17 research outputs found

    Russulaceae BEAST alignment

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    Multigene alignment of GenBank sequences and sequences generated for this study for 4 loci (ITS 1-434, LSU 435-1271, rpb1 (intron 1272-2054, exon 2055-2762), rpb2 3458). Ambiguous site alignments in ITS were excluded using gblocks

    Russula multigene alignment

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    Multigene alignment of sequences from vouchered specimens identified by taxonomic experts for 4 loci (ITS 1-953, LSU 954-1902, rpb1 (intron 1903-2559, exon 2560-3267), and rpb2 3268-4049)

    Clustertree 1.0

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    File package for a command line program for the unreleased phylommand software package. This algorithm clusters sequence sets based on branch length cutoffs from a phylogeny

    Russula multigene ML tree

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    Maximum likelihood reconstruction of mutigene alignment inferred in raxmlGUI 1.2 executing 1000 rapid ML bootstrapped replicates

    Russula mega-phylogeny ultrametric tree

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    Megaphylogeny ultrametricized using a nonparametric rate smoothing method implemented in r8s

    Russula mega-phylogeny alignment

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    Nexus file of global clustered MOTU's from GenBank and sequences generated for this study for 4 loci (ITS 1-845, LSU 846-1800, rpb1 1801-3114, and rpb2 3115-3927). Note: in a mega-phylogeny approach multigene loci are taken from clustered sets based on sequence similarity and are not necessarily sequences from identified voucher sequence

    Russulaceae BEAST tree

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    Chronogram of members of Agaricomycetidae and Russulales inferred from three independent runs in BEAST 2 with 50,000,000 generations and a 10% burn-in. Calibrations used mean age estimates of Russulales, Boletales, Agaricales, Agaricomycetidae, and the ancestral node of all three orders from Floudas et al. 2012

    Russula multigene Bayesian tree

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    Bayesian multigene phylogeny inferred in MrBayes version 3.2.2. for 1,000,000 generations with default priors

    Russula mega-phylogeny ML constrained tree

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    Maximum likelihood phylogenetic reconstruction of clustered global GenBank sequences using a constraint tree implemented in RaXML

    Table_1_A new order, Entrophosporales, and three new Entrophospora species in Glomeromycota.DOCX

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    As a result of phylogenomic, phylogenetic, and morphological analyses of members of the genus Claroideoglomus, four potential new glomoid spore-producing species and Entrophospora infrequens, a new order, Entrophosporales, with one family, Entrophosporaceae (=Claroideoglomeraceae), was erected in the phylum Glomeromycota. The phylogenomic analyses recovered the Entrophosporales as sister to a clade formed by Diversisporales and Glomeraceae. The strongly conserved entrophosporoid morph of E. infrequens, provided with a newly designated epitype, was shown to represent a group of cryptic species with the potential to produce different glomoid morphs. Of the four potential new species, three enriched the Entrophosporales as new Entrophospora species, E. argentinensis, E. glacialis, and E. furrazolae, which originated from Argentina, Sweden, Oman, and Poland. The fourth fungus appeared to be a glomoid morph of the E. infrequens epitype. The physical association of the E. infrequens entrophosporoid and glomoid morphs was reported and illustrated here for the first time. The phylogenetic analyses, using nuc rDNA and rpb1 concatenated sequences, confirmed the previous conclusion that the genus Albahypha in the family Entrophosporaceae sensu Oehl et al. is an unsupported taxon. Finally, the descriptions of the Glomerales, Entrophosporaceae, and Entrophospora were emended and new nomenclatural combinations were introduced.</p