the presence of different carbon sources, acetate and glucose. Additionally, argentilactone and its semi-synthetic derivative reduced argentilactone exhibited relevant inhibitory activity against <i>P. lutzii Pb</i>01 yeast cells and dose-dependently influenced the transition from the mycelium to yeast phase. The other oxygenated derivatives tested, epoxy argentilactone and diol argentilactone<b>-</b>, did not show inhibitory action on the fungus. The results were supported by <i>in silico</i> experiments.</p></div

    Inhibitory effect of the compounds on the <i>Pb</i>ICL activity.

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    #<p><i>Pb</i>ICL activity in the crude protein extract of <i>Paracoccidioides lutzii Pb</i>01 yeast cells;</p>.<p>U = 1 µmol of glyoxylate-phenylhydrazone per minute;</p><p><b>*</b><i>p</i><0.05;</p><p><b>**</b>N.I. = No inhibition found.</p

    Effect of argentilactone and its derivatives reduced argentilactone, epoxy argentilactone, and diol argentilactone on <i>P. lutzii Pb</i>01 yeast cells growth.

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    <p>Samples containing 10<sup>5</sup>, 10<sup>4</sup>, and 10<sup>3 </sup><i>Paracoccidioides Pb</i>01 yeast cells were spotted onto MMcM agar medium containing glucose or acetate and supplemented with argentilactone, reduced argentilactone, epoxy argentilactone, and diol argentilactone at different concentrations for seven days. <b>A</b>) argentilactone; <b>B</b>) reduced argentilactone; <b>C</b>) epoxy argentilactone; <b>D</b>) diol argentilactone. The growth of 10<sup>5 </sup><i>P. lutzii Pb</i>01 yeast cells was observed by spectrophotometer (520 nm) in medium containing glucose (<b>E</b>) or acetate (<b>F</b>). *p<0,05.</p

    Molecular surface representation of PbICL and the three-dimensional structures of A) 1, B) 3, C) 4, and D) isocitrate (native ligand) in the PbICL binding pocket and key interactions of PbICL with the best conformation (mode 1) of each compound (orange).

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    <p>Ligplots of the compounds in binding pocket of PbICL. Pink circles indicate residues involved in hydrogen-bond polar or charged interactions; green circles indicate residues involved in van der Waals interactions. Dashed lines represent stronger interactions. The PbICL residues that interact with the compounds are shown, and the dashed lines represent stronger interactions. Oxygen is colored red. The structures of the compounds shown refer to the lowest Fscore obtained in mode 1 from the docking simulations with AutoDock Vina. The grid was defined considering only the region of the PbICL site using sizex = sizey = sizez = 20 Å, centerx = 21.37 Å, centerx = 1.14 Å, and centerz = 10.83 Å.</p

    Dynamic profile for RMSD obtained in molecular dynamic simulations of <i>Pb</i>ICL after 20 ns.

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    <p>Superimposition of the homology model (red) and molecular dynamic structure (yellow) of <i>Pb</i>ICL is shown. The molecular dynamic-model structure was obtained using the program g_cluster, which determined the conformation that best represents the last 10 ns of the trajectory.</p

    Intermolecular energies of the compounds in binding pocket of <i>Pb</i>ICL.

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    <p><sup>1</sup>Lennard-Jones Energies inside the shortest cutof (Short-Range);</p><p><sup>2</sup>Coulomb potential within rcoulomb cutof (Short-Range);</p><p><sup>3</sup>non-bonded terms only were considered;</p><p><sup>a</sup>Accessible Surface Area (ASA) to the solvent in binding pocket of <i>Pb</i>ICL.</p>§<p>Accessible Surface Area to the solvent of the compound without the presence of <i>Pb</i>ICL, but maintaining its conformation conferred in the binding pocket.</p

    Inhibitory effect of the argentilactone on the <i>Pb</i>ICL activity from phases of <i>Paracoccidioides lutzii Pb</i>01.

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    <p>The values correspond to specific activity in U = 1 µmol of glyoxylate-phenylhydrazone per minute;</p><p>C: Control without argentilactone;</p><p>T: Treated with 18 µg/mL of argentilactone;</p><p>*<i>p</i><0.05.</p